[grisbi-user-french] Til we came to the obstructing stone sixty or se
Caligiuri Susan
unmitigatd at euromanda.com
Jeu 3 Sep 13:33:34 CEST 2009
Peared to be going wrong, or at least people imagined so. Uncle Solon
Chase from Chase's Mills--afterward the Greenback candidate for the
Presidency--was driving about the country with his famous steers and
rack-cart, haranguing the farmers and advocating unlimited greenback
money. To add to our other troubles at the old Squire's that fall, our
twelve Jersey cows began giving bitter milk, so bitter that the cream
was affected and the butter rendered unusable. Yet the pasture was an
excellent one, consisting of sweet uplands, fringed round with
sugar-maples, oaks and beeches, where the cleared land extended up the
hillsides into the borders of the great woods. For some time we were
wholly at a loss to know what caused all tho
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