[grisbi-cvs] grisbi-web/newsportal/lib check.php, NONE, 1.1 message.inc.php, NONE, 1.1 post.inc.php, NONE, 1.1 thread.inc.php, NONE, 1.1 types.inc.php, NONE, 1.1 validator.inc, NONE, 1.1
NIEL Gérald
gegeweb at users.sourceforge.net
Mon May 24 17:03:52 CEST 2010
- Previous message: [grisbi-cvs] grisbi-web/newsportal/lang bosanski.lang, NONE, 1.1 czech.lang, NONE, 1.1 danish.lang, NONE, 1.1 deutsch.lang, NONE, 1.1 deutsch_du.lang, NONE, 1.1 dutch.lang, NONE, 1.1 english.lang, NONE, 1.1 finnish.lang, NONE, 1.1 francais.lang, NONE, 1.1 italiano.lang, NONE, 1.1 norsk.lang, NONE, 1.1 polish.lang, NONE, 1.1 portugues.lang, NONE, 1.1 russian.lang, NONE, 1.1 slovenski.lang, NONE, 1.1 spanish.lang, NONE, 1.1 turkish.lang, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: [grisbi-cvs] grisbi-web/newsportal/lib/captcha +cookie.patch, NONE, 1.1 COLLEGE.ttf, NONE, 1.1 README, NONE, 1.1 _test.1.php, NONE, 1.1 captcha.php, NONE, 1.1
- Messages sorted by:
[ date ]
[ thread ]
[ subject ]
[ author ]
Update of /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi-web/newsportal/lib
In directory sfp-cvsdas-2.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv18681/lib
Added Files:
check.php message.inc.php post.inc.php thread.inc.php
types.inc.php validator.inc
Log Message:
news version off newsportal
--- NEW FILE: thread.inc.php ---
* NewsPortal: Functions for handling threads
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Florian Amrhein
* E-Mail: newsportal at florian-amrhein.de
* Web: http://florian-amrhein.de
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
[...991 lines suppressed...]
// "rewind" the subthread to the first article in the subthread
while(isset($thread[$id]->references)) {
foreach($thread[$id]->references as $reference) {
if((trim($reference)!='') && (isset($thread[$reference]))) {
continue 2;
// walk through the thread and fill up $subthread
// use the recursive helper-function thread_getsubthreadids_recursive
return $subthread;
--- NEW FILE: validator.inc ---
* Validator
* Validierung von Formulareingaben
* Autor: Florian Amrhein
class formvalidate {
var $fields=array();
* Überprüft ein komplettes Formular auf korrekte Eingaben, und liefert
* false, falls irgendwo ein Fehler vorhanden ist.
* Setzt intern die entsprechenden Daten, die show_error und
* is_error zum Abfragen der Daten benötigen.
function validate() {
foreach($this->fields as $field) {
switch($field->typ) {
case "text":
case "textarea":
case "checkbox":
case "radiobutton":
// Basteln wegen scheiss PHP
// feld_leer*feld_darf_leer +
// nicht_feld_leer*(testfkt.ex.*testfkt +
// nicht_testfkt.ex)
(!isset($_REQUEST[$field->name])) ||
) &&
(isset($field->empty)) &&
) || (
(isset($_REQUEST[$field->name])) &&
(trim($_REQUEST[$field->name])!="") &&
($field->validator==false) ||
($field->validator!=false) &&
) {
// Feld leer und darf leer sein, oder
// feld voll und (testfunktion existiert und testfkt.=true
// oder testfunktion existiert nicht)
} else {
// Feld leer und darf nicht leer sein, oder
// Feld voll und testfkt.ex und testfunktion=false
if(isset($errmsg)) {
case "pulldown":
case "check-text":
case "radio-text":
if((isset($field->empty)) && (!$field->empty) &&
((!isset($_REQUEST[$field->name])) ||
(trim($_REQUEST[$field->name])=="") ||
(($_REQUEST[$field->name]=="_frei") &&
((!isset($_REQUEST[$field->name."_frei"])) ||
) {
} else {
// echo '<p>eval: '.$field->name.': '.$_REQUEST[$field->name].'</p>';
return !$errors;
* liefert true, falls $name fehlerhaft ausgefüllt wurde
function is_error($name) {
return $this->fields[$name]->error;
* Liefert die individuelle Fehlermeldung, falls $name fehlerhaft
* ausgefüllt wurde. Falls keine Meldung vorliegt, wird false
* geliefert.
function geterrormessage($name) {
return $this->fields[$name]->errormessage;
return false;
* Zeigt gegebenenfalls eine Fehlermeldung an, falls $name nicht
* korrekt ausgefüllt wurde
function show_error($name) {
if($this->is_error($name)) {
echo "<p>fehler</p>";
* Zeigt den Titel zu einem Feld an. Ist das zugehörige Feld fehlerhaft
* ausgefüllt worden, wird es (z.B. farblich) markiert.
* $name: Name des Feldes
* $text: auszugebener Text
function show_title($name,$text) {
echo '<font color="red"><b>'.$text.'</b></font>';
echo $text;
* Zeigt die Daten an, die der Benutzer in das Formular, ob richtig oder
* falsch ist egal, eingegeben hatte.
function show_value($name) {
echo stripslashes($_REQUEST[$name]);
* Liefert Variablenwerte ohne vorherige Umkodierung/Zusammenfassung
* zurück
function value($name) {
if(is_array($_REQUEST[$name])) {
return $a;
return stripslashes($_REQUEST[$name]);
/* Liefert Variablenwerte mit vorheriger Umkodierung/Zusammenfassung
* zurück. Vor allem wichtig bei Typ check-text und radio-text, wo
* der eigentliche Inhalt über mehrere Variablen verteilt ist, bzw.
* teilweise gar nicht zum Zuge kommt (freies Textfeld ausgefüllt,
* aber nicht angeklickt)
function get_value($name) {
if(is_array($_REQUEST[$name])) {
// Freies Textfeld?
if(in_array("_frei",$a)) {
if((isset($_REQUEST[$name.'_frei'])) &&
return $a;
} else if(($_REQUEST[$name]=='_frei') &&
($this->fields[$name]->typ=='radio-text')) {
return stripslashes($_REQUEST[$name.'_frei']);
} else
return stripslashes($_REQUEST[$name]);
* gibt einfach nur " checked" aus, wenn $name den wert $value enthält.
* Nötig für das Vorselektieren von Knöpfen
function show_checked($name,$value) {
global $fields;
if(($this->fields[$name]->typ!="checkbox") &&
($this->fields[$name]->typ!="check-text")) {
if($this->value($name)==$value) {
echo ' selected';
echo ' checked';
} else {
echo ' checked';
function show_selected($name,$value) {
global $fields;
if(($this->fields[$name]->typ!="checkbox") &&
($this->fields[$name]->typ!="check-text")) {
if($this->value($name)==$value) {
echo ' selected';
* Registriert eine Variable als zum Formular gehörend
* $name: Name der Variablen
* $typ: Art der Eingabe:
* - text: Textfeld mit einfacher freier Eingabe
* - textarea: Mehrzeiliger Text mit freier Eingabe
* - checkbox: Ankreuzfelder, mehrere gleichzeitig
* - radiobutton: Ankreuzfelder, nur eins gleichzeitig
* - pulldown: Pulldown-Menu, nut eins gleichzeitig
* - check-text: Ankreuzfelder+Textfeld, mehrere gleichzeitig
* - radio-text: Ankreuzfelder+Textfeld, maximal eins
* $empty: Darf das entsprechende Feld leer gelassen werden?
* bzw. mindestens kein angekreuzt bzw. ausgefüllt?
* $validator: Information, wie der Inhalt auf Korrektheit geprüft
* werden soll
* $errmsg: Fehlermeldung, die bei erkanntem Fehler ausgegeben
* werden soll
function register($name,$typ,$empty=true,$validator=false,$errmsg=false) {
* der Konstruktor
function formvalidate() {
--- NEW FILE: message.inc.php ---
* NewsPortal: Functions for handling single messages
* Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Florian Amrhein
* E-Mail: newsportal at florian-amrhein.de
* Web: http://florian-amrhein.de
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
function message_parse($rawmessage) {
global $attachment_delete_alternative,$attachment_uudecode,$www_charset;
global $iconv_enable;
// Read the header of the message:
$message = new messageType;
while ($rawmessage[$i] != "") {
// Parse the Header:
// Now we know if the message is a mime-multipart message:
if ($content_type[0]=="multipart") {
// We have multible bodies, so we split the message into its parts
// lets find the first part
while($rawmessage[$i] != $boundary)
while($i<=$count_rawmessage) {
if (($rawmessage[$i]==$boundary) || ($i==$count_rawmessage-1) ||
($rawmessage[$i]==$boundary.'--')) {
// merge the content-types of the message with those of the part
for ($o=0; $o<count($partmessage->header->content_type); $o++) {
} else {
if ($i<$count_rawmessage)
if ($rawmessage[$i]==$boundary.'--') break;
// Is this a multipart/alternative multipart-message? Do we have to
// delete all non plain/text parts?
if (($attachment_delete_alternative) &&
($content_type[1]=="alternative")) {
for ($o=0; $o<count($message->header->content_type); $o++) {
if ($message->header->content_type[$o]=="text/plain")
$plaintext=true; // we found at least one text/plain
if ($plaintext) { // now we can delete the other parts
for ($o=0; $o<count($message->header->content_type); $o++) {
if ($message->header->content_type[$o]!="text/plain") {
} else {
// No mime-attachments in the message:
$uueatt=0; // as default we have no uuencoded attachments
for($i++;$i<$count_rawmessage; $i++) {
// do we have an inlay uuencoded file?
if ((strtolower(substr($rawmessage[$i],0,5))!="begin") ||
($attachment_uudecode==false)) {
// yes, it seems, we have!
} else {
$uue_infoline=explode(" ",$uue_infoline_raw);
while($rawmessage[$i]!="end") {
if (strlen(trim($rawmessage[$i])) > 2)
// now write the data in an attachment
for ($o=2; $o<count($uue_infoline); $o++)
//if ($message->header->content_type[0]=="text/plain") {
if ($body=="") $body=" ";
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_charset))
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_name))
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_format))
for ($o=0; $o<count($message->body); $o++) {
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_charset[$o]))
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_name[$o]))
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_format[$o]))
return $message;
* read an article from the newsserver or the spool-directory
* $id: the Message-ID of an article
* $bodynum: the number of the attachment:
* -1: return only the header without any bodies or attachments.
* 0: the body
* 1: the first attachment...
* The function returns an article as an messageType or false if the article
* doesn't exists on the newsserver or doesn't contain the given
* attachment.
function message_read($id,$bodynum=0,$group="") {
global $cache_articles,$spooldir,$text_error,$ns;
if (!testGroup($group)) {
echo $text_error["read_access_denied"];
$message = new messageType;
if ((isset($cache_articles)) && ($cache_articles == true)) {
// Try to load a cached article
if ((ereg('^[0-9]+$',$id)) && ($group != ''))
if (file_exists($cachefilename_header)) {
} else {
// Is a non-existing attachment of an article requested?
if ((isset($message->header)) &&
($bodynum!= -1) &&
return false;
if ((file_exists($cachefilename_body.$bodynum)) &&
($bodynum != -1)) {
if ((!isset($message->header)) ||
((!isset($message->body[$bodynum])) &&
($bodynum != -1))) {
if (!isset($ns)) {
if ($group != "") {
fputs($ns,"GROUP ".$group."\r\n");
fputs($ns,'ARTICLE '.$id."\r\n");
if (substr($line,0,3) != "220") {
// requested article doesn't exist on the newsserver. Now we
// should check, if the thread stored in the spool-directory
// also doesnt't contain that article...
return false;
while(strcmp($line,".") != 0) {
if (ereg('^[0-9]+$',$id)) $message->header->number=$id;
// write header, body and attachments to the cache
if ((isset($cache_articles)) && ($cache_articles == true)) {
if ($cachefile) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($message->header->content_type); $i++) {
if (isset($message->body[$i])) {
return $message;
function textwrap($text, $wrap=80, $break="\n",$maxlen=false){
$len = strlen($text);
if ($len > $wrap) {
$h = ''; // massaged text
$lastWhite = 0; // position of last whitespace char
$lastChar = 0; // position of last char
$lastBreak = 0; // position of last break
// while there is text to process
while ($lastChar < $len && (($maxlen==false) || (strlen($h)<$maxlen))) {
$char = substr($text, $lastChar, 1); // get the next character
// if we are beyond the wrap boundry and there is a place to break
if (($lastChar - $lastBreak > $wrap) && ($lastWhite > $lastBreak)) {
$h .= substr($text, $lastBreak, ($lastWhite - $lastBreak)) . $break;
$lastChar = $lastWhite + 1;
$lastBreak = $lastChar;
// You may wish to include other characters as valid whitespace...
if ($char == ' ' || $char == chr(13) || $char == chr(10)) {
$lastWhite = $lastChar; // note the position of the last whitespace
$lastChar = $lastChar + 1; // advance the last character position by one
$h .= substr($text, $lastBreak); // build line
} else {
$h = $text; // in this case everything can fit on one line
return $h;
* Displays a (Sub)-Thread. Is used in article.php
* $id: Message-ID (not number!) of an article in the thread
* $group: name of the newsgroup
function message_thread($id,$group,$thread,$highlightids=false) {
// set the highlightid, if not set
// find the first article in the subthread of $id
while(isset($thread[$id]->references)) {
foreach($thread[$id]->references as $reference) {
if((trim($reference)!='') && (isset($thread[$reference]))) {
continue 2;
echo thread_show_recursive($thread,$liste,1,"",$group,0,100,$tmp,$highlightids);
* Print the header of a message to the webpage
* $head: the header of the message as an headerType
* $group: the name of the newsgroup, is needed for the links to post.php3
* and the header.
function show_header($head,$group) {
global $article_show,$text_header,$file_article,$attachment_show;
global $file_attachment,$anonym_address;
echo '<div class="np_article_header">';
if ($article_show["Subject"]) echo $text_header["subject"].htmlspecialchars($head->subject)."<br>";
if ($article_show["From"]) {
echo $text_header["from"];
if($head->from==$anonym_address) {
// this is the anonymous address, so only show the name
echo htmlspecialchars($head->name);
} else {
echo '<a href="mailto:'.htmlspecialchars($head->from).'">';
echo eregi_replace($article_show["From_rewrite"][0],
echo htmlspecialchars($head->from);
echo '</a>';
if ($head->name != "") echo ' ('.htmlspecialchars($head->name).')';
echo "<br>";
if ($article_show["Newsgroups"])
echo $text_header["newsgroups"].htmlspecialchars(str_replace(',',', ',$head->newsgroups))."<br>\n";
if (isset($head->followup) && ($article_show["Followup"]) && ($head->followup != ""))
echo $text_header["followup"].htmlspecialchars($head->followup)."<br>\n";
if ((isset($head->organization)) && ($article_show["Organization"]) &&
($head->organization != ""))
echo $text_header["organization"].
if ($article_show["Date"])
echo $text_header["date"].date($text_header["date_format"],$head->date)."<br>\n";
if ($article_show["Message-ID"])
echo $text_header["message-id"].htmlspecialchars($head->id)."<br>\n";
if (($article_show["References"]) && (isset($head->references[0]))) {
echo $text_header["references"];
for ($i=0; $i<=count($head->references)-1; $i++) {
echo ' '.'<a href="'.$file_article.'?group='.urlencode($group).
echo "<br>";
if (isset($head->user_agent)) {
if ((isset($article_show["User-Agent"])) &&
($article_show["User-Agent"])) {
echo $text_header["user-agent"].htmlspecialchars($head->user_agent)."<br>\n";
} else {
echo "<!-- User-Agent: ".htmlspecialchars($head->user_agent)." -->\n";
if ((isset($attachment_show)) && ($attachment_show==true) &&
(isset($head->content_type[1]))) {
echo $text_header["attachments"];
for ($i=1; $i<count($head->content_type); $i++) {
echo '<a href="'.$file_attachment.'?group='.urlencode($group).'&'.
$head->content_type_name[$i].'</a> ('.
if ($i<count($head->content_type)-1) echo ', ';
echo '</div>';
* decodes a body. Splits the content of $body into an array of several
* lines, respecting the special decoding issues of format=flowed
* articles. Each returned line consists of two fields: text and
* the quote depth (depth)
function decode_textbody($body,$format="fixed") {
$paragraph=""; // empty paragraph
for($i=0; $i<count($body)+1; $i++) {
// calculate the quote depth of the actual line
for($j=0; $j<=strlen($body[$i]); $j++) {
if($body[$i][$j]=='>') {
} else {
if(($body[$i][$j]!=' ') || ($body[$i][$j-1]==' ') || ($j==0)) {
// generate a new paragraph?
if(($i>0) && (($ndepth!=$depth) || $format!="flowed" ||
($paragraph[strlen($paragraph)-1]!=' ')) || ($i==count($body))) {
if($body[$i]=="-- " && $format=="flowed") $body[$i]="--";
return $nbody;
* replaces multiple spaces in texts by es and convert special-chars
* to their entities
function text2html($text) {
return eregi_replace("^ "," ",
str_replace(" "," ",
str_replace(" "," ",
* print an article to the webpage
* $group: The name of the newsgroup
* $id: the ID of the article inside the group or the message-id
* $attachment: The number of the attachment of the article.
* 0 means the normal textbody.
function message_show($group,$id,$attachment=0,$article_data=false,$maxlen=false) {
global $file_article,$file_article_full;
global $text_header,$text_article,$article_showthread;
global $block_xnoarchive,$article_graphicquotes;
if ($article_data == false)
if ($head) {
if (($block_xnoarchive) && (isset($head->xnoarchive)) &&
($head->xnoarchive=="yes")) {
echo $text_article["block-xnoarchive"];
} else
if (($head->content_type[$attachment]=="text/plain") &&
($attachment==0)) {
echo '<div class="np_article_body">';
$currentlen=0; // needed if $maxlen is set
for ($i=0; $i<=count($body) &&
(($currentlen<$maxlen) || ($maxlen==false)); $i++) {
// HTMLized Quotings instead of boring > ?
if($article_graphicquotes) {
// HTMLized Quotings
for($j=$depth; $j<$body[$i]->depth; $j++)
echo '<blockquote class="np_article_quote">';
for($j=$body[$i]->depth; $j<$depth; $j++)
echo '</blockquote>';
echo $t;
echo "\n";
} else {
// Boring old Quotings with >
if($body[$i]->depth==0) {
} else {
$t='<i>'.str_repeat('>',$body[$i]->depth).' '.
"\n".str_repeat('>',$body[$i]->depth).' '))).
echo $t;
echo '</div>';
if($maxlen!=false && $currentlen>=$maxlen) {
echo '<br><a href="'.$file_article_full.'?id='.$id.'&group='.
} else {
echo $body;
* Shows the little menu on article-flat.php where you can select the
* different pages with the articles on it
function articleflat_pageselect($group,$id,$article_count,$first) {
global $articleflat_articles_per_page,$file_article,$file_framethread,$name;
global $text_thread,$thread_show;
$pages=ceil($article_count / $articleflat_articles_per_page);
if ($article_count > $articleflat_articles_per_page)
$return.= $text_thread["pages"];
for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) {
if ($first != $i*$articleflat_articles_per_page+1)
$return.= '<a class="np_pages_unselected" href="'.
$return.= '<span class="np_pages_selected">';
$return.= $i+1;
if ($i == $pages-1) {
// $return.= $article_count;
if ($first != $i*$articleflat_articles_per_page+1)
$return.= '</a>';
$return.= '</span>';
return $return;
--- NEW FILE: check.php ---
if(($iconv_enable==true) &&
die('There is no iconv-extension in PHP. set <tt>$iconv_enable=false</tt>
in config.inc.php to disable automatic charset recoding.');
--- NEW FILE: types.inc.php ---
* NewsPortal: Data type declarations
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Florian Amrhein
* E-Mail: newsportal at florian-amrhein.de
* Web: http://florian-amrhein.de
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* the name and the description of a newsgroup
class newsgroupType {
var $name;
var $description;
var $count;
var $text;
* Stores a complete article:
* - The parsed Header as an headerType
* - The bodies and attachments as an array of array of lines
class messageType {
var $header;
var $body;
* Stores the Header of an article
class headerType {
var $number; // the Number of an article inside a group
var $id; // Message-ID
var $from; // eMail of the author
var $name; // Name of the author
var $subject; // the subject
var $newsgroups; // the Newsgroups where the article belongs to
var $followup;
var $date; // timestamp of the article
var $date_thread; // timestamp of the newest article in the thread
var $organization;
var $xnoarchive;
var $references; // all references to the article
var $bestreference; // nearest reference found
var $content_transfer_encoding;
var $mime_version;
var $content_type; // array, Content-Type of the Body (Index=0) and the
// Attachments (Index>0)
var $content_type_charset; // like content_type
var $content_type_name; // array of the names of the attachments
var $content_type_boundary; // The boundary of an multipart-article.
var $content_type_format; // array, is the body in flowed format?
var $answers; // which articles are followups of this article?
var $isAnswer; // is the article an answer to an other article?
var $username;
var $user_agent;
var $isReply; // has this article "Re: " at the beginning of the subject?
var $threadsize; // number of articles in this thread
--- NEW FILE: post.inc.php ---
* NewsPortal: Functions for posting articles to a newsgroup
* Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Florian Amrhein
* E-Mail: newsportal at florian-amrhein.de
* Web: http://florian-amrhein.de
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Encode lines with 8bit-characters to quote-printable
* $line: the to be encoded line
* the function returns a sting containing the quoted-printable encoded
* $line
function quoted_printable_encode($line) {
global $www_charset;
'=00', '=01', '=02', '=03', '=04', '=05',
'=06', '=07', '=08', '=09', '=0A', '=0B',
'=0C', '=0D', '=0E', '=0F', '=10', '=11',
'=12', '=13', '=14', '=15', '=16', '=17',
'=18', '=19', '=1A', '=1B', '=1C', '=1D',
'=1E', '=1F', '_', '!', '"', '#',
'$', '%', '&', "'", '(', ')',
'*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
'6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';',
'<', '=3D', '>', '=3F', '@', 'A',
'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S',
'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y',
'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '=5F',
'', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',
'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k',
'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',
'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}',
'~', '=7F', '=80', '=81', '=82', '=83',
'=84', '=85', '=86', '=87', '=88', '=89',
'=8A', '=8B', '=8C', '=8D', '=8E', '=8F',
'=90', '=91', '=92', '=93', '=94', '=95',
'=96', '=97', '=98', '=99', '=9A', '=9B',
'=9C', '=9D', '=9E', '=9F', '=A0', '=A1',
'=A2', '=A3', '=A4', '=A5', '=A6', '=A7',
'=A8', '=A9', '=AA', '=AB', '=AC', '=AD',
'=AE', '=AF', '=B0', '=B1', '=B2', '=B3',
'=B4', '=B5', '=B6', '=B7', '=B8', '=B9',
'=BA', '=BB', '=BC', '=BD', '=BE', '=BF',
'=C0', '=C1', '=C2', '=C3', '=C4', '=C5',
'=C6', '=C7', '=C8', '=C9', '=CA', '=CB',
'=CC', '=CD', '=CE', '=CF', '=D0', '=D1',
'=D2', '=D3', '=D4', '=D5', '=D6', '=D7',
'=D8', '=D9', '=DA', '=DB', '=DC', '=DD',
'=DE', '=DF', '=E0', '=E1', '=E2', '=E3',
'=E4', '=E5', '=E6', '=E7', '=E8', '=E9',
'=EA', '=EB', '=EC', '=ED', '=EE', '=EF',
'=F0', '=F1', '=F2', '=F3', '=F4', '=F5',
'=F6', '=F7', '=F8', '=F9', '=FA', '=FB',
'=FC', '=FD', '=FE', '=FF');
// are there "forbidden" characters in the string?
for($i=0; $i<strlen($line) && ord($line[$i])<=127 ; $i++);
if ($i<strlen($line)) { // yes, there are. So lets encode them!
for($to=strlen($line)-1; ord($line[$to])<=127; $to--);
// lets scan for the start and the end of the to be encoded _words_
for(;$from>0 && $line[$from] != ' '; $from--);
if($from>0) $from++;
for(;$to<strlen($line) && $line[$to] != ' '; $to++);
// split the string into the to be encoded middle and the rest
// ok, now lets encode $middle...
for($i=0; $i<strlen($middle); $i++)
$newmiddle .= $qp_table[ord($middle[$i])];
// now we glue the parts together...
return $line;
* generate a message-id for posting.
* $identity: a string containing informations about the article, to
* make a md5-hash out of it.
* returns: a complete message-id
function generate_msgid($identity) {
global $msgid_generate,$msgid_fqdn;
switch($msgid_generate) {
case "no":
// no, we don't want to generate a message-id.
return false;
case "md5":
return '<'.md5($identity).'$1@'.$msgid_fqdn.'>';
return false;
* Post an article to a newsgroup
* $subject: The Subject of the article
* $from: The authors name and email of the article
* $newsgroups: The groups to post to
* $ref: The references of the article
* $body: The article itself
function message_post($subject,$from,$newsgroups,$ref,$body) {
global $server,$port,$send_poster_host,$organization,$text_error;
global $file_footer,$www_charset,$spooldir;
global $msgid_generate,$msgid_fqdn;
if ($ns != false) {
fputs($ns,'Subject: '.quoted_printable_encode($subject)."\r\n");
fputs($ns,'From: '.$from."\r\n");
fputs($ns,'Newsgroups: '.$newsgroups."\r\n");
fputs($ns,"Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n");
fputs($ns,"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=".$www_charset."; format=flowed\r\n");
fputs($ns,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n");
fputs($ns,"User-Agent: NewsPortal/0.38 (http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal)\r\n");
if ($send_poster_host)
@fputs($ns,'X-HTTP-Posting-Host: '.gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))."\r\n");
if (($ref!=false) && (count($ref)>0)) {
// strip references
if(strlen(implode(" ",$ref))>900) {
do {
} while(strlen(implode(" ",$ref))>800);
fputs($ns,'References: '.implode(" ",$ref)."\r\n");
if (isset($organization))
fputs($ns,'Organization: '.quoted_printable_encode($organization)."\r\n");
if ((isset($file_footer)) && ($file_footer!="")) {
fputs($ns,'Message-ID: '.$msgid."\r\n");
for ($i=0; $i<count($b); $i++) {
if ((strpos(substr($b[$i],0,strpos($b[$i]," ")),">") != false) | (strcmp(substr($b[$i],0,1),">") == 0)) {
$body .= textwrap(stripSlashes($b[$i]),78," \r\n")."\r\n";
} else {
$body .= textwrap(stripSlashes($b[$i]),74," \r\n")."\r\n";
} else {
// let thread.php ignore the cache for this group, so this new
// article will be visible instantly
foreach($groupsarr as $newsgroup) {
return $message;
- Previous message: [grisbi-cvs] grisbi-web/newsportal/lang bosanski.lang, NONE, 1.1 czech.lang, NONE, 1.1 danish.lang, NONE, 1.1 deutsch.lang, NONE, 1.1 deutsch_du.lang, NONE, 1.1 dutch.lang, NONE, 1.1 english.lang, NONE, 1.1 finnish.lang, NONE, 1.1 francais.lang, NONE, 1.1 italiano.lang, NONE, 1.1 norsk.lang, NONE, 1.1 polish.lang, NONE, 1.1 portugues.lang, NONE, 1.1 russian.lang, NONE, 1.1 slovenski.lang, NONE, 1.1 spanish.lang, NONE, 1.1 turkish.lang, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: [grisbi-cvs] grisbi-web/newsportal/lib/captcha +cookie.patch, NONE, 1.1 COLLEGE.ttf, NONE, 1.1 README, NONE, 1.1 _test.1.php, NONE, 1.1 captcha.php, NONE, 1.1
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