[grisbi-bugs] Grisbi 1.2.2 > warning message on orphan sub-operations
Antoine Landrieu
antoine.landrieu at laposte.net
Mer 28 Oct 21:30:02 CET 2020
I downloaded the latest Grisbi version and started to enhance my Grisbi
account file.
1) the 1.2.2-86a2992c1 release is really much better than the 1.0 I used
previously, congratulations to whole team !
2) today I worked on my file:
- started to assign a "Imputation budgétaire" on my lines
- removed a scheduled obsolete operation.
3) I closed the file then reopened it. I now systematically face below
message. Until now I always click on 'No' because I don't measure the
impact if I delete mentionned lines.
Could you plz advice?
4) My configuration:
* macOS High Sierra
* 10.13.6 (17G14033
5) I tried to log a ticket to Mantis - however I don't remember my
login, hence the lost password feature does not help me (as it asks for
login AND email ...). Using this email, found on the user manual.
I have an anonymous Grisbi file ready "Mes comptes-obfuscated" but
please tell me first that I reached the right list, or help me access
again Mantis tracker.
Thanks for your support
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