[grisbi-bugs] [Grisbi-0.6.0 0001180]: Transaction currency rate 'brakes' currency rate for file.

Grisbi Bug Tracker bugtracker at grisbi.org
Sun Oct 10 14:16:42 CEST 2010

A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                piper
Assigned To:                pbiava
Project:                    Grisbi-0.6.0
Issue ID:                   1180
Category:                   Main
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   low
Status:                     assigned
Plateforme:                 Linux 
OS:                         Ubuntu 
Version OS:                 Karmic 
Unstable Impact:            Yes 
Version GTK:                 
Date Submitted:             2010-10-09 22:50 UTC
Last Modified:              2010-10-10 12:16 UTC
Summary:                    Transaction currency rate 'brakes' currency rate for
I have multiple account with multiple currencies (4: PLN,EUR,DKK,USD). I've
created a budget summary (main screen in options) that includes all accounts and
currency link rates for all rates to my base currency. After that the summary
line displays ok.
When I enter a transaction converting base currency to one of the others a new
rate is calculated (a long float), this rate 'breaks' the link currency rate, as
it is always much longer the definition rate (0.00 while the transaction rate
can be 0.000000) this causes the summary line to display ##err##..

Steps to Reproduce: 
1. Create 2 currency accounts
2. Set up currency link rate (two floating point)
3. enter starting balance >0
4. set up a summery line including both accounts
5. enter transaction converting one currency to the other (transfer) - amount
for amount, resulting in a float for currency rate ex 99 to 400
6. summery line will display error

 (0002678) pbiava (administrator) - 2010-10-10 12:16

Sorry in advance for my English.

I can not reproduce this bug with the latest versions of grisbi (git).

Can you attach here a sample file of accounts that includes the bug.

Can you try to compile the 0.7.4 version that is on the site of grisbi:

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2010-10-09 22:50 piper          New Issue                                    
2010-10-10 05:42 pbiava         Assigned To               => pbiava          
2010-10-10 05:42 pbiava         Status                   new => assigned     
2010-10-10 12:16 pbiava         Note Added: 0002678                          

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