[grisbi-cvs] [SCM] grisbi branch, master, updated. upstream_version_0_7_98-15-gbd252d1

Pierre Biava nobody at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jan 16 23:15:54 CET 2011

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "grisbi".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  bd252d1a3517bf81d276235fd7d7ca5b1bdbc2d8 (commit)
       via  15e264c9056202c5b11e1ddfcb8544bf98c00077 (commit)
       via  3df91c191e24b6be660074d7fde2cecade332f5c (commit)
       via  3747f9d3916369d35737beb36c11d450d1764724 (commit)
      from  42ab3067adb050b15f1eb796734b0f013315ad52 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bd252d1a3517bf81d276235fd7d7ca5b1bdbc2d8
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date:   Sun Jan 16 22:13:47 2011 +0100

    initializes the decimal point by default with "."

commit 15e264c9056202c5b11e1ddfcb8544bf98c00077
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date:   Sun Jan 16 22:11:14 2011 +0100

    Changes the error message for bank reconciliations

commit 3df91c191e24b6be660074d7fde2cecade332f5c
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date:   Sun Jan 16 22:08:25 2011 +0100

    Added support for Home and End keys

commit 3747f9d3916369d35737beb36c11d450d1764724
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date:   Sun Jan 16 22:06:06 2011 +0100

    add locale var in log file


diff --git a/src/erreur.c b/src/erreur.c
index 3e9cf81..f0cb0d2 100644
--- a/src/erreur.c
+++ b/src/erreur.c
@@ -31,14 +31,15 @@
 #include "dialog.h"
 #include "gsb_file_save.h"
 #include "gsb_file_util.h"
+#include "gsb_file_config.h"
 #include "gsb_plugins.h"
+#include "gsb_real.h"
 #include "gsb_status.h"
+#include "structures.h"
 #include "traitement_variables.h"
+#include "utils.h"
 #include "utils_files.h"
 #include "utils_str.h"
-#include "include.h"
-#include "structures.h"
-#include "gsb_real.h"
@@ -446,25 +447,80 @@ gboolean gsb_debug_start_log (void)
-    tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (_("The debug-mode is starting. Grisbi will write a log into %s. Please send that file with the obfuscated file into the bug report."),
-				debug_filename );
+    tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (_("The debug-mode is starting. Grisbi will write a log into %s. "
+                        "Please send that file with the obfuscated file into the bug report."),
+                        debug_filename );
     dialogue (tmpstr);
     g_free (tmpstr);
-    debug_file = g_fopen ( debug_filename,
-			   "w" );
+    debug_file = g_fopen ( debug_filename, "w" );
     if (debug_file)
-	GtkWidget * widget = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( ui_manager, "/menubar/FileMenu/DebugMode" );
-	etat.debug_mode = TRUE;
+        GtkWidget *widget;
+        struct lconv *conv;
+        widget = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( ui_manager, "/menubar/FileMenu/DebugMode" );
+        etat.debug_mode = TRUE;
+        /* unsensitive the menu, we cannot reverse the debug mode */
+        if ( widget && GTK_IS_WIDGET ( widget ) )
+            gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, FALSE );
+        /* write locales */
+        conv = localeconv();
+        tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( "Variables d'environnement :\n\n"
+                        "LANG = %s\n\n"
+                        "Currency\n"
+                        "\tcurrency_symbol = %s\n"
+                        "\tmon_thousands_sep = \"%s\"\n"
+                        "\tmon_decimal_point = %s\n"
+                        "\tpositive_sign = \"%s\"\n"
+                        "\tnegative_sign = \"%s\"\n"
+                        "\tfrac_digits = \"%d\"\n\n",
+                        g_getenv ( "LANG"),
+                        conv->currency_symbol,
+                        g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->mon_thousands_sep, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ),
+                        g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->mon_decimal_point, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ),
+                        g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->positive_sign, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ),
+                        g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->negative_sign, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ),
+                        conv->frac_digits );
+        fwrite ( tmpstr, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmpstr ), debug_file);
+	    fflush (debug_file);
+        g_free ( tmpstr );
+        tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ("Paths\n"
+                        "\tC_GRISBIRC = %s\n"
+                        "\tC_PATH_CONFIG = %s\n"
+                        "\tC_PATH_CONFIG_ACCELS = %s\n"
+                        "\tC_PATH_DATA_FILES = %s\n"
+                        "\tGRISBI_LOCALEDIR = %s\n"
+                        "\tGRISBI_PLUGINS_DIR = %s\n"
+                        "\tGRISBI_PIXMAPS_DIR = %s\n\n",
+                        C_GRISBIRC,
+                        C_PATH_CONFIG,
+                        C_PATH_CONFIG_ACCELS,
+                        C_PATH_DATA_FILES,
+                        grisbi_osx_get_locale_dir ( ),
+                        LOCALEDIR,
+                        GRISBI_PLUGINS_DIR,
+                        GRISBI_PIXMAPS_DIR );
-	/* unsensitive the menu, we cannot reverse the debug mode */
-	if ( widget && GTK_IS_WIDGET(widget) )
-	    gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, FALSE );
+        fwrite ( tmpstr, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmpstr ), debug_file);
+	    fflush (debug_file);
+        g_free ( tmpstr );
-	dialogue_error (_("Grisbi failed to create the log file..."));
+        dialogue_error (_("Grisbi failed to create the log file...") );
     return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/gsb_debug.c b/src/gsb_debug.c
index 949f42c..c8ae0ce 100644
--- a/src/gsb_debug.c
+++ b/src/gsb_debug.c
@@ -68,12 +68,10 @@ struct gsb_debug_test debug_tests [8] = {
     /* Check for reconciliation inconcistency.  */
     { N_("Incorrect reconcile totals"),
       N_("This test will look for accounts where reconcile totals do not match reconciled transactions."),
-      N_("Grisbi found accounts where reconciliation totals are inconsistent "
-	 "with the sum of reconcilied transactions.  Generally, the cause is "
-	 "too many transfers to other accounts are reconciled.  You have to "
-	 "manually unreconcile some transferts in inconsistent accounts."
-	 "It happens sometimes too for old accounts wich pass to Euro"
-	 "In that case the inconsistent is only some cents and it's normal."), 
+      N_("Grisbi found accounts where reconciliation totals are inconsistent with the "
+        "sum of reconcilied transactions and initial balance.\n\n"
+        "The cause may be the elimination or modification of reconciliations or changes "
+        "in the balance of reconciliations in the preferences."),
       gsb_debug_reconcile_test, NULL },
     { N_("Duplicate sub-categories check"),
diff --git a/src/gsb_transactions_list.c b/src/gsb_transactions_list.c
index 65244ac..7e7427f 100644
--- a/src/gsb_transactions_list.c
+++ b/src/gsb_transactions_list.c
@@ -1357,6 +1357,17 @@ gboolean gsb_transactions_list_key_press ( GtkWidget *widget,
         /* if we press left, give back the focus to the tree at left */
         gtk_widget_grab_focus ( navigation_tree_view );
+    case GDK_Home:
+    case GDK_KP_Home:
+        gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_point ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( gsb_transactions_list_get_tree_view ( ) ), 0, 0 );
+        break;
+    case GDK_End:
+    case GDK_KP_End:
+        gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_point ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( gsb_transactions_list_get_tree_view ( ) ), -1, 1024 );
+        break;
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/traitement_variables.c b/src/traitement_variables.c
index 8d45092..fc95c51 100644
--- a/src/traitement_variables.c
+++ b/src/traitement_variables.c
@@ -714,7 +714,11 @@ void initialise_number_separators ( void )
     conv = localeconv();
-    gsb_real_set_decimal_point ( g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->mon_decimal_point, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
+    if ( conv->mon_decimal_point && strlen ( conv->mon_decimal_point ) )
+        gsb_real_set_decimal_point ( g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->mon_decimal_point, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );
+    else
+        gsb_real_set_decimal_point ( "." );
     gsb_real_set_thousands_sep ( g_locale_to_utf8 ( conv->mon_thousands_sep, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ) );


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