[grisbi-cvs] [SCM] grisbi branch, master, updated. upstream_version_1_1_1-18-gc05c11e

NIEL Gérald nobody at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 7 23:04:10 CET 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "grisbi".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  c05c11e6291ffeb1a5b4a1521cdf71433edf8f13 (commit)
      from  50a4fe2628a0869f8a50617f837b43f354f30e2c (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c05c11e6291ffeb1a5b4a1521cdf71433edf8f13
Author: Gérald Niel <gerald at mbp15-gn.local>
Date:   Mon Jan 7 23:01:33 2013 +0100

    Update for Mac OS X


diff --git a/src/gsb_dirs.c b/src/gsb_dirs.c
index c414fe0..54aa8e7 100644
--- a/src/gsb_dirs.c
+++ b/src/gsb_dirs.c
@@ -65,41 +65,47 @@ void gsb_dirs_init ( void )
         user_default_dir = g_strdup ( win32_get_my_documents_folder_path () );
+#ifdef OS_OSX
+        user_config_dir = g_build_filename ( g_get_home_dir (),
+                        "Library/Application Support/Grisbi/config", NULL );
+        user_data_dir = g_build_filename ( g_get_home_dir (),
+                        "Library/Application Support/Grisbi/data", NULL );
+        user_default_dir = g_strdup ( g_get_home_dir() );
-    if ( quartz_application_get_bundle_id ( ) )
+    if ( gtkosx_application_get_bundle_id ( ) )
-        gchar *res_path;
-        res_path = quartz_application_get_resource_path ();
+        gchar *res_path = gtkosx_application_get_resource_path ();
         categories_dir = g_build_filename ( res_path, "share/grisbi/categories", NULL );
         locale_dir = g_strconcat (res_path, "/share/locale", NULL );
         pixmaps_dir = g_strconcat (res_path, "/share/pixmaps/grisbi", NULL );
-        plugins_dir = g_strconcat (res_path, "/lib/grisbi", NULL );
         ui_dir = g_strconcat (res_path, "/share/grisbi/ui", NULL );
         g_free ( res_path );
-        user_config_dir = g_build_filename ( g_get_home_dir (),
-                        "Library/Application Support/Grisbi/config", NULL );
-        user_data_dir = g_build_filename ( g_get_home_dir (),
-                        "Library/Application Support/Grisbi/data", NULL );
-        user_default_dir = g_strdup ( g_get_home_dir() );
+    else {
+        categories_dir = g_build_filename ( DATA_PATH, "categories", NULL );
+        locale_dir = g_strdup ( LOCALEDIR );
+        pixmaps_dir = g_strdup ( PIXMAPS_DIR );
+        ui_dir = g_strdup ( UI_DIR );    
+    }
         categories_dir = g_build_filename ( DATA_PATH, "categories", NULL );
         locale_dir = g_strdup ( LOCALEDIR );
         pixmaps_dir = g_strdup ( PIXMAPS_DIR );
-        plugins_dir = g_strdup ( PLUGINS_DIR );
         ui_dir = g_strdup ( UI_DIR );
         user_config_dir = g_build_filename ( g_get_user_config_dir (), "grisbi", NULL);
         user_data_dir = g_build_filename ( g_get_user_data_dir (), "grisbi", NULL);
         user_default_dir = g_strdup ( g_get_home_dir() );
+#endif /* OS_OSX */
     accelerator_filename = g_build_filename ( user_config_dir, "grisbi-accels", NULL );


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