[grisbi-bugs] [Grisbi 0001857]: grisbi categories mismatch between two OS (Ubuntu/Windows 10)

Grisbi Bug Tracker bugtracker at grisbi.org
Mer 18 Juil 21:01:47 CEST 2018

A NOTE has been added to this issue.

 (0004579) Autiwa (reporter) - 2018-07-18 21:01
Ii made a copy a few month ago, possibly before trying to use it on windows.
Here are some notable differences:
On the old one, I have:
	<Category Nb="15" Na="Frais financiers" Kd="1" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="1" Na="Divers" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="2" Na="Frais bancaires" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="3" Na="Emprunt" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="4" Na="Charges d'emprunts" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="5" Na="Remboursement" />

and on my current file I have:
	<Category Nb="9" Na="Frais financiers" Kd="1" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="9" Nb="1" Na="Divers" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="9" Nb="2" Na="Frais bancaires" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="9" Nb="3" Na="Emprunt" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="9" Nb="4" Na="Charges d'emprunts" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="9" Nb="5" Na="Remboursement" />
	<Category Nb="15" Na="Santé" Kd="1" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="1" Na="Assurance" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="2" Na="Dentiste" />
	<Sub_category Nbc="15" Nb="3" Na="Hôpital" />

I used this specific example become my old operations with category "Frais
financier: remboursement" have become "Santé: Hôpital"

Could it be that Grisbi changed something to the file and reorganized categories
for one reason or another? Possibly something I even did myself within Grisbi
without remembering.

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