[grisbi-user-french] FedEx parcel #00000387836 delivery problem

FedEx Ground Support ray.gregory at zaoquito.com
Sam 7 Jan 13:02:36 CET 2017

Dear French,

Your item has arrived at January 04, but our courier was not able to deliver the parcel.

Postal label is enclosed to this e-mail. Please check the attachment!

Thank you for making business with us,
Ray Gregory,
Parcels Delivery Manager.

-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pièce jointe autre que texte a été nettoyée...
Nom: Ground-Label-00000387836.zip
Type: application/zip
Taille: 2514 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <http://listes.grisbi.org/pipermail/user-french/attachments/20170107/0ad5b8ac/attachment.zip>

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