[grisbi-cvs] [SCM] grisbi annotated tag, upstream_version_0_9_4, created. upstream_version_0_9_4

Pierre Biava nobody at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Sep 18 16:07:53 CEST 2011

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "grisbi".

The annotated tag, upstream_version_0_9_4 has been created
        at  03c90a72880ac5e605fe2d23d3ab6f6a11f8953a (tag)
   tagging  93e485e0d0cebedbb0fdd78575dd20e0cbd89ec3 (commit)
  replaces  upstream_version_0_9_3
 tagged by  pbiava
        on  Sun Sep 18 16:04:27 2011 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
new unstable version 0.9.4

Martin Stromberger (1):
      update strings

Philippe Delorme (11):
      Fixed some memory leaks
      Add more diversity to date string tests
      Add a regex store
      Control string format of dates with regex
      Make utils_dates unit tests pass - adding init and destroy of the regex store
      Add mouse scrolling support on the navigation tree
      Fixed 1385: Transaction date revert to import date when importing .csv data
      Added tests for new date parsing feature (month as string)
      Cleanup in gsb_date_get_compiled_time
      Remove useless NULL checks
      Fixed memory leaks

RĂ©mi Cardona (1):
      Fix coding style in various 'if' statements

pbiava (17):
      fixes the bug 1373: the transaction is not transferred to the new account
      rebuilding of translation files *. po
      Fix bug  1387: error in calculation of the account balance in the prediction module with a scheduled transfer
      update strings
      Fixes bug 1393: Problem to sort by value date and adding a new option for the secondary sort
      update strings
      Adding the option "Erase Fields Credit and Debit" for the automatic filling of transactions
      Fixed bug 1392: no marking "reconciled transaction" of the daughters of a split transaction if it is already reconciled
      Adding the color of the day in the budgetary module
      adds the calculation of the balance depending on the value date or the date operations
      Experimental for Linux: adding of goffice's library for the graphs
      Adding of GtkBuilder for the management of HMI
      Added test files for graphics
      Add a toolbar for historical data
      Fixed a bug printing and export of table: only the first level lines are used and removal unused variables
      update strings
      new unstable version 0.9.4



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