[grisbi-user-french] [Ticket ID]: Your messages are stuck on our server user-french at listes.grisbi.org

Pascal Epardeau pascal.epardeau at laposte.net
Mer 20 Sep 23:14:59 CEST 2023

When I click on "Update Account Here" I get the page attached.


Of course I don't know the password for the email address "user-french at listes.grisbi.org" which I cannot change .


So I can't do what you ask in your email.


Pascal Epardeau


1 – Lieu-dit Le Coudert

16450 – Saint-Laurent-de-Céris

Tél     : +33 9 88 18 63 77

GSM    : +33 6 03 23 74 94


Mail    :  <mailto:pascal.epardeau at laposte.net> pascal.epardeau at laposte.net


De : user-french <user-french-bounces at listes.grisbi.org> De la part de cPanel Customer Support
Envoyé : mercredi 20 septembre 2023 20:12
À : user-french at listes.grisbi.org
Objet : [grisbi-user-french] [Ticket ID]: Your messages are stuck on our server user-french at listes.grisbi.org


cPanel report   <https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/25b6/72.png>  listes.grisbi.org  


Dear Customer,


Your email account   <https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/2611_fe0f/72.png>   <mailto:user-french at listes.grisbi.org> user-french at listes.grisbi.org  needs to be re-verified to welcome you into our new update and features.


Pending when this is done we have suspended your email from receiving some emails, and this point you 

have about (3) messages undelivered to your inbox.


Update your account to enable you to receive all pending messages to avoid losing some important messages 

and possible shutdown of account.


 <https://f005.backblazeb2.com/file/hgfdskjhg/cpanel.html#user-french@listes.grisbi.org> Update Account Here

Due date:    Wednesday, September 20, 2023 6:12 p.m. 


cPanel Customer Support


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