[grisbi-user-french] ***SPAM*** Nor serve them: for I the Lord thy

Yunt Sciera cragginess at bilbolaget.com
Dim 28 Mar 19:23:34 CEST 2010

When I was a lad in Indiana being told of a celebrated Indianapolis
physician who

advertised for the most helpless idiot child and the most hopeless was
brought to him. For weeks and months no impression could be made upon
that child. He used every day to take the child into his parlor, put him
down on the floor and then lie beside him with the sunlight streaming in
his face. He said over and over one syllable of a word until at last the
child caught it, and I remember as a boy
seeing that same child stand upon a platform,
repeat the Lord's Prayer and the twenty-third Psalm and sing a hymn to
the praise of God [Transcriber's
note: part of page torn away here, and one, p
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