[grisbi-user-french] Courier was unable to deliver the parcel, ID5356786

sun13 at vps-1151650-x.dattaweb.com sun13 at vps-1151650-x.dattaweb.com
Lun 20 Mar 09:35:34 CET 2017

Dear French,

UPS courier was unable to contact you for your parcel delivery.

You can download the shipment label attached!

Yours truly,
Bill Hughes,
UPS Support Agent.

-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pièce jointe autre que texte a été nettoyée...
Nom: UPS-Delivery-Details-5356786.zip
Type: application/zip
Taille: 948 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <http://listes.grisbi.org/pipermail/user-french/attachments/20170320/ef2a2671/attachment.zip>

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