[grisbi-cvs] [SCM] grisbi branch, grisbi-gtk3, updated. grisbi_gtk3_1_3_0-237-ga8cb990
Pierre Biava
nobody at users.sourceforge.net
Sat May 19 22:44:34 CEST 2012
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "grisbi".
The branch, grisbi-gtk3 has been updated
via a8cb990aa4d529632c30af3ac66f0875d8193084 (commit)
via e7586bce5f95eefce6c592af735b59187d463afb (commit)
via b39e5532360c7136bcedc45b3e3ede16b783b118 (commit)
via 269c4f7b7144b215348406b254f759c1ed1e802e (commit)
via 978a54e18b1334d95823762261797464d63538d8 (commit)
via b9d1cd641b1210a80990e4c7a441afdfc1d956e0 (commit)
via 767eaca1d32f0224ac72f1e38c6ccc336f6f2c70 (commit)
via 34633208d6df22152c3f80cc254049c29a181ce3 (commit)
via bb6e60c21bd4936992315d10bbd500c01547a74f (commit)
via 9538d66f3d40a445c27948102ff27242fdc781d3 (commit)
via 3f414d969695b3e5a6fbaadf290cf740e0a62456 (commit)
via bb61fa12a80bd0774ebb22a5810552a548245619 (commit)
via f51c4b777ee429367753fff55e0db00594817193 (commit)
via 01cf656e43b1c7dff60cb99d57051113fffc9279 (commit)
via aec50e6fc4419f3e37e941bb7cdb573a0b6a8684 (commit)
from 90fd22a9e6dfe00e2367af936764a060a3e41aff (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a8cb990aa4d529632c30af3ac66f0875d8193084
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Sat May 19 22:42:47 2012 +0200
minor changes
commit e7586bce5f95eefce6c592af735b59187d463afb
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Sat May 19 22:42:23 2012 +0200
adding gsb_navigation_view as widget
commit b39e5532360c7136bcedc45b3e3ede16b783b118
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Sat May 19 17:19:18 2012 +0200
renames files navigation.c .h in gsb_navigation.c .h
commit 269c4f7b7144b215348406b254f759c1ed1e802e
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Fri May 18 22:00:57 2012 +0200
adding remboursement.png
commit 978a54e18b1334d95823762261797464d63538d8
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Fri May 18 21:59:11 2012 +0200
deleting mouse.h and rename RIGHT_BUTTON in GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON
commit b9d1cd641b1210a80990e4c7a441afdfc1d956e0
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Fri May 18 21:56:11 2012 +0200
adds grisbi.svg
commit 767eaca1d32f0224ac72f1e38c6ccc336f6f2c70
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Tue May 1 12:40:39 2012 +0200
Adding accounts as G_OBJECT
commit 34633208d6df22152c3f80cc254049c29a181ce3
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Tue May 1 12:34:39 2012 +0200
gsb_select_icon.h: rename functions
commit bb6e60c21bd4936992315d10bbd500c01547a74f
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Tue May 1 12:33:57 2012 +0200
adding gsb_navigation_view files
commit 9538d66f3d40a445c27948102ff27242fdc781d3
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Tue May 1 12:32:30 2012 +0200
gsb_file_load.c: restore an option deleted by error
commit 3f414d969695b3e5a6fbaadf290cf740e0a62456
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Tue May 1 12:28:09 2012 +0200
grisbi_app.h: cosmetic change
commit bb61fa12a80bd0774ebb22a5810552a548245619
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Fri Apr 27 22:22:28 2012 +0200
fixed bugs for the accounts with deferred debit card
commit f51c4b777ee429367753fff55e0db00594817193
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Thu Apr 26 06:28:15 2012 +0200
displays a warning message if the transaction date does not exist
commit 01cf656e43b1c7dff60cb99d57051113fffc9279
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Tue Apr 24 22:01:25 2012 +0200
Fixed bug of replacement of a planned transaction
commit aec50e6fc4419f3e37e941bb7cdb573a0b6a8684
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date: Sun Apr 22 08:31:49 2012 +0200
Cosmetics changes
diff --git a/grisbi.spec b/grisbi.spec
index e8050ea..400e963 100644
--- a/grisbi.spec
+++ b/grisbi.spec
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ desktop-file-install --vendor mandriva \
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
-cp -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps/grisbi/grisbi.png \
- $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/grisbi.png
+cp -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps/grisbi/grisbi.svg \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/grisbi.svg
%find_lang %{name} %{name}-tips
diff --git a/pixmaps/Makefile.am b/pixmaps/Makefile.am
index 0295308..5d9bf83 100644
--- a/pixmaps/Makefile.am
+++ b/pixmaps/Makefile.am
@@ -36,11 +36,12 @@ grisbi_pixmaps_DATA = \
grille.png \
grisbi-logo.png \
grisbi.png \
+ grisbi.svg \
hide_r.png \
impexp.png \
importlg.png \
import.png \
- locale.png \
+ locale.png \
new-categ.png \
new-ib.png \
new-payee.png \
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ grisbi_pixmaps_DATA = \
reconat.png \
reconciliationlg.png \
reconciliation.png \
+ remboursement.png \
reports.png \
scheduler.png \
show_r.png \
@@ -72,5 +74,8 @@ grisbi_pixmaps_DATA = \
grisbi_iconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
grisbi_icons_DATA = grisbi.png
-EXTRA_DIST = $(grisbi_pixmaps_DATA) $(grisbi_icons_DATA)
+grisbi_icons_svgdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
+grisbi_icons_svg_DATA = grisbi.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(grisbi_pixmaps_DATA) $(grisbi_icons_DATA) $(grisbi_icons_svg_DATA)
diff --git a/pixmaps/grisbi.svg b/pixmaps/grisbi.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706d3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pixmaps/grisbi.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
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+André Pascual</desc>
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+ style="stroke:#012977; stroke-width:1.0; fill:none" />
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+ style="stroke:#012573; stroke-width:1.0; fill:none" />
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+ style="stroke:#012270; stroke-width:1.0; fill:none" />
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+ d="M 477.517 197.803C 477.517 197.803 470.304 217.148 452.7 229.224C 435.097 241.301 422.412 246.634 414.121 249.398C 405.831 252.161 374.658 256.031 358.05 253.764C 344.426 255.975 339.257 263.436 337.406 267.941C 335.554 272.445 335.001 271.782 335.499 276.259"
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+ d="M 477.619 198.051C 477.619 198.051 470.599 217.396 452.875 229.5C 435.152 241.605 422.458 246.818 414.167 249.582C 405.877 252.345 374.962 256.307 358.087 253.875C 344.306 256.086 339.202 263.731 337.415 268.208C 335.628 272.685 335.075 271.598 335.591 276.241"
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+ style="stroke:none; fill:url(#16)" />
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diff --git a/pixmaps/remboursement.png b/pixmaps/remboursement.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10986f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/pixmaps/remboursement.png differ
diff --git a/share/grisbi.desktop.in b/share/grisbi.desktop.in
index 2941a13..db37a36 100644
--- a/share/grisbi.desktop.in
+++ b/share/grisbi.desktop.in
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
_Comment=Personnal finances mana in b/share/grisbi.desktop.in ng 8 467.772 63.7948C 467.772 63.7948 467.572 67.9098 464.107 73.1288C 460.116 79.1397 452.069 86.7836 439.542 94.0777C 431.026 99.0367 424.039 102.006 418.372 102.989C 408.222 105.278 402.304 102.038 402.304 102.038C 402.304 102.038 398.244 96.5717 397.68 94.3187C 397.599 93.9916 405.593 95.4567 414.434 93.8406C 420.781 92.6807 427.732 89.1977 434.674 85.2647C 444.488 79.7067 452.785 72.3438 457.511 65.9067C 460.786 61.4458 461.946 57.1367 462.354 55.3927z" .469 473.638 174.66 476.954 195.11z" 00.276L 739.074 500.276C 759.951 500.276 772.588 497.101 780.28 491.704C 787.789 486.466 790.719 478.846 790.719 470.274C 790.719 452.654 775.701 443.923 758.669 441.701L 758.67 441.384C 776.617 438.05 785.774 429.795 785.774 416.779C 785.774 397.413 768.01 390.428 739.074 390.428L 678.638 390.428z" 448.248 397.73 457.588 403.603 457.588 419.795C 457.588 432.97 451.728 442.495 433.231 442.495L 424.074 442.495L 424.074 403.921z
" 0.917 219.279 370.917 210.374 370.917C 211.781 365.753 214.086 356.583 221.45 328.186C 308.695 328.193 287.908 328.376 738.419 328.186C 758.428 305.835 765.635 297.207 781.185 279.244C 556.029 279.244 460.148 279.244 242.306 279.662C 245.081 270.432 254.544 256.995 269.786 241.767C 291.182 220.388 321.858 195.015 363.508 173.254C 423.726 141.792 503.084 117.043 587.218 117.712C 760.185 120.633 849.057 201.069 849.057 201.069z" ò* Ëøÿ pKáò* @Åøÿ Äøÿ kP1ò* 5 6 7 8 : < = > ? @ B D Ëøÿ Ëøÿ à}ªò* Ëøÿ u:1ò* URò* ÀÃøÿ }ò* e91ò* URò* Õ_ at fÆS Qöl±íÁyò* Ëøÿ à}ªò* PÆøÿ Åøÿ kP1ò* u]ÞÓ 4Q ÷U^Qʧ ¶uª¹ñìò*ÄvËøÿ Ëøÿ HÎvò* ³ò* ÀÌøÿ ¦
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diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 6f3f938..71496ad 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ libgrisbi_la_SOURCES = \
gsb_fyear.c \
gsb_fyear_config.c \
gsb_locale.c \
+ gsb_navigation.c \
+ gsb_navigation_view.c \
gsb_payment_method.c \
gsb_payment_method_config.c \
gsb_plugins.c \
@@ -132,7 +134,6 @@ libgrisbi_la_SOURCES = \
meta_categories.c \
meta_payee.c \
metatree.c \
- navigation.c \
parametres.c \
parse_cmdline.c \
parametres_ui.c \
@@ -251,6 +252,8 @@ libgrisbi_la_SOURCES = \
gsb_fyear.h \
gsb_fyear_config.h \
gsb_locale.h \
+ gsb_navigation.h \
+ gsb_navigation_view.h \
gsb_payment_method.h \
gsb_payment_method_config.h \
gsb_plugins.h \
@@ -289,8 +292,6 @@ libgrisbi_la_SOURCES = \
meta_categories.h \
meta_payee.h \
metatree.h \
- mouse.h \
- navigation.h \
parametres.h \
parse_cmdline.h \
parametres_ui.h \
diff --git a/src/accueil.c b/src/accueil.c
index 3893bdb..d20f739 100644
--- a/src/accueil.c
+++ b/src/accueil.c
@@ -43,12 +43,13 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_select_icon.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "utils_dates.h"
@@ -1216,9 +1217,9 @@ gint affiche_soldes_additionnels ( GtkWidget *table, gint i, GSList *liste )
gboolean gsb_main_page_click_on_account ( gint *account_number )
devel_debug_int (GPOINTER_TO_INT (account_number));
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
- GPOINTER_TO_INT (account_number),
- NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
+ GPOINTER_TO_INT (account_number),
+ NULL );
return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/affichage.c b/src/affichage.c
index 5836af1..1fe6b1d 100644
--- a/src/affichage.c
+++ b/src/affichage.c
@@ -39,9 +39,10 @@
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_select_icon.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "parametres.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -520,7 +521,7 @@ void change_logo_accueil ( GtkWidget *file_selector )
etat->is_pixmaps_dir = TRUE;
name_logo = g_path_get_basename ( chemin_logo );
- if ( g_strcmp0 ( name_logo, "grisbi-logo.png" ) != 0 )
+ if ( g_strcmp0 ( name_logo, "grisbi.svg" ) != 0 )
etat->name_logo = name_logo;
etat->name_logo = NULL;
@@ -810,11 +811,11 @@ gboolean preferences_active_mouse_scrolling_left_pane ( GtkWidget *toggle_button
if ( conf->active_scrolling_left_pane )
g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( ),
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ),
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_check_scroll ),
g_signal_handlers_block_by_func ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( ),
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ),
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_check_scroll ),
return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/affichage_liste.c b/src/affichage_liste.c
index 1046108..83f289d 100644
--- a/src/affichage_liste.c
+++ b/src/affichage_liste.c
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "gtk_combofix.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
diff --git a/src/bet_config.c b/src/bet_config.c
index 8f733f2..0f13021 100644
--- a/src/bet_config.c
+++ b/src/bet_config.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
#include "gsb_fyear.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
@@ -1016,10 +1016,11 @@ gboolean bet_config_change_account ( GtkWidget *combo )
GtkWidget *account_page;
GtkWidget *notebook;
GtkWidget *widget = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *fyear_combo;
gint account_number;
gint bet_use_budget;
GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
- bet_type_onglets bet_show_onglets;
+ BetTypeOnglets bet_show_onglets;
devel_debug (NULL);
etat = grisbi_window_get_struct_etat ();
@@ -1031,6 +1032,13 @@ gboolean bet_config_change_account ( GtkWidget *combo )
account_number = gsb_account_get_combo_account_number ( combo );
bet_use_budget = gsb_data_account_get_bet_use_budget ( account_number );
+ account_page = gsb_gui_on_account_get_notebook ();
+ /* on bloque l'appel à la fonction bet_config_fyear_clicked */
+ fyear_combo = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( account_page ), "bet_config_hist_fyear_combo" );
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func ( G_OBJECT ( fyear_combo ),
+ G_CALLBACK ( bet_config_fyear_clicked ),
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( 0 ) );
switch ( bet_use_budget )
@@ -1080,6 +1088,12 @@ gboolean bet_config_change_account ( GtkWidget *combo )
+ /* on débloque l'appel à la fonction bet_config_fyear_clicked */
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func ( G_OBJECT ( fyear_combo ),
+ G_CALLBACK ( bet_config_fyear_clicked ),
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( 0 ) );
+ /* return */
return FALSE;
@@ -1153,11 +1167,10 @@ void bet_config_sensitive_account_parameters ( gint account_number, gboolean sen
if ( sensitive )
GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
+ BetTypeOnglets bet_show_onglets;
etat = grisbi_window_get_struct_etat ();
- bet_type_onglets bet_show_onglets;
bet_show_onglets = gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( account_number );
switch ( bet_show_onglets )
diff --git a/src/bet_data.c b/src/bet_data.c
index 614ffcb..2883f78 100644
--- a/src/bet_data.c
+++ b/src/bet_data.c
@@ -42,14 +42,15 @@
#include "gsb_data_scheduled.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
-#include "utils_dates.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
-#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "gsb_file_save.h"
-#include "utils_str.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
-#include "erreur.h"
+#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
+#include "traitement_variables.h"
+#include "utils_dates.h"
+#include "utils_str.h"
+#include "erreur.h"
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ void bet_data_select_bet_pages ( gint account_number )
GtkWidget *account_page;
GtkWidget *page;
gint current_page;
- bet_type_onglets bet_show_onglets;
+ BetTypeOnglets bet_show_onglets;
devel_debug_int ( account_number );
bet_show_onglets = gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( account_number );
@@ -916,17 +917,17 @@ GPtrArray *bet_data_get_strings_to_save ( void )
date_bascule = gsb_format_gdate_safe ( transfert->date_bascule );
tmp_str = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "\t<Bet_transfert Nb=\"%d\" Dt=\"%s\" Ac=\"%d\" "
- "Ty=\"%d\" Ra=\"%d\" Rt=\"%d\" Aim=\"%d\" Dd=\"%d\" Dtb=\"%s\" "
- "Ca=\"%d\" Sca=\"%d\" Bu=\"%d\" Sbu=\"%d\" />\n",
+ "Ty=\"%d\" Ra=\"%d\" Rt=\"%d\" Dd=\"%d\" Dtb=\"%s\" "
+ "Pa=\"%d\" Ca=\"%d\" Sca=\"%d\" Bu=\"%d\" Sbu=\"%d\" />\n",
my_safe_null_str ( date ),
- transfert->auto_inc_month,
my_safe_null_str ( date_bascule ),
+ transfert->payee_number,
@@ -1703,6 +1704,121 @@ gboolean bet_data_transfert_modify_line ( struct_transfert_data *transfert )
+ * crée la ou les transactions de remise à zéro des comptes cartes concernés
+ *
+ * \param struct transfert
+ *
+ * \return
+ * */
+static void bet_data_transfert_create_reset_credit_card ( struct_transfert_data *transfert )
+ gint transaction_number;
+ gsb_real amount;
+ /* replace_account is an account */
+ if ( transfert -> type == 0 )
+ {
+ amount = gsb_data_account_get_current_balance ( transfert->replace_account );
+ transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_new_transaction ( transfert->replace_account );
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_date ( transaction_number, transfert->date_bascule );
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_amount ( transaction_number, gsb_real_opposite ( amount ) );
+ /* set the currency */
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_currency_number ( transaction_number,
+ gsb_data_account_get_currency ( transfert->replace_account ) );
+ /* set the payement mode */
+ if ( amount.mantissa < 0 )
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_method_of_payment_number ( transaction_number,
+ gsb_data_account_get_default_debit ( transfert->account_number ) );
+ else
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_method_of_payment_number ( transaction_number,
+ gsb_data_account_get_default_credit ( transfert->account_number ) );
+ /* set the payee */
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_party_number ( transaction_number, transfert->payee_number );
+ /* set the category sub_category */
+ if ( transfert->category_number )
+ {
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_category_number ( transaction_number, transfert->category_number );
+ if ( transfert -> sub_category_number )
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_category_number ( transaction_number,
+ transfert->sub_category_number );
+ }
+ /* set the IB sub_IB */
+ if ( transfert->budgetary_number )
+ {
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_budgetary_number ( transaction_number, transfert->budgetary_number );
+ if ( transfert -> sub_category_number )
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_budgetary_number ( transaction_number,
+ transfert->sub_budgetary_number );
+ }
+ /* append the transaction in list */
+ gsb_transactions_list_append_new_transaction ( transaction_number, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gchar **tab;
+ GDate *date;
+ gint i;
+ date = gsb_date_copy ( transfert->date_bascule );
+ g_date_subtract_days ( date, 1 );
+ tab = g_strsplit ( gsb_data_partial_balance_get_liste_cptes ( transfert->replace_account ), ";", 0 );
+ for ( i = 0; tab[i]; i++ )
+ {
+ gint account_number;
+ account_number = utils_str_atoi ( tab[i] );
+ amount = gsb_data_account_get_current_balance ( account_number );
+ transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_new_transaction ( account_number );
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_date ( transaction_number, date );
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_amount ( transaction_number, gsb_real_opposite ( amount ) );
+ /* set the currency */
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_currency_number ( transaction_number,
+ gsb_data_account_get_currency ( account_number ) );
+ /* set the payement mode */
+ if ( amount.mantissa < 0 )
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_method_of_payment_number ( transaction_number,
+ gsb_data_account_get_default_debit ( transfert->account_number ) );
+ else
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_method_of_payment_number ( transaction_number,
+ gsb_data_account_get_default_credit ( transfert->account_number ) );
+ /* set the payee */
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_party_number ( transaction_number, transfert->payee_number );
+ /* set the category sub_category */
+ if ( transfert->category_number )
+ {
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_category_number ( transaction_number, transfert->category_number );
+ if ( transfert -> sub_category_number )
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_category_number ( transaction_number, transfert->sub_category_number );
+ }
+ /* set the IB sub_IB */
+ if ( transfert->budgetary_number )
+ {
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_budgetary_number ( transaction_number, transfert->budgetary_number );
+ if ( transfert -> sub_category_number )
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_budgetary_number ( transaction_number, transfert->sub_budgetary_number );
+ }
+ /* append the transaction in list */
+ gsb_transactions_list_append_new_transaction ( transaction_number, TRUE );
+ }
+ g_strfreev ( tab );
+ g_date_free ( date );
+ }
* update la date de la ligne transfert lorsque la date de bascule est atteinte
* \param struct transfert contenant les données
@@ -1723,14 +1839,29 @@ void bet_data_transfert_update_date_if_necessary ( struct_transfert_data *transf
if ( g_date_get_month ( transfert->date ) == g_date_get_month ( transfert->date_bascule ) )
same_month = TRUE;
+ /* on crée la transaction dans le compte principal */
if ( transfert->direct_debit )
bet_array_create_transaction_from_transfert ( transfert, same_month );
+ /* on remet à zéro les comptes cartes */
+ bet_data_transfert_create_reset_credit_card ( transfert );
+ /* on incrémente la date de prélèvement */
tmp_date = gsb_date_copy ( transfert -> date );
- g_date_free ( transfert -> date );
+ g_date_free ( transfert->date );
g_date_add_months ( tmp_date, 1 );
transfert -> date = tmp_date;
+ /* on incrémente la date de bascule */
+ tmp_date = gsb_date_copy ( transfert->date_bascule );
+ g_date_free ( transfert->date_bascule );
+ g_date_add_months ( tmp_date, 1 );
+ transfert->date_bascule = tmp_date;
+ gsb_data_account_set_bet_maj ( transfert->account_number, BET_MAJ_ESTIMATE );
+ gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
g_date_free ( date_jour );
@@ -1943,12 +2074,15 @@ void bet_data_transfert_create_new_transaction ( struct_transfert_data *transfer
gsb_data_transaction_set_method_of_payment_number ( transaction_number,
gsb_data_account_get_default_credit ( transfert->account_number ) );
+ /* set the payee */
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_party_number ( transaction_number, transfert->payee_number );
/* set the category sub_category */
if ( transfert->category_number )
gsb_data_transaction_set_category_number ( transaction_number, transfert->category_number );
if ( transfert -> sub_category_number )
- gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_category_number ( transaction_number, transfert->sub_category_number );
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_category_number ( transaction_number, transfert->sub_category_number );
/* set the IB sub_IB */
@@ -1956,8 +2090,11 @@ void bet_data_transfert_create_new_transaction ( struct_transfert_data *transfer
gsb_data_transaction_set_budgetary_number ( transaction_number, transfert->budgetary_number );
if ( transfert -> sub_category_number )
- gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_budgetary_number ( transaction_number, transfert->sub_budgetary_number );
+ gsb_data_transaction_set_sub_budgetary_number ( transaction_number, transfert->sub_budgetary_number );
+ /* append the transaction in list */
+ gsb_transactions_list_append_new_transaction ( transaction_number, TRUE );
diff --git a/src/bet_data.h b/src/bet_data.h
index d5616d5..70808ca 100644
--- a/src/bet_data.h
+++ b/src/bet_data.h
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ struct _bet_range
struct _historical
gint div;
- gint account_nb;
+ gint account_nb;
SBR *sbr;
- GHashTable *list_sub_div;
+ GHashTable *list_sub_div;
/* utilisée pour gérer la liste des données historiques dans le tableau des prévisions */
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ struct _transfert_data
gint number;
gint account_number;
gint type; /* 0 = account 1 = partial balance */
- gint replace_account; /* Account number or partial balance concerned */
+ gint replace_account; /* Account number or partial balance number */
gint replace_transaction;
- gint auto_inc_month;
gint direct_debit;
GDate *date;
GDate *date_bascule;
+ gint payee_number;
gint category_number;
gint sub_category_number;
gint budgetary_number;
diff --git a/src/bet_finance_ui.c b/src/bet_finance_ui.c
index 4282579..f0aa111 100644
--- a/src/bet_finance_ui.c
+++ b/src/bet_finance_ui.c
@@ -43,9 +43,8 @@
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "print_tree_view_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -959,7 +958,7 @@ gboolean bet_finance_data_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
GtkWidget *page )
/* show the popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
gint page_num;
diff --git a/src/bet_future.c b/src/bet_future.c
index 70fdce0..1d2c42f 100644
--- a/src/bet_future.c
+++ b/src/bet_future.c
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@
#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
#include "gsb_fyear.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_payment_method.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gtk_combofix.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "utils_dates.h"
@@ -90,12 +90,6 @@ static gboolean bet_form_scheduler_frequency_button_changed ( GtkWidget *combo_b
static GtkWidget *bet_form_scheduler_get_element_widget ( gint element_number );
static GtkWidget *bet_form_widget_get_widget ( gint element_number );
static GtkWidget *bet_future_create_dialog ( gint account_number );
-static gboolean bet_future_get_budget_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
- gint struct_type,
- gpointer *value );
-static gboolean bet_future_get_category_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
- gint struct_type,
- gpointer *value );
static gboolean bet_future_set_form_data_from_line ( gint account_number,
gint number );
static gboolean bet_future_take_data_from_form ( struct_futur_data *scheduled );
@@ -1310,6 +1304,169 @@ gboolean bet_form_button_press_event ( GtkWidget *entry,
+ * récupère le tiers
+ *
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+static gboolean bet_future_get_payee_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
+ gpointer *value )
+ const gchar *string;
+ struct_transfert_data *sd = ( struct_transfert_data *) value;
+ string = gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) );
+ if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
+ {
+ sd->payee_number = gsb_data_payee_get_number_by_name ( string, FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ sd->payee_number = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ * récupère la catégorie et la sous catégorie
+ *
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+static gboolean bet_future_get_category_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
+ gint struct_type,
+ gpointer *value )
+ const gchar *string;
+ gchar **tab_char;
+ gint category_number = 0;
+ gint sub_category_number = 0;
+ string = gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) );
+ if ( struct_type == 0 )
+ {
+ struct_futur_data *sd = ( struct_futur_data *) value;
+ if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
+ {
+ tab_char = g_strsplit ( string, " : ", 2 );
+ if ( my_strcasecmp ( tab_char[0], _("Transfer") ) == 0 )
+ {
+ sd -> is_transfert = TRUE;
+ sd -> account_transfert = gsb_data_account_get_no_account_by_name ( tab_char[1] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ category_number = gsb_data_category_get_number_by_name (
+ tab_char[0], FALSE, 0 );
+ if ( tab_char[1] && strlen ( tab_char[1] ) )
+ sub_category_number = gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_number_by_name (
+ category_number, tab_char[1], FALSE );
+ else
+ sub_category_number = 0;
+ }
+ g_strfreev ( tab_char );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ category_number = 0;
+ category_number = 0;
+ }
+ sd -> category_number = category_number;
+ sd -> sub_category_number = sub_category_number;
+ }
+ else if ( struct_type == 1 )
+ {
+ struct_transfert_data *sd = ( struct_transfert_data *) value;
+ if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
+ {
+ tab_char = g_strsplit ( string, " : ", 2 );
+ category_number = gsb_data_category_get_number_by_name (
+ tab_char[0], FALSE, 0 );
+ if ( tab_char[1] && strlen ( tab_char[1] ) )
+ sub_category_number = gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_number_by_name (
+ category_number, tab_char[1], FALSE );
+ else
+ sub_category_number = 0;
+ g_strfreev ( tab_char );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ category_number = 0;
+ category_number = 0;
+ }
+ sd -> category_number = category_number;
+ sd -> sub_category_number = sub_category_number;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * récupère l'imputation et la sous imputation budgétaire
+ *
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+static gboolean bet_future_get_budget_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
+ gint struct_type,
+ gpointer *value )
+ const gchar *string;
+ gchar **tab_char;
+ gint budgetary_number;
+ gint sub_budgetary_number;
+ string = gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) );
+ if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
+ {
+ tab_char = g_strsplit ( string, " : ", 2 );
+ budgetary_number = gsb_data_budget_get_number_by_name (
+ tab_char[0], FALSE, 0 );
+ if ( tab_char[1] && strlen ( tab_char[1] ) )
+ sub_budgetary_number = gsb_data_budget_get_sub_budget_number_by_name (
+ budgetary_number, tab_char[1], FALSE );
+ else
+ sub_budgetary_number = 0;
+ g_strfreev ( tab_char );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ budgetary_number = 0;
+ sub_budgetary_number = 0;
+ }
+ if ( struct_type == 0 )
+ {
+ struct_futur_data *sd = ( struct_futur_data *) value;
+ sd -> budgetary_number = budgetary_number;
+ sd -> sub_budgetary_number = sub_budgetary_number;
+ }
+ else if ( struct_type == 1 )
+ {
+ struct_transfert_data *sd = ( struct_transfert_data *) value;
+ sd -> budgetary_number = budgetary_number;
+ sd -> sub_budgetary_number = sub_budgetary_number;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
* initialise les données du formulaire
@@ -1587,145 +1744,6 @@ gboolean bet_future_take_data_from_form ( struct_futur_data *scheduled )
- * récupère l'imputation et la sous imputation budgétaire
- *
- *
- * \return FALSE
- * */
-gboolean bet_future_get_budget_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
- gint struct_type,
- gpointer *value )
- const gchar *string;
- gchar **tab_char;
- gint budgetary_number;
- gint sub_budgetary_number;
- string = gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) );
- if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
- {
- tab_char = g_strsplit ( string, " : ", 2 );
- budgetary_number = gsb_data_budget_get_number_by_name (
- tab_char[0], FALSE, 0 );
- if ( tab_char[1] && strlen ( tab_char[1] ) )
- sub_budgetary_number = gsb_data_budget_get_sub_budget_number_by_name (
- budgetary_number, tab_char[1], FALSE );
- else
- sub_budgetary_number = 0;
- g_strfreev ( tab_char );
- }
- else
- {
- budgetary_number = 0;
- sub_budgetary_number = 0;
- }
- if ( struct_type == 0 )
- {
- struct_futur_data *sd = ( struct_futur_data *) value;
- sd -> budgetary_number = budgetary_number;
- sd -> sub_budgetary_number = sub_budgetary_number;
- }
- else if ( struct_type == 0 )
- {
- struct_transfert_data *sd = ( struct_transfert_data *) value;
- sd -> budgetary_number = budgetary_number;
- sd -> sub_budgetary_number = sub_budgetary_number;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * récupère la catégorie et la sous catégorie
- *
- *
- * \return FALSE
- * */
-gboolean bet_future_get_category_data ( GtkWidget *widget,
- gint struct_type,
- gpointer *value )
- const gchar *string;
- gchar **tab_char;
- gint category_number = 0;
- gint sub_category_number = 0;
- string = gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) );
- if ( struct_type == 0 )
- {
- struct_futur_data *sd = ( struct_futur_data *) value;
- if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
- {
- tab_char = g_strsplit ( string, " : ", 2 );
- if ( my_strcasecmp ( tab_char[0], _("Transfer") ) == 0 )
- {
- sd -> is_transfert = TRUE;
- sd -> account_transfert = gsb_data_account_get_no_account_by_name ( tab_char[1] );
- }
- else
- {
- category_number = gsb_data_category_get_number_by_name (
- tab_char[0], FALSE, 0 );
- if ( tab_char[1] && strlen ( tab_char[1] ) )
- sub_category_number = gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_number_by_name (
- category_number, tab_char[1], FALSE );
- else
- sub_category_number = 0;
- }
- g_strfreev ( tab_char );
- }
- else
- {
- category_number = 0;
- category_number = 0;
- }
- sd -> category_number = category_number;
- sd -> sub_category_number = sub_category_number;
- }
- else if ( struct_type == 1 )
- {
- struct_transfert_data *sd = ( struct_transfert_data *) value;
- if ( string && strlen ( string ) > 0 )
- {
- tab_char = g_strsplit ( string, " : ", 2 );
- category_number = gsb_data_category_get_number_by_name (
- tab_char[0], FALSE, 0 );
- if ( tab_char[1] && strlen ( tab_char[1] ) )
- sub_category_number = gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_number_by_name (
- category_number, tab_char[1], FALSE );
- else
- sub_category_number = 0;
- g_strfreev ( tab_char );
- }
- else
- {
- category_number = 0;
- category_number = 0;
- }
- sd -> category_number = category_number;
- sd -> sub_category_number = sub_category_number;
- }
- return FALSE;
@@ -1935,6 +1953,11 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_new_line_dialog ( GtkTreeModel *tab_model,
if ( bet_transfert_dialog == NULL )
bet_transfert_dialog = bet_transfert_create_dialog ( account_number );
+ if ( bet_transfert_dialog == NULL )
+ {
+ dialogue_warning ( _("You must create at least one cash account") );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
@@ -1961,9 +1984,6 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_new_line_dialog ( GtkTreeModel *tab_model,
gsb_form_widget_set_empty ( widget, FALSE );
gsb_calendar_entry_set_date ( widget, date );
- gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive ( GTK_DIALOG ( bet_transfert_dialog ),
result = gtk_dialog_run ( GTK_DIALOG ( bet_transfert_dialog ) );
@@ -2071,6 +2091,10 @@ GtkWidget *bet_transfert_create_dialog ( gint account_number )
/* create the account list */
tree_view = bet_transfert_create_account_list_part ( dialog, account_number );
+ if ( tree_view == NULL )
+ return NULL;
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER ( sw ), tree_view );
gtk_container_set_resize_mode (GTK_CONTAINER ( sw ), GTK_RESIZE_PARENT );
@@ -2095,11 +2119,6 @@ GtkWidget *bet_transfert_create_dialog ( gint account_number )
g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "date_entry", date_entry );
gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( hbox ), date_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
- button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ( _("Monthly auto-increment") );
- gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( button ), FALSE );
- g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_auto_inc", button );
- gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( paddingbox ), button, FALSE, FALSE, 5 );
/* check button replace planned line */
button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (
_("Replacement of the scheduled operation") );
@@ -2111,13 +2130,6 @@ GtkWidget *bet_transfert_create_dialog ( gint account_number )
G_CALLBACK ( bet_transfert_replace_data_toggle ),
dialog );
- /* check button replace planned line */
- button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (
- _("Automatic creation of the direct debit transaction") );
- gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( button ), FALSE );
- g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_direct_debit", button );
- gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( paddingbox ), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
/* Line replaced */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new ( FALSE, 0 );
gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( paddingbox ), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 5 );
@@ -2176,6 +2188,37 @@ GtkWidget *bet_transfert_create_dialog ( gint account_number )
gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( combo, FALSE );
+ /* check button Automatic creation of the direct debit transaction */
+ button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (
+ _("Automatic creation of the direct debit transaction") );
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( button ), FALSE );
+ g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_direct_debit", button );
+ gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( paddingbox ), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ combo = gtk_combofix_new ( gsb_data_payee_get_name_and_report_list () );
+ gtk_combofix_set_force_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ),
+ etat->combofix_force_category );
+ gtk_combofix_set_max_items ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ),
+ etat->combofix_max_item );
+ gtk_combofix_set_case_sensitive ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ),
+ etat->combofix_case_sensitive );
+ gtk_combofix_set_mixed_sort ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ),
+ etat->combofix_mixed_sort );
+ gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( paddingbox ), combo, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ gsb_form_widget_set_empty ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ) -> entry, TRUE );
+ gtk_combofix_set_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ), _("Payee") );
+ g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ) -> entry ), "combo", combo );
+ g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_payee_combo", combo );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ) -> entry ),
+ "focus-in-event",
+ G_CALLBACK ( bet_form_entry_get_focus ),
+ NULL );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( combo ) -> entry ),
+ "focus-out-event",
+ G_CALLBACK ( bet_transfert_entry_lose_focus ),
gtk_widget_show_all ( dialog );
return dialog;
@@ -2284,7 +2327,9 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_entry_lose_focus ( GtkWidget *entry,
gtk_editable_select_region ( GTK_EDITABLE ( entry ), 0, 0 );
element_number = GPOINTER_TO_INT ( ptr_origin );
- if ( element_number != TRANSACTION_FORM_CATEGORY
+ if ( element_number != TRANSACTION_FORM_PARTY
+ &&
element_number != TRANSACTION_FORM_BUDGET )
return FALSE;
@@ -2299,6 +2344,11 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_entry_lose_focus ( GtkWidget *entry,
string = NULL;
switch ( element_number )
+ if ( !strlen ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entry ) ) ) )
+ string = gsb_form_widget_get_name ( TRANSACTION_FORM_PARTY );
+ break;
if ( !strlen ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entry ) ) ) )
string = gsb_form_widget_get_name ( TRANSACTION_FORM_CATEGORY );
@@ -2319,6 +2369,7 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_entry_lose_focus ( GtkWidget *entry,
switch ( element_number)
/* need to work with the combofix to avoid some signals if we work
@@ -2383,10 +2434,6 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_take_data ( struct_transfert_data *transfert, GtkWidget
return FALSE;
- widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_auto_inc" );
- transfert -> auto_inc_month = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (
- GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( widget ) );
widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_replace_data" );
transfert -> replace_transaction = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (
GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( widget ) );
@@ -2416,6 +2463,18 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_take_data ( struct_transfert_data *transfert, GtkWidget
widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_direct_debit" );
transfert->direct_debit = gtk_toggle_button_get_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( widget ) );
+ if ( transfert->direct_debit )
+ {
+ gboolean empty = TRUE;
+ widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( dialog ), "bet_transfert_payee_combo" );
+ if ( gsb_form_widget_check_empty( widget ) == FALSE )
+ {
+ bet_future_get_payee_data ( widget, ( gpointer ) transfert );
+ empty = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
return TRUE;
@@ -2649,16 +2708,28 @@ gboolean bet_transfert_set_form_data_from_line ( gint account_number, gint numbe
gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, transfert -> replace_transaction );
widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( bet_transfert_dialog ),
- "bet_transfert_auto_inc" );
- gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( widget ), transfert->auto_inc_month );
- widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( bet_transfert_dialog ),
"bet_transfert_replace_data" );
gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( widget ), transfert->replace_transaction );
widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( bet_transfert_dialog ), "bet_transfert_direct_debit" );
gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( widget ), transfert->direct_debit );
+ widget = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( bet_transfert_dialog ),
+ "bet_transfert_payee_combo" );
+ if ( transfert -> payee_number > 0 )
+ {
+ gtk_combofix_set_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ),
+ gsb_data_payee_get_name ( transfert -> payee_number, FALSE ) );
+ gsb_form_widget_set_empty ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) -> entry, FALSE );
+ gtk_editable_set_position ( GTK_EDITABLE ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) -> entry), 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_combofix_set_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ), _("Payee") );
+ gsb_form_widget_set_empty ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget ) -> entry, TRUE );
+ }
return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/bet_graph.c b/src/bet_graph.c
index 160e19f..c9f84d6 100644
--- a/src/bet_graph.c
+++ b/src/bet_graph.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_fyear.h"
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "utils_gtkbuilder.h"
#include "utils_dates.h"
diff --git a/src/bet_hist.c b/src/bet_hist.c
index 975c881..8242bb2 100644
--- a/src/bet_hist.c
+++ b/src/bet_hist.c
@@ -46,9 +46,8 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_fyear.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "print_tree_view_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -1456,7 +1455,7 @@ gboolean bet_historical_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
GdkEventButton *ev )
/* show the popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
bet_historical_context_menu ( tree_view );
return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/bet_tab.c b/src/bet_tab.c
index b3ba69d..2a7b4a5 100644
--- a/src/bet_tab.c
+++ b/src/bet_tab.c
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "print_tree_view_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -171,6 +171,35 @@ static gint bet_array_current_tree_view_width = 0;
static GtkWidget *bet_array_toolbar;
+ * remplace l'opération planifiée de même date et de même catégorie ou IB
+ *
+ * \param modèle du tableau
+ *
+ * \return
+ * */
+static void bet_array_list_replace_scheduled_by_transfert ( GtkTreeModel *tab_model,
+ gint account_number )
+ GHashTable *transfert_list;
+ GHashTableIter iter;
+ gpointer key, value;
+ transfert_list = bet_data_transfert_get_list ();
+ g_hash_table_iter_init ( &iter, transfert_list );
+ while ( g_hash_table_iter_next ( &iter, &key, &value ) )
+ {
+ struct_transfert_data *transfert = ( struct_transfert_data *) value;
+ if ( account_number != transfert -> account_number )
+ continue;
+ if ( transfert -> replace_transaction )
+ bet_array_list_replace_planned_line_by_transfert ( tab_model, transfert );
+ }
* Met à jour les données à afficher dans les différentes vues du module
@@ -467,6 +496,9 @@ void bet_array_refresh_estimate_tab ( gint account_number )
/* search data from the futur */
bet_array_refresh_futur_data ( tree_model, date_min, date_max );
+ /* search data from a transfer */
+ bet_array_refresh_transfert_data ( tree_model, date_min, date_max );
/* search transactions of the account which are in the period */
bet_array_refresh_transactions_data ( tree_model,
@@ -479,8 +511,7 @@ void bet_array_refresh_estimate_tab ( gint account_number )
date_max );
- /* search data from a transfer */
- bet_array_refresh_transfert_data ( tree_model, date_min, date_max );
+ bet_array_list_replace_scheduled_by_transfert ( tree_model, account_number );
/* shows the balance at beginning of month */
bet_array_shows_balance_at_beginning_of_month ( tree_model, date_min, date_max );
@@ -1308,7 +1339,7 @@ gboolean bet_array_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
GdkEventButton *ev )
/* show the popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
@@ -1612,7 +1643,7 @@ void bet_array_list_change_menu ( GtkWidget *menu_item,
else if ( origine == SPP_ORIGIN_SCHEDULED )
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
gsb_scheduler_list_select ( number );
gsb_scheduler_list_edit_transaction ( number );
@@ -2328,7 +2359,7 @@ void bet_array_list_schedule_selected_line ( GtkWidget *menu_item,
mise_a_jour_liste_echeances_auto_accueil = 1;
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
gsb_scheduler_list_select ( scheduled_number );
gsb_scheduler_list_edit_transaction ( scheduled_number );
@@ -2622,8 +2653,8 @@ gboolean bet_array_refresh_transfert_data ( GtkTreeModel *tab_model,
devel_debug (NULL);
- account_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ( );
- transfert_list = bet_data_transfert_get_list ( );
+ account_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ();
+ transfert_list = bet_data_transfert_get_list ();
g_hash_table_iter_init ( &iter, transfert_list );
while ( g_hash_table_iter_next ( &iter, &key, &value ) )
@@ -2643,9 +2674,6 @@ gboolean bet_array_refresh_transfert_data ( GtkTreeModel *tab_model,
if ( account_number != transfert -> account_number )
- if ( transfert -> auto_inc_month )
- bet_data_transfert_update_date_if_necessary ( transfert );
if ( g_date_compare ( transfert -> date, date_max ) > 0 )
if ( g_date_compare ( transfert -> date, date_min ) < 0 )
@@ -2697,8 +2725,6 @@ gboolean bet_array_refresh_transfert_data ( GtkTreeModel *tab_model,
- if ( transfert -> replace_transaction )
- bet_array_list_replace_planned_line_by_transfert ( tab_model, transfert );
g_value_unset ( &date_value );
g_free ( str_date );
g_free ( str_description );
@@ -3183,17 +3209,17 @@ void bet_array_create_transaction_from_transfert ( struct_transfert_data *transf
+ gint scheduled_number;
/* on recherche une opération planifiée */
tmp_list = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_list ( );
while (tmp_list)
- gint scheduled_number;
gint div_number = 0;
gint sub_div_number = 0;
gint account_number;
const GDate *date;
- gsb_real amount;
scheduled_number = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_number ( tmp_list->data );
tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
@@ -3219,15 +3245,6 @@ void bet_array_create_transaction_from_transfert ( struct_transfert_data *transf
transfert -> sub_category_number == sub_div_number )
- if ( transfert -> type == 0 )
- {
- amount = gsb_data_account_get_current_balance ( transfert -> replace_account );
- }
- else
- {
- amount = gsb_data_partial_balance_get_current_amount ( transfert -> replace_account );
- }
- gsb_data_scheduled_set_amount ( scheduled_number, amount );
find = TRUE;
@@ -3243,31 +3260,22 @@ void bet_array_create_transaction_from_transfert ( struct_transfert_data *transf
transfert -> sub_budgetary_number == sub_div_number )
- if ( transfert -> type == 0 )
- {
- amount = gsb_data_account_get_current_balance ( transfert -> replace_account );
- }
- else
- {
- amount = gsb_data_partial_balance_get_current_amount ( transfert -> replace_account );
- }
- gsb_data_scheduled_set_amount ( scheduled_number, amount );
find = TRUE;
- if ( find )
- {
- GDate *tmp_date;
- tmp_date = gsb_date_copy ( transfert -> date );
- g_date_add_months ( tmp_date, 1 );
+ }
+ if ( find )
+ {
+ GDate *tmp_date;
- gsb_data_scheduled_set_date ( scheduled_number, tmp_date );
+ tmp_date = gsb_date_copy ( transfert -> date );
+ g_date_add_months ( tmp_date, 1 );
- g_date_free ( tmp_date );
- }
+ gsb_data_scheduled_set_date ( scheduled_number, tmp_date );
bet_data_transfert_create_new_transaction ( transfert );
+ g_date_free ( tmp_date );
diff --git a/src/categories_onglet.c b/src/categories_onglet.c
index 07a785a..8cecd5c 100644
--- a/src/categories_onglet.c
+++ b/src/categories_onglet.c
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "meta_categories.h"
#include "metatree.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
@@ -991,7 +990,7 @@ gboolean category_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
GdkEventButton *ev,
gpointer null )
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
category_list_popup_context_menu ( );
diff --git a/src/etats_affiche.c b/src/etats_affiche.c
index 4271a71..318c2c4 100644
--- a/src/etats_affiche.c
+++ b/src/etats_affiche.c
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
#include "gsb_data_reconcile.h"
#include "gsb_data_report.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
-#include "utils_dates.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
+#include "utils_dates.h"
#include "utils_real.h"
#include "utils_str.h"
#include "structures.h"
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
static void etat_affiche_attach_hsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2);
-static void etat_affiche_attach_label ( gchar * text, gint properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number );
+static void etat_affiche_attach_label ( gchar *text, gint properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number );
static void etat_affiche_attach_vsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2);
@@ -2515,8 +2515,8 @@ void etat_affiche_attach_vsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2)
-void etat_affiche_attach_label ( gchar * text, gint properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number )
+void etat_affiche_attach_label ( gchar *text, gint properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number )
etat_affichage_output -> attach_label ( text, properties, x, x2, y, y2, align, transaction_number );
diff --git a/src/etats_affiche.h b/src/etats_affiche.h
index 2c71fe9..e5fc4b7 100644
--- a/src/etats_affiche.h
+++ b/src/etats_affiche.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ struct struct_etat_affichage
gint (* finish) (); /** End of drawing session */
void (* attach_hsep) (int, int, int, int); /** Draw horizontal separator (aka "-") */
void (* attach_vsep) (int, int, int, int); /** Draw vertical separator (aka "|") */
- void (* attach_label) (gchar *, gdouble, int, int, int, int, enum alignement, gint); /** Drraw a label with properties */
+ void (* attach_label) (gchar *, gdouble, int, int, int, int, EtatsAlignment, gint); /** Drraw a label with properties */
diff --git a/src/etats_calculs.c b/src/etats_calculs.c
index 0995913..8f1492c 100644
--- a/src/etats_calculs.c
+++ b/src/etats_calculs.c
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_report.h"
#include "gsb_data_report_text_comparison.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_status.h"
#include "utils_str.h"
diff --git a/src/etats_config.c b/src/etats_config.c
index f116c5e..b250d8b 100644
--- a/src/etats_config.c
+++ b/src/etats_config.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_report_text_comparison.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "utils_buttons.h"
diff --git a/src/etats_csv.c b/src/etats_csv.c
index 101f512..cf07d12 100644
--- a/src/etats_csv.c
+++ b/src/etats_csv.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
static void csv_attach_hsep ( gint x, gint x2, gint y, gint y2);
static void csv_attach_label ( gchar * text, gdouble properties, gint x, gint x2, gint y, gint y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number );
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number );
static void csv_attach_vsep ( gint x, gint x2, gint y, gint y2);
static gint csv_finish ();
static gint csv_initialise (GSList * opes_selectionnees, gchar * filename );
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static gint csv_lastline = 1;
* backend is not interactive)
void csv_attach_label ( gchar * text, gdouble properties, gint x, gint x2, gint y, gint y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number )
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number )
gint pad;
diff --git a/src/etats_gtktable.c b/src/etats_gtktable.c
index d9d513e..57cbb63 100644
--- a/src/etats_gtktable.c
+++ b/src/etats_gtktable.c
@@ -35,25 +35,26 @@
#include "etats_gtktable.h"
+#include "etats_affiche.h"
+#include "etats_config.h"
+#include "fenetre_principale.h"
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
-#include "menu.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "structures.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
#include "transaction_list_select.h"
-#include "structures.h"
-#include "fenetre_principale.h"
-#include "etats_config.h"
-#include "etats_affiche.h"
+#include "utils.h"
#include "erreur.h"
static void gtktable_attach_hsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2);
-static void gtktable_attach_label ( gchar * text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number );
+static void gtktable_attach_label ( gchar *text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number );
static void gtktable_attach_vsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2);
static void gtktable_click_sur_ope_etat ( gint transaction_number );
static gint gtktable_finish ();
@@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ extern GtkWidget *scrolled_window_etat;
* label is part of a transaction. Make
* an hyperlink if applicable
-void gtktable_attach_label ( gchar * text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number )
+void gtktable_attach_label ( gchar *text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number )
GtkWidget * label;
GtkStyle * style;
@@ -306,12 +307,12 @@ void gtktable_click_sur_ope_etat ( gint transaction_number )
gint mother_transaction;
/* go on the good account */
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
- account_number,
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
+ account_number,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( -1 ) );
/* récupération de la ligne de l'opé dans la liste ; affichage de toutes les opé si nécessaire */
- if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE
+ if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE
!gsb_data_account_get_r ( account_number ) )
diff --git a/src/etats_html.c b/src/etats_html.c
index 653d946..b8ca271 100644
--- a/src/etats_html.c
+++ b/src/etats_html.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "dialog.h"
#include "etats_support.h"
#include "gsb_data_report.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "utils_files.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "etats_config.h"
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
static void html_attach_hsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2);
-static void html_attach_label ( gchar * text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number );
+static void html_attach_label ( gchar *text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number );
static void html_attach_vsep ( int x, int x2, int y, int y2);
static gint html_finish ();
static gint html_initialise ( GSList * opes_selectionnees, gchar * filename );
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ struct struct_etat_affichage html_affichage = {
* \param transaction_number the number of a transaction to link to (not used as html
* backend is not interactive)
-void html_attach_label ( gchar * text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
- enum alignement align, gint transaction_number )
+void html_attach_label ( gchar *text, gdouble properties, int x, int x2, int y, int y2,
+ EtatsAlignment align, gint transaction_number )
int pad, realsize, realcolumns;
gint current_report_number;
diff --git a/src/etats_onglet.c b/src/etats_onglet.c
index 25b1472..0777f7b 100644
--- a/src/etats_onglet.c
+++ b/src/etats_onglet.c
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
#include "gsb_data_report_amout_comparison.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_file_others.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_report.h"
#include "gsb_status.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "print_report.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
diff --git a/src/fenetre_principale.c b/src/fenetre_principale.c
index 5a09ce0..77e14fa 100644
--- a/src/fenetre_principale.c
+++ b/src/fenetre_principale.c
@@ -38,17 +38,15 @@
#include "bet_tab.h"
#include "categories_onglet.h"
#include "etats_onglet.h"
-#include "grisbi_app.h"
-#include "grisbi_window.h"
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_account_property.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_status.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "imputation_budgetaire.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "tiers_onglet.h"
#include "erreur.h"
@@ -56,7 +54,6 @@
static GtkWidget *creation_fenetre_operations ( void );
-static void gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( GrisbiWindow *window );
static gboolean gsb_gui_fill_general_notebook ( GtkWidget *notebook );
static void gsb_gui_headings_private_update_label_markup ( GtkLabel *label,
const gchar *text,
@@ -109,35 +106,19 @@ void gsb_gui_new_gui ( void )
- * Create a new general notebook
- *
- * \param
- *
- * \return
- */
-void gsb_gui_new_general_notebook ( void )
- GrisbiWindow *window;
- window = grisbi_app_get_active_window ( grisbi_app_get_default ( FALSE ) );
- gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( window );
- * Create the main notebook :
+ * Create the main notebook :
* a notebook wich contains the pages : main page, accounts, scheduler... and
* the form on the bottom, the form will be showed only for accounts page and
* scheduler page
+ * \param window
+ *
* \return the notebook
void gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( GrisbiWindow *window )
GtkWidget *vbox;
-/* GtkWidget *form; */
+ GtkWidget *form;
GtkWidget *notebook_general;
devel_debug ( "create_main_notebook" );
@@ -150,10 +131,9 @@ void gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( GrisbiWindow *window )
notebook_general = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "notebook_general" );
/* append the form */
-/* form = gsb_form_new ( );
- * gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( vbox ), form, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
- * gtk_widget_hide ( form );
- */
+ form = gsb_form_new ( );
+ gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( vbox ), form, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ gtk_widget_hide ( form );
/* fill the notebook */
gsb_gui_fill_general_notebook ( notebook_general );
@@ -163,8 +143,11 @@ void gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( GrisbiWindow *window )
+ * retourne le notebook qui contient les pages de droite de grisbi
+ * \param
+ * \return FALSE
GtkWidget *gsb_gui_get_general_notebook (void )
diff --git a/src/fenetre_principale.h b/src/fenetre_principale.h
index 5158d59..204f775 100644
--- a/src/fenetre_principale.h
+++ b/src/fenetre_principale.h
@@ -3,17 +3,6 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-} GsbGeneralNotebookPages;
@@ -23,10 +12,12 @@ typedef enum GSB_ACCOUNT_NOTEBOOK_PAGES {
} GsbaccountNotebookPages;
+#include "grisbi_app.h"
+void gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( GrisbiWindow *window );
GtkWidget *gsb_gui_create_general_widget ( void );
GtkWidget *gsb_gui_get_general_notebook (void );
void gsb_gui_headings_update_suffix ( gchar * suffix );
diff --git a/src/grisbi_app.c b/src/grisbi_app.c
index f9b7886..0a9fea6 100644
--- a/src/grisbi_app.c
+++ b/src/grisbi_app.c
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_file_config.h"
+#include "gsb_select_icon.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "erreur.h"
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ static void grisbi_app_load_accels ( void )
gchar *accel_filename = NULL;
gchar *msg = NULL;
- accel_filename = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_user_config_dir ( ), "grisbi-accels", NULL );
+ accel_filename = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_user_config_dir (), "grisbi-accels", NULL );
if ( accel_filename )
gtk_accel_map_load ( accel_filename );
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ static void grisbi_app_save_accels ( void )
gchar *accel_filename;
gchar *msg = NULL;
- accel_filename = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_user_config_dir ( ), "grisbi-accels", NULL );
+ accel_filename = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_user_config_dir (), "grisbi-accels", NULL );
if ( accel_filename )
gtk_accel_map_save ( accel_filename );
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ static void grisbi_app_window_destroy ( GrisbiWindow *window,
if ( app->priv->windows == NULL )
- grisbi_app_save_accels ( );
+ grisbi_app_save_accels ();
g_object_unref ( app );
@@ -353,20 +354,11 @@ static void grisbi_app_init_conf_mutex ( void )
static void grisbi_app_init ( GrisbiApp *app )
- gchar *string;
devel_debug (NULL);
app->priv = GRISBI_APP_GET_PRIVATE ( app );
/* charge les raccourcis claviers */
- grisbi_app_load_accels ( );
- /* create the icon of grisbi (set in the panel of gnome or other) */
- string = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "grisbi-logo.png", NULL );
- if ( g_file_test ( string, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
- gtk_window_set_default_icon_from_file ( string, NULL );
- g_free (string);
+ grisbi_app_load_accels ();
/* initialisation des paramètres de l'application */
grisbi_app_init_conf_mutex ();
@@ -375,7 +367,7 @@ static void grisbi_app_init ( GrisbiApp *app )
g_mutex_unlock ( grisbi_app_conf_mutex );
/* initialisation des couleurs par défaut */
- gsb_color_initialise_couleurs_par_defaut ( );
+ gsb_color_initialise_couleurs_par_defaut ();
/* return */
@@ -394,6 +386,7 @@ GrisbiWindow *grisbi_app_create_window ( GrisbiApp *app,
GdkScreen *screen )
GrisbiWindow *window;
+ gchar *string;
if ( app->priv->windows == NULL )
@@ -409,6 +402,17 @@ GrisbiWindow *grisbi_app_create_window ( GrisbiApp *app,
grisbi_app_window_set_size_and_position ( window );
+ /* create the icon of grisbi (set in the panel of gnome or other) */
+ string = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir (), "grisbi.svg", NULL );
+ if ( g_file_test ( string, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
+ {
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
+ pixbuf = gsb_select_icon_get_default_logo_pixbuf ();
+ gtk_window_set_icon ( GTK_WINDOW ( window ), pixbuf );
+ }
+ g_free (string);
g_signal_connect ( window,
G_CALLBACK ( grisbi_app_window_focus_in_event ),
@@ -706,7 +710,7 @@ gboolean grisbi_app_quit ( void )
/* clean finish of the debug file */
if ( gsb_debug_get_debug_mode () )
- gsb_debug_finish_log ( );
+ gsb_debug_finish_log ();
return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/grisbi_app.h b/src/grisbi_app.h
index ed00f35..a561e4e 100644
--- a/src/grisbi_app.h
+++ b/src/grisbi_app.h
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
#define GRISBI_TYPE_APP (grisbi_app_get_type())
-#define GRISBI_APP_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), GRISBI_TYPE_APP, GrisbiAppClass))
+#define GRISBI_APP_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), GRISBI_TYPE_APP, GrisbiAppClass))
/* Private structure type */
typedef struct _GrisbiAppPrivate GrisbiAppPrivate;
diff --git a/src/grisbi_window.c b/src/grisbi_window.c
index ed0d9a0..69325ae 100644
--- a/src/grisbi_window.c
+++ b/src/grisbi_window.c
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
#include "grisbi_app.h"
#include "grisbi_ui.h"
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils_gtkbuilder.h"
@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@
#define GSB_NBRE_CHAR 15
@@ -110,6 +107,15 @@ struct _GrisbiWindowPrivate
/* structure run */
GrisbiWindowRun *run;
+ /* account list */
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GSList *list_accounts;
+ gpointer account_buffer;
+ /* Widget that hold the scheduler calendar. */
+ GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar;
@@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_key_press_event ( GtkWidget *widget,
switch ( event -> keyval )
case GDK_KEY_F11 :
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
if ( conf->full_screen )
gtk_window_unfullscreen ( GTK_WINDOW ( widget ) );
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_state_event ( GtkWidget *widget,
show = !( event->new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED );
gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip ( GTK_STATUSBAR ( window->priv->statusbar ), show );
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
conf->maximize_screen = !show;
else if ( event->changed_mask & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN )
@@ -218,7 +224,7 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_state_event ( GtkWidget *widget,
show = !( event->new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN );
gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip ( GTK_STATUSBAR ( window->priv->statusbar ), show );
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
conf->full_screen = !show;
@@ -342,11 +348,11 @@ static void grisbi_window_init_menus ( GrisbiWindow *window )
devel_debug (NULL);
- ui_manager = gtk_ui_manager_new ( );
+ ui_manager = gtk_ui_manager_new ();
window->priv->ui_manager = ui_manager;
window->priv->recent_files_merge_id = -1;
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
/* actions toujours accessibles (sensitives) */
actions = gtk_action_group_new ( "AlwaysSensitiveActions" );
@@ -469,7 +475,7 @@ static void grisbi_window_init_menus ( GrisbiWindow *window )
gtk_action_group_set_sensitive ( actions, FALSE );
/* now load the UI definition */
- ui_file = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_ui_dir ( ), "grisbi_ui.xml", NULL );
+ ui_file = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_ui_dir (), "grisbi_ui.xml", NULL );
gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_file ( ui_manager, ui_file, &error );
if ( error != NULL )
@@ -509,7 +515,7 @@ static void grisbi_window_init_menus ( GrisbiWindow *window )
static gboolean grisbi_window_initialise_builder ( GrisbiWindow *window )
/* Creation d'un nouveau GtkBuilder */
- grisbi_window_builder = gtk_builder_new ( );
+ grisbi_window_builder = gtk_builder_new ();
if ( grisbi_window_builder == NULL )
return FALSE;
@@ -519,6 +525,7 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_initialise_builder ( GrisbiWindow *window )
window->priv->main_box = GTK_WIDGET ( gtk_builder_get_object ( grisbi_window_builder, "main_vbox" ) );
window->priv->accueil_page = GTK_WIDGET ( gtk_builder_get_object ( grisbi_window_builder, "accueil_page" ) );
+ window->priv->vbox_general = GTK_WIDGET ( gtk_builder_get_object ( grisbi_window_builder, "vbox_general" ) );
return TRUE;
@@ -542,7 +549,7 @@ static void grisbi_window_new_accueil_page ( GrisbiWindow *window )
gint row = 1;
GrisbiAppConf *conf;
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
table = GTK_WIDGET ( gtk_builder_get_object ( grisbi_window_builder, "table_accueil" ) );
@@ -643,7 +650,7 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_headings_simpleclick_event_run ( GtkWidget *button
if ( button_event -> type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS )
- callback ( );
+ callback ();
return TRUE;
@@ -675,7 +682,6 @@ static GtkWidget *grisbi_window_new_headings_eb ( GrisbiWindow *window )
G_CALLBACK ( grisbi_window_headings_simpleclick_event_run ),
gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev );
arrow_eb = GTK_WIDGET ( gtk_builder_get_object ( grisbi_window_builder, "arrow_eb_right" ) );
gtk_widget_modify_bg ( arrow_eb, 0, &(style -> bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE]) );
g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( arrow_eb ), "button-press-event",
@@ -705,7 +711,7 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_hpaned_size_allocate ( GtkWidget *hpaned,
GrisbiAppConf *conf;
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
conf->panel_width = gtk_paned_get_position ( GTK_PANED ( hpaned ) );
return FALSE;
@@ -791,74 +797,6 @@ static gboolean grisbi_window_set_struct_etat ( GrisbiWindow *window,
- * Init la structure etat
- *
- * \param
- *
- * \return
- **/
-void grisbi_window_init_struct_etat ( GrisbiWindow *window )
- GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
- devel_debug (NULL);
- /* creation de la structure etat */
- etat = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( GrisbiWindowEtat ) );
- grisbi_window_set_struct_etat ( window, etat );
- /* blocage du mutex */
- g_mutex_lock ( grisbi_window_etat_mutex );
- /* init logo */
- etat->is_pixmaps_dir = TRUE;
- if ( etat->name_logo && strlen ( etat->name_logo ) )
- g_free ( etat->name_logo );
- etat->name_logo = NULL;
- etat->utilise_logo = 1;
- etat->valeur_echelle_recherche_date_import = 2;
- etat->get_fyear_by_value_date = FALSE;
- /* init default combofix values */
- etat->combofix_mixed_sort = FALSE;
- etat->combofix_max_item = 0;
- etat->combofix_case_sensitive = FALSE;
- etat->combofix_enter_select_completion = FALSE;
- etat->combofix_force_payee = FALSE;
- etat->combofix_force_category = FALSE;
- /* defaut value for width and align of columns */
- if ( etat->transaction_column_width && strlen ( etat->transaction_column_width ) )
- {
- g_free ( etat->transaction_column_width );
- etat->transaction_column_width = NULL;
- }
- if ( etat->scheduler_column_width && strlen ( etat->scheduler_column_width ) )
- {
- g_free ( etat->scheduler_column_width );
- etat->scheduler_column_width = NULL;
- }
- /* divers */
- etat->add_archive_in_total_balance = TRUE; /* add the archived transactions by default */
- etat->get_fyear_by_value_date = 0; /* By default use transaction-date */
- etat->retient_affichage_par_compte = 0; /* Par défaut affichage identique pour tous les comptes */
- memset ( etat->csv_skipped_lines, '\0', sizeof(gboolean) *CSV_MAX_TOP_LINES );
- /* initializes the variables for the estimate balance module */
- etat->bet_deb_period = 1;
- /* initialisation des autres variables */
- init_variables ( window->priv->etat, window->priv->run );
- /* libération du mutex */
- g_mutex_unlock ( grisbi_window_etat_mutex );
* libère la mémoire utilisée par etat
* \param object
@@ -873,6 +811,9 @@ static void grisbi_window_free_struct_etat ( GrisbiWindowEtat *etat )
g_free ( etat->name_logo );
etat->name_logo = NULL;
+ g_free ( etat->navigation_list_order );
+ etat->navigation_list_order = NULL;
g_free ( etat->csv_separator );
etat->csv_separator = NULL;
@@ -883,9 +824,6 @@ static void grisbi_window_free_struct_etat ( GrisbiWindowEtat *etat )
etat->scheduler_column_width = NULL;
g_free ( etat );
- /* free others variables */
- free_variables ();
@@ -902,10 +840,11 @@ static void grisbi_window_init ( GrisbiWindow *window )
GtkWidget *statusbar;
GtkWidget *headings_eb;
GrisbiAppConf *conf;
+ GrisbiWindowPrivate *priv;
devel_debug (NULL);
- window->priv = GRISBI_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE ( window );
+ window->priv = priv = GRISBI_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE ( window );
if ( !grisbi_window_initialise_builder ( window ) )
exit ( 1 );
@@ -914,34 +853,38 @@ static void grisbi_window_init ( GrisbiWindow *window )
grisbi_window_init_etat_mutex ();
/* creation de la structure run */
- window->priv->run = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( GrisbiWindowRun ) );
+ priv->run = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( GrisbiWindowRun ) );
/* initialisation de la structure etat */
grisbi_window_init_struct_etat ( window );
+ /* initialisation de la liste des comptes */
+ priv->list_accounts = NULL;
+ priv->account_buffer = NULL;
/* Création de la fenêtre principale de Grisbi */
- gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER ( window ), window->priv->main_box );
- gtk_widget_show ( window->priv->main_box );
+ gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER ( window ), priv->main_box );
+ gtk_widget_show ( priv->main_box );
/* create the menus */
grisbi_window_init_menus ( window );
/* create the headings eb */
headings_eb = grisbi_window_new_headings_eb ( window );
- gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( window->priv->main_box ), headings_eb, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( priv->main_box ), headings_eb, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
/* create the statusbar */
statusbar = grisbi_window_new_statusbar ( window );
- gtk_box_pack_end ( GTK_BOX ( window->priv->main_box ), statusbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ gtk_box_pack_end ( GTK_BOX ( priv->main_box ), statusbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
/* on initialise une page d'accueil si on ne charge pas de fichier */
conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
grisbi_window_new_accueil_page ( window );
- gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( window->priv->main_box ), window->priv->accueil_page, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( priv->main_box ), priv->accueil_page, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
if ( conf->load_last_file && conf->nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts > 0 )
- gtk_widget_hide ( window->priv->accueil_page );
+ gtk_widget_hide ( priv->accueil_page );
/* set the signals */
g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( window ),
@@ -987,17 +930,14 @@ GtkWidget *grisbi_window_new_general_widget ( void )
if ( gtk_widget_get_visible ( window->priv->accueil_page ) )
gtk_widget_hide ( window->priv->accueil_page );
- if ( window->priv->vbox_general == NULL )
- {
- window->priv->vbox_general = GTK_WIDGET ( gtk_builder_get_object ( grisbi_window_builder, "vbox_general" ) );
- /* Then create and fill the main hpaned. */
+ /* Then create and fill the main hpaned if necessary */
+ if ( window->priv->hpaned_general == NULL )
window->priv->hpaned_general = grisbi_window_new_hpaned ( window );
- gsb_gui_navigation_create_navigation_pane ();
- gsb_gui_new_general_notebook ();
- gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER ( window->priv->hpaned_general ), 6 );
- }
+ gsb_gui_navigation_create_navigation_pane ();
+ gsb_gui_create_general_notebook ( window );
+ gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER ( window->priv->hpaned_general ), 6 );
+/* gsb_gui_navigation_update_home_page (); */
gtk_widget_show ( window->priv->hpaned_general );
gtk_widget_show ( window->priv->vbox_general );
@@ -1223,7 +1163,7 @@ gboolean grisbi_window_set_active_title ( gint account_number )
if ( account_number == -1 )
- tmp_number = gsb_data_account_first_number ( );
+ tmp_number = gsb_data_account_first_number ();
tmp_number = account_number;
@@ -1375,6 +1315,74 @@ GrisbiWindowEtat *grisbi_window_get_struct_etat ( void )
+ * Init la structure etat
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+void grisbi_window_init_struct_etat ( GrisbiWindow *window )
+ GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ /* creation de la structure etat */
+ etat = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( GrisbiWindowEtat ) );
+ grisbi_window_set_struct_etat ( window, etat );
+ /* blocage du mutex */
+ g_mutex_lock ( grisbi_window_etat_mutex );
+ /* init logo */
+ etat->is_pixmaps_dir = TRUE;
+ if ( etat->name_logo && strlen ( etat->name_logo ) )
+ g_free ( etat->name_logo );
+ etat->name_logo = NULL;
+ etat->utilise_logo = 1;
+ etat->valeur_echelle_recherche_date_import = 2;
+ etat->get_fyear_by_value_date = FALSE;
+ /* init default combofix values */
+ etat->combofix_mixed_sort = FALSE;
+ etat->combofix_max_item = 0;
+ etat->combofix_case_sensitive = FALSE;
+ etat->combofix_enter_select_completion = FALSE;
+ etat->combofix_force_payee = FALSE;
+ etat->combofix_force_category = FALSE;
+ /* defaut value for width and align of columns */
+ if ( etat->transaction_column_width && strlen ( etat->transaction_column_width ) )
+ {
+ g_free ( etat->transaction_column_width );
+ etat->transaction_column_width = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( etat->scheduler_column_width && strlen ( etat->scheduler_column_width ) )
+ {
+ g_free ( etat->scheduler_column_width );
+ etat->scheduler_column_width = NULL;
+ }
+ /* divers */
+ etat->add_archive_in_total_balance = TRUE; /* add the archived transactions by default */
+ etat->get_fyear_by_value_date = 0; /* By default use transaction-date */
+ etat->retient_affichage_par_compte = 0; /* Par défaut affichage identique pour tous les comptes */
+ memset ( etat->csv_skipped_lines, '\0', sizeof(gboolean) *CSV_MAX_TOP_LINES );
+ /* initializes the variables for the estimate balance module */
+ etat->bet_deb_period = 1;
+ /* initialisation des autres variables */
+ init_variables ( window->priv->etat, window->priv->run );
+ /* libération du mutex */
+ g_mutex_unlock ( grisbi_window_etat_mutex );
* retourne la structure run
@@ -1400,6 +1408,133 @@ GrisbiWindowRun *grisbi_window_get_struct_run ( GrisbiWindow *window )
+ * retourne navigation_tree_view
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return navigation_tree_view
+ **/
+GtkWidget *grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ( void )
+ GrisbiWindow *window;
+ window = grisbi_app_get_active_window ( grisbi_app_get_default ( TRUE ) );
+ if ( window )
+ return window->priv->navigation_tree_view;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * retourne navigation_tree_view
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return navigation_tree_view
+ **/
+gboolean grisbi_window_set_navigation_tree_view ( GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view )
+ GrisbiWindow *window;
+ window = grisbi_app_get_active_window ( grisbi_app_get_default ( TRUE ) );
+ if ( window )
+ {
+ window->priv->navigation_tree_view = navigation_tree_view;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ window->priv->navigation_tree_view = NULL;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ * retourne la liste des comptes
+ *
+ * \param window
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+GSList *grisbi_window_get_list_accounts ( GrisbiWindow *window )
+ return window->priv->list_accounts;
+ * libère t initialise la liste des comptes et le buffer
+ *
+ * \param window
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+void grisbi_window_free_list_accounts ( GrisbiWindow *window )
+ if ( window == NULL )
+ return;
+ g_slist_free ( window->priv->list_accounts );
+ window->priv->list_accounts = NULL;
+ window->priv->account_buffer = NULL;
+ * définit la liste des comptes
+ *
+ * \param window
+ * \param nouvelle liste des comptes.
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+gboolean grisbi_window_set_list_accounts ( GrisbiWindow *window,
+ GSList *list_accounts )
+ window->priv->list_accounts = list_accounts;
+ return TRUE;
+ * retourne scheduler_calendar
+ *
+ * \param window
+ * \param GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar
+ *
+ * \return TRUE
+ **/
+GtkWidget *grisbi_window_get_scheduler_calendar ( GrisbiWindow *window )
+ return window->priv->scheduler_calendar;
+ * initialise scheduler_calendar
+ *
+ * \param window
+ * \param GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar
+ *
+ * \return TRUE
+ **/
+gboolean grisbi_window_set_scheduler_calendar ( GrisbiWindow *window,
+ GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar )
+ window->priv->scheduler_calendar = scheduler_calendar;
+ return TRUE;
* retourne le widget nommé
@@ -1467,9 +1602,17 @@ void grisbi_window_free_priv_file ( GrisbiWindow *window )
g_free ( window->priv->window_title );
window->priv->window_title = NULL;
+ /* free others variables */
+ free_variables ();
/* libération de la mémoiré utilisée par etat */
grisbi_window_free_struct_etat ( window->priv->etat );
window->priv->etat = NULL;
+ /* libération de la mémoire utilisée par la liste des comptes */
+ grisbi_window_free_list_accounts ( window );
diff --git a/src/grisbi list_accounts ( window ); liste des comptes */ indow ) ) window ) s comptes */ al" ) ); es */ .1288C 460.116 79.1397 452.069 86.7836 439.542 94.0777C 431.026 99.0367 424.039 102.006 418.372 102.989C 408.222 105.278 402.304 102.038 402.304 102.038C 402.304 102.038 398.244 96.5717 397.68 94.3187C 397.599 93.9916 405.593 95.4567 414.434 93.8406C 420.781 92.6807 427.732 89.1977 434.674 85.2647C 444.488 79.7067 452.785 72.3438 457.511 65.9067C 460.786 61.4458 461.946 57.1367 462.354 55.3927z" .469 473.638 174.66 476.954 195.11z" 00.276L 739.074 500.276C 759.951 500.276 772.588 497.101 780.28 491.704C 787.789 486.466 790.719 478.846 790.719 470.274C 790.719 452.654 775.701 443.923 758.669 441.701L 758.67 441.384C 776.617 438.05 785.774 429.795 785.774 416.779C 785.774 397.413 768.01 390.428 739.074 390.428L 678.638 390.428z" 448.248 397.73 457.588 403.603 457.588 419.795C 457.588 432.97 451.728 442.495 433.231 442.495L 424.074 442.495L 424.074 403.921z
" 0.917 219.279 370.917 210.374 370.917C 211.781 365.753 214.086 356.583 221.45 328.186C 308.695 328.193 287.908 328.376 738.419 328.186C 758.428 305.835 765.635 297.207 781.185 279.244C 556.029 279.244 460.148 279.244 242.306 279.662C 245.081 270.432 254.544 256.995 269.786 241.767C 291.182 220.388 321.858 195.015 363.508 173.254C 423.726 141.792 503.084 117.043 587.218 117.712C 760.185 120.633 849.057 201.069 849.057 201.069z" ò* Ëøÿ pKáò* @Åøÿ Äøÿ kP1ò* 5 6 7 8 : < = > ? @ B D Ëøÿ Ëøÿ à}ªò* Ëøÿ u:1ò* URò* ÀÃøÿ }ò* e91ò* URò* Õ_ at fÆS Qöl±íÁyò* Ëøÿ à}ªò* PÆøÿ Åøÿ kP1ò* u]ÞÓ 4Q ÷U^Qʧ ¶uª¹ñìò*ÄvËøÿ Ëøÿ HÎvò* ³ò* ÀÌøÿ ¦
ò* ¦
ò* f°ò* OËøÿ Ìøÿ 8Ëøÿ Çøÿ Nò* u:1ò* ØNò* Îøÿ ¢
ò* ÐÌøÿ `Èøÿ
ò* Ëøÿ _window.h b/src/grisbi_window.h
index 32df459..ad7d418 100644
--- a/src/grisbi_window.h
+++ b/src/grisbi_window.h
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
* Type checking and casting macros
#define GRISBI_TYPE_WINDOW (grisbi_window_get_type())
/* Private structure type */
typedef struct _GrisbiWindowPrivate GrisbiWindowPrivate;
@@ -52,10 +52,14 @@ GtkActionGroup *grisbi_window_get_action_group ( GrisbiWindow *window,
void grisbi_window_etat_mutex_lock ( void );
void grisbi_window_etat_mutex_unlock ( void );
void grisbi_window_free_priv_file ( GrisbiWindow *window );
+void grisbi_window_free_list_accounts ( GrisbiWindow *window );
GtkWidget *grisbi_window_get_accueil_page ( GrisbiWindow *window );
const gchar *grisbi_window_get_filename ( GrisbiWindow *window );
const gchar *grisbi_window_get_file_title ( GrisbiWindow *window );
GtkWidget *grisbi_window_get_headings_eb ( GrisbiWindow *window );
+GSList *grisbi_window_get_list_accounts ( GrisbiWindow *window );
+GtkWidget *grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ( void );
+GtkWidget *grisbi_window_get_scheduler_calendar ( GrisbiWindow *window );
guint grisbi_window_get_sub_menu_merge_id ( GrisbiWindow *window,
const gchar *sub_menu );
GrisbiWindowEtat *grisbi_window_get_struct_etat ( void );
@@ -72,6 +76,11 @@ gboolean grisbi_window_set_filename ( GrisbiWindow *window,
const gchar *filename );
gboolean grisbi_window_set_file_title ( GrisbiWindow *window,
const gchar *file_title );
+gboolean grisbi_window_set_list_accounts ( GrisbiWindow *window,
+ GSList *list_accounts );
+gboolean grisbi_window_set_navigation_tree_view ( GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view );
+gboolean grisbi_window_set_scheduler_calendar ( GrisbiWindow *window,
+ GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar );
void grisbi_window_set_sub_menu_merge_id ( GrisbiWindow *window,
guint merge_id,
const gchar *sub_menu );
diff --git a/src/gsb_account.c b/src/gsb_account.c
index 24e8e4d..31bc39e 100644
--- a/src/gsb_account.c
+++ b/src/gsb_account.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "fenetre_principale.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_account_property.c b/src/gsb_account_property.c
index c4df761..e12e928 100644
--- a/src/gsb_account_property.c
+++ b/src/gsb_account_property.c
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "imputation_budgetaire.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "tiers_onglet.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_archive_config.c b/src/gsb_archive_config.c
index d6e94bd..ed67d34 100644
--- a/src/gsb_archive_config.c
+++ b/src/gsb_archive_config.c
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_assistant_archive.c b/src/gsb_assistant_archive.c
index 5f3c7dc..387f6b4 100644
--- a/src/gsb_assistant_archive.c
+++ b/src/gsb_assistant_archive.c
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_fyear.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_report.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_bank.c b/src/gsb_bank.c
index 33bb127..60de17d 100644
--- a/src/gsb_bank.c
+++ b/src/gsb_bank.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_bank.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_currency_link_config.c b/src/gsb_currency_link_config.c
index 7d9b3db..3c14c61 100644
--- a/src/gsb_currency_link_config.c
+++ b/src/gsb_currency_link_config.c
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
#include "gsb_data_currency.h"
#include "gsb_data_currency_link.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_data_account.c b/src/gsb_data_account.c
index a6f112c..dbaac6f 100644
--- a/src/gsb_data_account.c
+++ b/src/gsb_data_account.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Cédric Auger (cedric at grisbi.org) */
/* 2003-2008 Benjamin Drieu (bdrieu at april.org) */
/* 2008-2012 Pierre Biava (grisbi at pierre.biava.name) */
+/* 2010-2012 Rémy Cardona (remi at gentoo.org) */
/* http://www.grisbi.org */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
@@ -45,9 +46,9 @@
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_select_icon.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "utils_dates.h"
@@ -56,105 +57,129 @@
#include "erreur.h"
-/** \struct
- * describe an account
- * */
-typedef struct
+ * Below are all the definitions that MUST be made public if we ever make the
+ * account struct/class open.
+ */
+#define GSB_TYPE_DATA_ACCOUNT (gsb_data_account_get_type ())
+typedef struct _GsbDataAccount GsbDataAccount;
+typedef struct _GsbDataAccountClass GsbDataAccountClass;
+/** \struct describe an account */
+struct _GsbDataAccount
+ GObject object;
/** @name general stuff */
- gint account_number;
- gchar *account_id; /**< for ofx import, invisible for the user */
- kind_account account_kind;
- gchar *account_name;
- gint currency;
- gint closed_account; /**< if 1 => closed */
- gchar *comment;
- gchar *holder_name;
- gchar *holder_address;
+ gint account_number;
+ gchar *account_id; /* for ofx import, invisible for the user */
+ gint account_kind;
+ gchar *account_name;
+ gint currency;
+ gint closed_account; /* if 1 => closed */
+ gchar *comment;
+ gchar *holder_name;
+ gchar *holder_address;
/** @name account_icon */
- gchar *name_icon; /* path for not standard icon */
- GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; /* pixbuf for the account */
+ gchar *name_icon; /* path for not standard icon */
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; /* pixbuf for the account */
/** @name method of payment */
- gint default_debit;
- gint default_credit;
+ gint default_debit;
+ gint default_credit;
/** @name showed list stuff */
- gint show_r; /**< 1 : reconciled transactions are showed */
- gint nb_rows_by_transaction; /**< 1, 2, 3, 4 */
- gint show_l; /** 1 archived lines are showed */
+ gint show_r; /* 1 : reconciled transactions are showed */
+ gint nb_rows_by_transaction; /* 1, 2, 3, 4 */
+ gint show_l; /* 1 archived lines are showed */
/** @name remaining of the balances */
- gsb_real init_balance;
- gsb_real mini_balance_wanted;
- gsb_real mini_balance_authorized;
+ gsb_real init_balance;
+ gsb_real mini_balance_wanted;
+ gsb_real mini_balance_authorized;
gboolean balances_are_dirty;
- gsb_real current_balance;
- gsb_real marked_balance;
+ gsb_real current_balance;
+ gsb_real marked_balance;
/** @name remaining of the minimun balance message */
- gint mini_balance_wanted_message;
- gint mini_balance_authorized_message;
+ gint mini_balance_wanted_message;
+ gint mini_balance_authorized_message;
/** @name number of the transaction selectionned, or -1 for the white line */
- gint current_transaction_number;
+ gint current_transaction_number;
/** @name bank stuff */
- gint bank_number;
- gchar *bank_branch_code;
- gchar *bank_account_number;
- gchar *bank_account_key;
- gchar *bank_account_iban;
+ gint bank_number;
+ gchar *bank_branch_code;
+ gchar *bank_account_number;
+ gchar *bank_account_key;
+ gchar *bank_account_iban;
/** @name reconcile sort */
- gint reconcile_sort_type; /**< 1 : sort by method of payment ; 0 : let the user sort by himself */
- GSList *sort_list; /**< the method of payment numbers sorted in a list
- (if split neutral, the negative method has a negative method of payment number)*/
- gint split_neutral_payment; /**< if 1 : neutral payments are splitted into debits/credits */
+ gint reconcile_sort_type; /* 1 : sort by method of payment ; 0 : let the user sort by himself */
+ GSList *sort_list; /* the method of payment numbers sorted in a list
+ (if split neutral, the negative method has a negative method of payment number)*/
+ gint split_neutral_payment; /* if 1 : neutral payments are splitted into debits/credits */
/** @name tree_view sort stuff */
- gint sort_type; /**< GTK_SORT_DESCENDING / GTK_SORT_ASCENDING */
- gint sort_column; /**< used to hide the arrow when change the column */
- gint column_element_sort[CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS]; /**< contains for each column the element number used to sort the list */
+ gint sort_column; /* used to hide the arrow when change the column */
+ /* contains for each column the element number used to sort the list */
+ gint column_element_sort[CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS];
/** @name current graphic position in the list (the row_align used with gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell) */
- gfloat row_align;
+ gfloat row_align;
/** @name struct of the form's organization */
- gpointer form_organization;
+ gpointer form_organization;
/** @name bet data */
- gint bet_use_budget; /* 1 = use the budget module */
- gint bet_credit_card; /* 1 = compte type CB à débit différé */
- bet_type_onglets bet_show_onglets; /* enum des onglets à afficher pour le module budgetaire */
- GDate *bet_start_date; /* date de début */
- gint bet_months; /* nombre de mois ou d'années */
- gint bet_spin_range; /* echelle de la période 0 = mois 1 = années */
- gint bet_auto_inc_month; /* incrémente automatiquement le mois */
- gint bet_select_transaction_label; /* fixe le label pour les opérations */
- gint bet_select_scheduled_label; /* fixe le label pour les opérations planifiées */
- gint bet_select_futur_label; /* fixe le label pour les données futures */
- gint bet_hist_data; /* origine des données 0 = catégories 1 = IB */
- gint bet_hist_fyear; /* numéro d'exercice */
- gint bet_maj; /* MAJ du module estiamte balance */
- gdouble bet_capital; /* capital emprunté */
- gdouble bet_taux_annuel; /* taux d'interet annuel */
- gdouble bet_frais; /* frais par echeance */
- gint bet_type_taux; /* type de taux : actuariel ou proportionnel */
-} struct_account;
-static void _gsb_data_account_free ( struct_account* account );
-static void gsb_data_account_delete_all_accounts (void);
-static gchar *gsb_data_account_get_account_standard_pixbuf_filename ( kind_account account_kind );
-static struct_account *gsb_data_account_get_structure ( gint no );
-static gint gsb_data_account_max_number ( void );
-static gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values ( gint account_number );
-static gboolean gsb_data_form_dup_sort_values ( gint origin_account,
- gint target_account );
+ gint bet_use_budget; /* 1 = use the budget module */
+ gint bet_credit_card; /* 1 = compte type CB à débit différé */
+ BetTypeOnglets bet_show_onglets; /* enum des onglets à afficher pour le module budgetaire */
+ GDate *bet_start_date; /* date de début */
+ gint bet_months; /* nombre de mois ou d'années */
+ gint bet_spin_range; /* echelle de la période 0 = mois 1 = années */
+ gint bet_auto_inc_month; /* incrémente automatiquement le mois */
+ gint bet_select_transaction_label; /* fixe le label pour les opérations */
+ gint bet_select_scheduled_label; /* fixe le label pour les opérations planifiées */
+ gint bet_select_futur_label; /* fixe le label pour les données futures */
+ gint bet_hist_data; /* origine des données 0 = catégories 1 = IB */
+ gint bet_hist_fyear; /* numéro d'exercice */
+ gint bet_maj; /* MAJ du module estiamte balance */
+ gdouble bet_capital; /* capital emprunté */
+ gdouble bet_taux_annuel; /* taux d'interet annuel */
+ gdouble bet_frais; /* frais par echeance */
+ gint bet_type_taux; /* type de taux : actuariel ou proportionnel */
+struct _GsbDataAccountClass
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ * End of the public defs.
+ */
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(GsbDataAccount, gsb_data_account, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
extern gsb_real error_real;
@@ -163,37 +188,378 @@ extern gint tab_affichage_ope[TRANSACTION_LIST_ROWS_NB][CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COL
-/** contains a g_slist of struct_account in the good order */
-static GSList *list_accounts = NULL;
/** a pointer to the last account used (to increase the speed) */
-static struct_account *account_buffer;
+static GsbDataAccount *account_buffer;
+ *
+ */
+static void gsb_data_account_set_property ( GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec )
+ GsbDataAccount *account = GSB_DATA_ACCOUNT ( object );
+ switch ( property_id )
+ {
+ account->show_r = g_value_get_boolean ( value );
+ break;
+ account-> account_kind = g_value_get_int ( value );
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID ( object, property_id, pspec );
+ break;
+ }
+ *
+ */
+static void gsb_data_account_get_property ( GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec )
+ GsbDataAccount *account = GSB_DATA_ACCOUNT (object);
+ switch ( property_id )
+ {
+ g_value_set_boolean (value, account -> show_r);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_int ( value, account-> account_kind );
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+ *
+ */
+static void gsb_data_account_dispose (GObject *object)
+ GsbDataAccount *account = GSB_DATA_ACCOUNT (object);
+ if ( account -> pixbuf )
+ {
+ g_object_unref ( account -> pixbuf );
+ account -> pixbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gsb_data_account_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+ *
+ */
+static void gsb_data_account_finalize (GObject *object)
+ GsbDataAccount *account = GSB_DATA_ACCOUNT (object);
+ g_free ( account -> account_id );
+ g_free ( account -> account_name );
+ g_free ( account -> name_icon );
+ g_free ( account -> comment );
+ g_free ( account -> holder_name );
+ g_free ( account -> holder_address );
+ g_free ( account -> bank_branch_code );
+ g_free ( account -> bank_account_number );
+ g_free ( account -> bank_account_key );
+ g_free ( account -> bank_account_iban );
+ if ( account -> sort_list )
+ g_slist_free( account -> sort_list ) ;
+ g_free ( account -> form_organization );
+ if ( account -> bet_start_date )
+ g_date_free ( account -> bet_start_date );
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gsb_data_account_parent_class)->finalize (object);
* This function close all opened accounts and free the memory
* used by them.
-void gsb_data_account_delete_all_accounts (void)
+static void gsb_data_account_class_init ( GsbDataAccountClass *klass )
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ gobject_class->dispose = gsb_data_account_dispose;
+ gobject_class->finalize = gsb_data_account_finalize;
+ gobject_class->set_property = gsb_data_account_set_property;
+ gobject_class->get_property = gsb_data_account_get_property;
+ pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("show-reconciled",
+ "Show reconciled transactions",
+ "Show reconciled transactions",
+ g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class,
+ pspec );
+ pspec = g_param_spec_int ("account-kind",
+ "account-kind",
+ "type of account",
+ -1,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class,
+ pspec );
+ * find and return the structure of the account asked
+ *
+ * \param no number of account
+ *
+ * \return the adr of the struct of the account (NULL if doesn't exit)
+ * */
+static GsbDataAccount *gsb_data_account_get_structure ( gint no )
- if ( list_accounts )
+ GSList *tmp;
+ if ( no < 0 )
- GSList* tmp_list = list_accounts;
- while ( tmp_list )
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* before checking all the accounts, we check the buffer */
+ if ( account_buffer && account_buffer -> account_number == no )
+ return account_buffer;
+ tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ while ( tmp )
+ {
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ account = tmp -> data;
+ if ( account && account -> account_number == no )
+ {
+ account_buffer = account;
+ return account;
+ }
+ tmp = tmp -> next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * find and return the last number of account
+ *
+ * \param none
+ *
+ * \return last number of account
+ * */
+static gint gsb_data_account_max_number ( void )
+ GSList *tmp;
+ gint number_tmp = 0;
+ tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ while ( tmp )
+ {
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ account = tmp -> data;
+ /* Bulletproof, baby */
+ if ( !account )
- struct_account *account;
- account = tmp_list -> data;
- tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
- _gsb_data_account_free ( account );
- }
- g_slist_free ( list_accounts );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( account -> account_number > number_tmp )
+ number_tmp = account -> account_number;
+ tmp = tmp -> next;
+ }
+ return number_tmp;
+ * get the filename of the default pixbuf icon for the kind_account
+ *
+ * \param kind_account
+ *
+ * \return filename
+ * */
+static gchar *gsb_data_account_get_account_standard_pixbuf_filename ( kind_account account_kind )
+ gchar *account_icon;
+ gchar *filename;
+ switch ( account_kind )
+ {
+ account_icon = "ac_bank.png";
+ break;
+ account_icon = "ac_cash.png";
+ break;
+ account_icon = "ac_asset.png";
+ break;
+ account_icon = "ac_liability.png";
+ break;
+ default:
+ account_icon = "ac_bank.png";
+ break;
- list_accounts = NULL;
- account_buffer = NULL;
+ filename = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), account_icon, NULL );
+ return filename;
+ * This function close all opened accounts and free the memory
+ * used by them.
+ */
+static void gsb_data_account_delete_all_accounts ( void )
+ GSList *tmp_list;
+ tmp_list = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ while ( tmp_list )
+ {
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ account = tmp_list -> data;
+ tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
+ g_object_unref ( account );
+ }
+ grisbi_window_free_list_accounts ( grisbi_app_get_active_window (
+ grisbi_app_get_default ( TRUE ) ) );
+ * initalize the sort variables for an account to the default value
+ * used normally only when creating a new account if it's the first one
+ * in all others cases, we will take a copy of that values of the previous account
+ *
+ * \param account_number
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+static gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values ( gint account_number )
+ gint i, j;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
+ if ( !account )
+ return FALSE;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i<TRANSACTION_LIST_ROWS_NB ; i++ )
+ for ( j = 0 ; j<CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS ; j++ )
+ {
+ /* by default the sorting element will be the first found for each column */
+ if ( !account -> column_element_sort[j]
+ &&
+ tab_affichage_ope[i][j]
+ &&
+ tab_affichage_ope[i][j] != ELEMENT_BALANCE )
+ account -> column_element_sort[j] = tab_affichage_ope[i][j];
+ }
+ /* the default sort is by date and ascending */
+ account -> sort_type = GTK_SORT_ASCENDING;
+ account -> sort_column = CUSTOM_MODEL_COL_1;
+ return FALSE;
+ * copy the sort values from an account to another
+ *
+ * \param origin_account
+ * \param target_account
+ *
+ * \return TRUE ok, FALSE problem
+ * */
+static gboolean gsb_data_form_dup_sort_values ( gint origin_account,
+ gint target_account )
+ gint j;
+ GsbDataAccount *origin_account_ptr;
+ GsbDataAccount *target_account_ptr;
+ origin_account_ptr = gsb_data_account_get_structure (origin_account);
+ target_account_ptr = gsb_data_account_get_structure (target_account);
+ if ( !origin_account_ptr || !target_account_ptr )
+ return FALSE;
+ for ( j = 0 ; j<CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS ; j++ )
+ target_account_ptr -> column_element_sort[j] = origin_account_ptr -> column_element_sort[j];
+ target_account_ptr -> sort_type = origin_account_ptr -> sort_type;
+ target_account_ptr -> sort_column = origin_account_ptr -> sort_column;
+ return TRUE;
+ * définit la liste des comptes
+ *
+ * \param nouvelle liste des comptes
+ *
+ * \return TRUE
+ **/
+static gboolean gsb_data_account_set_list_accounts ( GSList *list_accounts )
+ GrisbiWindow *window;
+ window = grisbi_app_get_active_window ( NULL );
+ grisbi_window_set_list_accounts ( window, list_accounts );
+ /* return */
+ return TRUE;
+ *
+ */
+static void gsb_data_account_init ( GsbDataAccount *self )
+ /* FIXME: set struct members to 0/NULL */
* set the accounts global variables to NULL, usually when we init all the global variables
- *
+ *
* \param none
* \return FALSE
@@ -201,8 +567,9 @@ void gsb_data_account_delete_all_accounts (void)
gboolean gsb_data_account_init_variables ( void )
gsb_data_account_delete_all_accounts ();
- gsb_select_icon_init_account_variables ();
+ gsb_select_icon_delete_accounts_icons ();
+ /* return */
return FALSE;
@@ -210,45 +577,53 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_init_variables ( void )
* return a pointer on the g_slist of accounts
* carrefull : it's not a copy, so we must not free or change it
* if we want to change the list, use gsb_data_account_get_copy_list_accounts instead
- *
+ *
* \param none
* \return a g_slist on the accounts
* */
GSList *gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ( void )
+ GrisbiWindow *window;
+ GSList *list_accounts = NULL;
+ window = grisbi_app_get_active_window ( NULL );
+ if ( window )
+ list_accounts = grisbi_window_get_list_accounts ( window );
return list_accounts;
* create a new account and add to the list of accounts
- *
+ *
* \param account_type the type of the account
- *
+ *
* \return no of account, -1 if problem
* */
gint gsb_data_account_new ( kind_account account_kind )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
gint last_number;
+ GSList *list_accounts;
- account = g_malloc0 (sizeof ( struct_account ));
+ account = GSB_DATA_ACCOUNT ( g_object_new ( GSB_TYPE_DATA_ACCOUNT, NULL ) );
if ( !account )
- dialogue_error_memory ();
- return -1;
+ dialogue_error_memory ();
+ return -1;
last_number = gsb_data_account_max_number ();
+ list_accounts = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
/* we have to append the account first because some functions later will
* look for that account */
- list_accounts = g_slist_append ( list_accounts, account );
/* set the base */
account -> account_number = last_number + 1;
- account -> account_name = g_strdup_printf ( _("No name %d"),
- account -> account_number );
+ account -> account_name = g_strdup_printf ( _("No name %d"), account -> account_number );
account -> currency = gsb_data_currency_get_default_currency ();
/* set the kind of account */
@@ -264,64 +639,40 @@ gint gsb_data_account_new ( kind_account account_kind )
if ( account -> account_number == 1 )
- account -> nb_rows_by_transaction = 3;
+ account -> nb_rows_by_transaction = 3;
- /* set the form organization by default */
- gsb_data_form_new_organization (account -> account_number);
- gsb_data_form_set_default_organization (account -> account_number);
+ /* set the form organization by default */
+ gsb_data_form_new_organization (account -> account_number);
+ gsb_data_form_set_default_organization ( account -> account_number );
- /* sort the transactions by default */
- gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values (account -> account_number);
+ /* sort the transactions by default */
+ gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values (account -> account_number);
- account -> show_r = gsb_data_account_get_r (last_number);
- account -> nb_rows_by_transaction = gsb_data_account_get_nb_rows (last_number);
- /* try to copy the form of the last account, else make a new form */
- if ( !gsb_data_form_dup_organization ( last_number,
- account -> account_number ))
- {
- gsb_data_form_new_organization (account -> account_number);
- gsb_data_form_set_default_organization (account -> account_number);
- }
- /* try to copy the sort values of the last account, else set default values */
- if ( !gsb_data_form_dup_sort_values ( last_number,
- account -> account_number ))
- gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values (account -> account_number);
+ account -> show_r = gsb_data_account_get_r ( last_number );
+ account -> nb_rows_by_transaction = gsb_data_account_get_nb_rows ( last_number );
+ /* try to copy the form of the last account, else make a new form */
+ if ( !gsb_data_form_dup_organization ( last_number, account -> account_number ) )
+ {
+ gsb_data_form_new_organization ( account -> account_number );
+ gsb_data_form_set_default_organization ( account -> account_number );
+ }
+ /* try to copy the sort values of the last account, else set default values */
+ if ( !gsb_data_form_dup_sort_values ( last_number,
+ account -> account_number ))
+ gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values (account -> account_number);
- return account -> account_number;
+ list_accounts = g_slist_append ( list_accounts, account );
+printf ("nbre de comptes = %d\n", g_slist_length ( list_accounts ));
- * This internal function is called to free the memory used by a struct_account structure
- */
-static void _gsb_data_account_free ( struct_account* account )
- if ( ! account )
- return;
- g_free ( account -> account_id );
- g_free ( account -> account_name );
- g_free ( account -> name_icon );
- g_free ( account -> comment );
- g_free ( account -> holder_name );
- g_free ( account -> holder_address );
- g_free ( account -> bank_branch_code );
- g_free ( account -> bank_account_number );
- g_free ( account -> bank_account_key );
- g_free ( account -> bank_account_iban );
- if ( account -> sort_list )
- g_slist_free( account -> sort_list ) ;
- g_free ( account -> form_organization );
- if ( account -> bet_start_date )
- g_date_free ( account -> bet_start_date );
- if ( account -> pixbuf )
- g_object_unref ( account -> pixbuf );
- g_free ( account );
- if ( account_buffer == account )
- account_buffer = NULL;
+ gsb_data_account_set_list_accounts ( list_accounts );
+ return account -> account_number;
@@ -334,87 +685,61 @@ static void _gsb_data_account_free ( struct_account* account )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_delete ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ GSList *list_accounts;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+ list_accounts = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
list_accounts = g_slist_remove ( list_accounts, account );
- _gsb_data_account_free ( account );
+ if ( account_buffer == account )
+ account_buffer = NULL;
+ g_object_unref ( account );
return TRUE;
* return the amount of accounts
- *
+ *
* \param none
- *
+ *
* \return amount of accounts
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_accounts_amount ( void )
- if ( !list_accounts )
- return 0;
- return g_slist_length ( list_accounts );
- * find and return the last number of account
- *
- * \param none
- *
- * \return last number of account
- * */
-gint gsb_data_account_max_number ( void )
- GSList *tmp;
- gint number_tmp = 0;
- tmp = list_accounts;
- while ( tmp )
- {
- struct_account *account;
- account = tmp -> data;
- /* Bulletproof, baby */
- if ( ! account )
- {
- return 0;
- }
+ GSList *list_accounts;
- if ( account -> account_number > number_tmp )
- number_tmp = account -> account_number;
+ list_accounts = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ if ( !list_accounts )
+ return 0;
- tmp = tmp -> next;
- }
- return number_tmp;
+ return g_slist_length ( list_accounts );
* find and return the first number of account
- *
+ *
* \param none
- *
+ *
* \return first number of account, -1 if no accounts
* */
gint gsb_data_account_first_number ( void )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ GSList *list_accounts;
+ list_accounts = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
if ( !list_accounts )
- return -1;
+ return -1;
account = list_accounts -> data;
@@ -434,10 +759,10 @@ gint gsb_data_account_first_number ( void )
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_no_account ( gpointer account_ptr )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
if ( !account_ptr )
- return -1;
+ return -1;
account = account_ptr;
account_buffer = account;
@@ -460,12 +785,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_no_account ( gpointer account_ptr )
gint gsb_data_account_set_account_number ( gint account_number,
gint new_no )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return -1;
+ return -1;
account -> account_number = new_no;
@@ -473,73 +798,28 @@ gint gsb_data_account_set_account_number ( gint account_number,
- * find and return the structure of the account asked
- *
- * \param no number of account
- *
- * \return the adr of the struct of the account (NULL if doesn't exit)
- * */
-struct_account *gsb_data_account_get_structure ( gint no )
- GSList *tmp;
- if ( no < 0 )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* before checking all the accounts, we check the buffer */
- if ( account_buffer
- &&
- account_buffer -> account_number == no )
- return account_buffer;
- tmp = list_accounts;
- while ( tmp )
- {
- struct_account *account;
- account = tmp -> data;
- if ( account && account -> account_number == no )
- {
- account_buffer = account;
- return account;
- }
- tmp = tmp -> next;
- }
- return NULL;
* get the nb of rows displayed on the account given
- *
+ *
* \param account_number no of the account
- *
+ *
* \return nb of rows displayed (1, 2, 3 or 4), or 0 if the account doesn't exist
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_nb_rows ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> nb_rows_by_transaction;
-/** set the nb of rows displayed in the account given
+ * set the nb of rows displayed in the account given
* \param account_number no of the account
* \param nb_rows number of rows per transaction (1, 2, 3 or 4)
* \return TRUE, ok ; FALSE, problem
@@ -547,21 +827,19 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_nb_rows ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_nb_rows ( gint account_number,
gint nb_rows )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
- if ( nb_rows < 1
- ||
- nb_rows > 4 )
+ if ( nb_rows < 1 || nb_rows > 4 )
- devel_debug ( g_strdup_printf ( _("Bad nb rows to gsb_data_account_set_nb_rows in gsb_data_account.c : %d\n"),
- nb_rows ) );
- return FALSE;
+ devel_debug ( g_strdup_printf ( _("Bad nb rows to gsb_data_account_set_nb_rows in gsb_data_account.c : %d\n"),
+ nb_rows ) );
+ return FALSE;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> nb_rows_by_transaction = nb_rows;
@@ -578,12 +856,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_nb_rows ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_get_l ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> show_l;
@@ -599,12 +877,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_get_l ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_l ( gint account_number,
gboolean show_l )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> show_l = show_l;
return TRUE;
@@ -620,12 +898,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_l ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_get_r ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> show_r;
@@ -641,31 +919,32 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_get_r ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_r ( gint account_number,
gboolean show_r )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
- account -> show_r = show_r;
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT(account), "show-reconciled", !!show_r, NULL);
return TRUE;
-/** get the id of the account
+ * get the id of the account
* \param account_number no of the account
* \return id or 0 if the account doesn't exist
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_id ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> account_id;
@@ -683,17 +962,17 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_id ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_id ( gint account_number,
const gchar *id )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
if ( account -> account_id )
g_free ( account -> account_id );
- account -> account_id = my_strdup (id);
+ account -> account_id = my_strdup ( id );
return TRUE;
@@ -714,7 +993,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_account_by_id ( const gchar *account_id )
list_tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
while ( list_tmp )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = list_tmp -> data;
@@ -734,57 +1013,60 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_account_by_id ( const gchar *account_id )
-/** get the account kind of the account
+ * get the account kind of the account
* \param account_number no of the account
* \return account type or 0 if the account doesn't exist
* */
kind_account gsb_data_account_get_kind ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
- return account -> account_kind;
+ return account->account_kind;
-/** set the kind of the account
+ * set the kind of the account
* \param account_number no of the account
* \param account_kind type to set
* \return TRUE, ok ; FALSE, problem
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_kind ( gint account_number,
- kind_account account_kind )
+ gint account_kind )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
- account -> account_kind = account_kind;
+ g_object_set ( G_OBJECT ( account ), "account-kind", account_kind, NULL );
return TRUE;
-/** get the name of the account
+ * get the name of the account
* \param account_number no of the account
* \return name or NULL if the account doesn't exist
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_name ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> account_name;
@@ -802,19 +1084,19 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_name ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_name ( gint account_number,
const gchar *name )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
g_free ( account -> account_name );
- if (!name || !strlen (name))
- account -> account_name = NULL;
+ if ( !name || !strlen ( name ) )
+ account -> account_name = NULL;
- account -> account_name = my_strdup (name);
+ account -> account_name = my_strdup ( name );
return TRUE;
@@ -833,20 +1115,19 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_no_account_by_name ( const gchar *account_name )
GSList *list_tmp;
if ( !account_name )
- return -1;
+ return -1;
- list_tmp = list_accounts;
+ list_tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
while ( list_tmp )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
- account = list_tmp -> data;
- if ( !strcmp ( account -> account_name,
- account_name ))
- return account -> account_number;
+ account = list_tmp -> data;
+ if ( !strcmp ( account -> account_name, account_name ) )
+ return account -> account_number;
- list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
+ list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
return -1;
@@ -865,15 +1146,14 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_no_account_by_name ( const gchar *account_name )
gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_init_balance ( gint account_number,
gint floating_point )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return null_real;
+ return null_real;
- return gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance,
- floating_point );
+ return gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance, floating_point );
@@ -888,7 +1168,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_init_balance ( gint account_number,
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_init_balance ( gint account_number,
gsb_real balance )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -912,12 +1192,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_init_balance ( gint account_number,
* */
gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_wanted ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return null_real;
+ return null_real;
return account -> mini_balance_wanted;
@@ -934,12 +1214,12 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_wanted ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted ( gint account_number,
gsb_real balance )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> mini_balance_wanted = balance;
@@ -955,12 +1235,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted ( gint account_number,
* */
gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_authorized ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return null_real;
+ return null_real;
return account -> mini_balance_authorized;
@@ -977,12 +1257,12 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_authorized ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized ( gint account_number,
gsb_real balance )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> mini_balance_authorized = balance;
@@ -999,7 +1279,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_balances_are_dirty ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -1026,7 +1306,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_balances_are_dirty ( gint account_number )
* */
gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_and_marked_balances ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
GDate *date_jour;
GSList *tmp_list;
gsb_real current_balance;
@@ -1046,10 +1326,8 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_and_marked_balances ( gint account_n
floating_point = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (account -> currency);
- current_balance = gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance,
- floating_point );
- marked_balance = gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance,
- floating_point );
+ current_balance = gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance, floating_point );
+ marked_balance = gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance, floating_point );
date_jour = gdate_today ( );
@@ -1100,7 +1378,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_and_marked_balances ( gint account_n
g_date_free ( date_jour );
account -> current_balance = gsb_real_add ( current_balance, current_balance_later );
account -> marked_balance = gsb_real_add ( marked_balance, marked_balance_later );
- /* return */
return account -> current_balance;
@@ -1114,7 +1392,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_and_marked_balances ( gint account_n
* */
gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_current_balance ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -1140,7 +1418,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_current_balance ( gint account_number )
* */
gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_marked_balance ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -1166,7 +1444,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_get_marked_balance ( gint account_number )
* */
gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_waiting_marked_balance ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
GSList *tmp_list;
gsb_real marked_balance = null_real;
gint floating_point;
@@ -1174,28 +1452,29 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_waiting_marked_balance ( gint account_number
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return null_real;
+ return null_real;
- floating_point = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (account -> currency);
+ floating_point = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point ( account -> currency );
tmp_list = gsb_data_transaction_get_complete_transactions_list ();
while (tmp_list)
- gint transaction_number;
- transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list->data);
- if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number) == account_number
- &&
- !gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number (transaction_number)
- &&
- ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_POINTEE
- ||
- gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_TELERAPPROCHEE))
- marked_balance = gsb_real_add ( marked_balance,
- gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (transaction_number, floating_point));
- tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
+ gint transaction_number;
+ transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number ( tmp_list->data );
+ if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( transaction_number ) == account_number
+ &&
+ !gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number ( transaction_number )
+ &&
+ ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number ) == OPERATION_POINTEE
+ ||
+ gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number ) == OPERATION_TELERAPPROCHEE ) )
+ marked_balance = gsb_real_add ( marked_balance,
+ gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (
+ transaction_number, floating_point ) );
+ tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
return marked_balance;
@@ -1212,15 +1491,13 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_waiting_marked_balance ( gint account_number
gint gsb_data_account_get_element_sort ( gint account_number,
gint no_column )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
- if ( no_column < 0
- ||
+ if ( no_column < 0 || no_column > CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS )
gchar* tmpstr;
- /* TODO dOm : the return value of g_strdup_printf was not used !
+ /* TODO dOm : the return value of g_strdup_printf was not used !
I add the devel_debug to print it. Is it OK to do that ? */
tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Bad no column to gsb_data_account_get_element_sort () "
"in data_account.c\nno_column = %d\n" ),
@@ -1234,7 +1511,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_element_sort ( gint account_number,
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> column_element_sort[no_column];
@@ -1253,13 +1530,11 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_element_sort ( gint account_number,
gint no_column,
gint element_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
- if ( no_column < 0
- ||
+ if ( no_column < 0 || no_column > CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS )
gchar* tmpstr;
@@ -1268,15 +1543,15 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_element_sort ( gint account_number,
tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Bad no column to gsb_data_account_set_element_sort () "
"in data_account.c\nno_column = %d\n" ),
no_column );
- devel_debug ( tmpstr );
- g_free (tmpstr);
+ devel_debug ( tmpstr );
+ g_free (tmpstr);
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
/* need to set <0 too because some functions return problem with -1 for account */
if (account <= 0 )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> column_element_sort[no_column] = element_number;
@@ -1295,12 +1570,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_element_sort ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_current_transaction_number ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> current_transaction_number;
@@ -1318,12 +1593,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_current_transaction_number ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_current_transaction_number ( gint account_number,
gint transaction_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> current_transaction_number = transaction_number;
@@ -1341,12 +1616,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_current_transaction_number ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_wanted_message ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> mini_balance_wanted_message;
@@ -1363,12 +1638,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_wanted_message ( gint account_number
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted_message ( gint account_number,
gboolean value )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> mini_balance_wanted_message = value;
@@ -1382,12 +1657,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted_message ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_authorized_message ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> mini_balance_authorized_message;
@@ -1404,12 +1679,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_authorized_message ( gint account_num
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized_message ( gint account_number,
gboolean value )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> mini_balance_authorized_message = value;
@@ -1426,12 +1701,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized_message ( gint account_num
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_currency ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> currency;
@@ -1445,12 +1720,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_currency ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_currency ( gint account_number,
gint currency )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> currency = currency;
@@ -1464,12 +1739,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_currency ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bank ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> bank_number;
@@ -1483,12 +1758,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bank ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank ( gint account_number,
gint bank )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> bank_number = bank;
@@ -1502,12 +1777,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank ( gint account_number,
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_branch_code ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> bank_branch_code;
@@ -1525,19 +1800,19 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_branch_code ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_branch_code ( gint account_number,
const gchar *bank_branch_code )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
g_free ( account -> bank_branch_code );
- if (!bank_branch_code || !strlen (bank_branch_code))
- account -> bank_branch_code = NULL;
+ if ( !bank_branch_code || !strlen ( bank_branch_code ) )
+ account -> bank_branch_code = NULL;
- account -> bank_branch_code = my_strdup (bank_branch_code);
+ account -> bank_branch_code = my_strdup ( bank_branch_code );
return TRUE;
@@ -1549,12 +1824,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_branch_code ( gint account_number,
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_account_number ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> bank_account_number;
@@ -1572,20 +1847,20 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_account_number ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_number ( gint account_number,
const gchar *bank_account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
if ( account -> bank_account_number )
g_free ( account -> bank_account_number );
- if (!bank_account_number || !strlen (bank_account_number))
- account -> bank_account_number = NULL;
+ if ( !bank_account_number || !strlen ( bank_account_number ) )
+ account -> bank_account_number = NULL;
- account -> bank_account_number = my_strdup (bank_account_number);
+ account -> bank_account_number = my_strdup ( bank_account_number );
return TRUE;
@@ -1598,12 +1873,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_number ( gint account_number,
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_account_key ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> bank_account_key;
@@ -1621,20 +1896,20 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_account_key ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_key ( gint account_number,
const gchar *bank_account_key )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
if ( account -> bank_account_key )
g_free ( account -> bank_account_key );
- if (!bank_account_key || !strlen (bank_account_key))
- account -> bank_account_key = NULL;
+ if ( !bank_account_key || !strlen ( bank_account_key ) )
+ account -> bank_account_key = NULL;
- account -> bank_account_key = my_strdup (bank_account_key);
+ account -> bank_account_key = my_strdup ( bank_account_key );
return TRUE;
@@ -1646,12 +1921,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_key ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> closed_account;
@@ -1665,12 +1940,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_closed_account ( gint account_number,
gint closed_account )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> closed_account = closed_account;
@@ -1684,12 +1959,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_closed_account ( gint account_number,
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_comment ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> comment;
@@ -1707,15 +1982,15 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_comment ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_comment ( gint account_number,
const gchar *comment )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
g_free ( account -> comment );
- account -> comment = my_strdup (comment);
+ account -> comment = my_strdup ( comment );
return TRUE;
@@ -1732,12 +2007,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_comment ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_reconcile_sort_type ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> reconcile_sort_type;
@@ -1755,12 +2030,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_reconcile_sort_type ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_reconcile_sort_type ( gint account_number,
gint sort_type )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> reconcile_sort_type = sort_type;
@@ -1779,12 +2054,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_reconcile_sort_type ( gint account_number,
* */
GSList *gsb_data_account_get_sort_list ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> sort_list;
@@ -1802,12 +2077,12 @@ GSList *gsb_data_account_get_sort_list ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_sort_list ( gint account_number,
GSList *list )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> sort_list = list;
@@ -1826,15 +2101,14 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_sort_list ( gint account_number,
gboolean gsb_data_account_sort_list_add ( gint account_number,
gint payment_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
- account -> sort_list = g_slist_append ( account -> sort_list,
- GINT_TO_POINTER (payment_number));
+ account -> sort_list = g_slist_append ( account -> sort_list, GINT_TO_POINTER ( payment_number ) );
return TRUE;
@@ -1850,15 +2124,14 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_sort_list_add ( gint account_number,
gboolean gsb_data_account_sort_list_remove ( gint account_number,
gint payment_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
- account -> sort_list = g_slist_remove ( account -> sort_list,
- GINT_TO_POINTER (payment_number));
+ account -> sort_list = g_slist_remove ( account -> sort_list, GINT_TO_POINTER ( payment_number ) );
return TRUE;
@@ -1872,16 +2145,16 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_sort_list_remove ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_sort_list_free ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
- if (!account -> sort_list)
- return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( !account -> sort_list )
+ return TRUE;
- g_slist_free (account -> sort_list);
+ g_slist_free ( account -> sort_list );
account -> sort_list = NULL;
return TRUE;
@@ -1896,12 +2169,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_sort_list_free ( gint account_number )
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_split_neutral_payment ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> split_neutral_payment;
@@ -1918,12 +2191,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_split_neutral_payment ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_split_neutral_payment ( gint account_number,
gint split_neutral_payment )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> split_neutral_payment = split_neutral_payment;
@@ -1940,12 +2213,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_split_neutral_payment ( gint account_number,
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_holder_name ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> holder_name;
@@ -1963,19 +2236,19 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_holder_name ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_holder_name ( gint account_number,
const gchar *holder_name )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
g_free ( account -> holder_name );
- if (!holder_name || !strlen (holder_name))
- account -> holder_name = NULL;
+ if ( !holder_name || !strlen ( holder_name ) )
+ account -> holder_name = NULL;
- account -> holder_name = my_strdup (holder_name);
+ account -> holder_name = my_strdup ( holder_name );
return TRUE;
@@ -1987,12 +2260,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_holder_name ( gint account_number,
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_holder_address ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> holder_address;
@@ -2010,19 +2283,19 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_holder_address ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_holder_address ( gint account_number,
const gchar *holder_address )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
g_free ( account -> holder_address );
- if (!holder_address || !strlen (holder_address))
- account -> holder_address = NULL;
+ if ( !holder_address || !strlen ( holder_address ) )
+ account -> holder_address = NULL;
- account -> holder_address = my_strdup (holder_address);
+ account -> holder_address = my_strdup (holder_address);
return TRUE;
@@ -2038,12 +2311,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_holder_address ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_default_debit ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> default_debit;
@@ -2060,12 +2333,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_default_debit ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_debit ( gint account_number,
gint default_debit )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> default_debit = default_debit;
@@ -2083,12 +2356,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_debit ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_default_credit ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> default_credit;
@@ -2105,12 +2378,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_default_credit ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_credit ( gint account_number,
gint default_credit )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> default_credit = default_credit;
@@ -2128,12 +2401,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_credit ( gint account_number,
* */
gfloat gsb_data_account_get_row_align ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0.0;
+ return 0.0;
return account -> row_align;
@@ -2151,12 +2424,12 @@ gfloat gsb_data_account_get_row_align ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_row_align ( gint account_number,
gfloat row_align )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> row_align = row_align;
return TRUE;
@@ -2173,12 +2446,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_row_align ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_sort_type ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> sort_type;
@@ -2196,12 +2469,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_sort_type ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_sort_type ( gint account_number,
gint sort_type )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> sort_type = sort_type;
@@ -2220,12 +2493,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_sort_type ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_sort_column ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> sort_column;
@@ -2243,12 +2516,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_sort_column ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_sort_column ( gint account_number,
gint sort_column )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> sort_column = sort_column;
@@ -2266,12 +2539,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_sort_column ( gint account_number,
* */
gpointer gsb_data_account_get_form_organization ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return account -> form_organization;
@@ -2288,12 +2561,12 @@ gpointer gsb_data_account_get_form_organization ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_form_organization ( gint account_number,
gpointer form_organization )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
g_free (account -> form_organization);
@@ -2314,16 +2587,21 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_form_organization ( gint account_number,
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_reorder ( GSList *new_order )
- GSList *last_list, *new_list_accounts = NULL, *list_tmp;
+ GSList *last_list;
+ GSList *list_accounts;
+ GSList *new_list_accounts = NULL;
+ GSList *list_tmp;
while ( new_order )
- new_list_accounts = g_slist_append ( new_list_accounts,
- gsb_data_account_get_structure ( GPOINTER_TO_INT (new_order -> data )));
- new_order = new_order -> next;
+ new_list_accounts = g_slist_append ( new_list_accounts,
+ gsb_data_account_get_structure (
+ GPOINTER_TO_INT ( new_order -> data ) ) );
+ new_order = new_order -> next;
- last_list = list_accounts;
+ last_list = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ gsb_data_account_set_list_accounts ( new_list_accounts );
list_accounts = new_list_accounts;
/* now we go to check if all accounts are in the list and
@@ -2332,17 +2610,17 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_reorder ( GSList *new_order )
while ( list_tmp )
- struct_account *account = list_tmp -> data;
+ GsbDataAccount *account = list_tmp -> data;
- if ( ! g_slist_find ( list_accounts, account ) )
- {
- list_accounts = g_slist_append ( list_accounts, account );
- }
+ if ( !g_slist_find ( list_accounts, account ) )
+ {
+ list_accounts = g_slist_append ( list_accounts, account );
+ }
- list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
+ list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
- g_slist_free (last_list);
+ g_slist_free ( last_list );
gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
@@ -2362,24 +2640,24 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_reorder ( GSList *new_order )
gint gsb_data_account_compare_position ( gint account_number_1,
gint account_number_2 )
+ GSList *list_accounts;
gint pos_1, pos_2;
- struct_account *account_1;
- struct_account *account_2;
+ GsbDataAccount *account_1;
+ GsbDataAccount *account_2;
account_1 = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number_1 );
account_2 = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number_2 );
- if (!account_1
- ||
- !account_2 )
- return 0;
+ if (!account_1 || !account_2 )
+ return 0;
- pos_1 = g_slist_index (list_accounts, account_1);
- pos_2 = g_slist_index (list_accounts, account_2);
- if (pos_1 < pos_2)
- return -1;
+ list_accounts = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ pos_1 = g_slist_index ( list_accounts, account_1 );
+ pos_2 = g_slist_index ( list_accounts, account_2 );
+ if ( pos_1 < pos_2 )
+ return -1;
- return 1;
+ return 1;
@@ -2394,126 +2672,54 @@ gint gsb_data_account_compare_position ( gint account_number_1,
gboolean gsb_data_account_move_account ( gint account_number,
gint dest_account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
+ GSList *list_accounts;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+ list_accounts = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
/* first, remove the account from the list */
- list_accounts = g_slist_remove ( list_accounts,
- account );
+ list_accounts = g_slist_remove ( list_accounts, account );
if (dest_account_number != -1)
- GSList *tmp_list;
- tmp_list = list_accounts;
- while ( tmp_list )
- {
- struct_account *account_tmp;
- account_tmp = tmp_list -> data;
- if (account_tmp -> account_number == dest_account_number)
- {
- list_accounts = g_slist_insert_before ( list_accounts,
- tmp_list,
- account );
- return FALSE;
- }
- tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
- }
- }
- /* we move the account to the end */
- list_accounts = g_slist_append ( list_accounts,
- account );
+ GSList *tmp_list;
- return FALSE;
- * initalize the sort variables for an account to the default value
- * used normally only when creating a new account if it's the first one
- * in all others cases, we will take a copy of that values of the previous account
- *
- * \param account_number
- *
- * \return FALSE
- * */
-gboolean gsb_data_account_set_default_sort_values ( gint account_number )
- gint i, j;
- struct_account *account;
+ tmp_list = list_accounts;
+ while ( tmp_list )
+ {
+ GsbDataAccount *account_tmp;
- account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
+ account_tmp = tmp_list -> data;
- if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ if ( account_tmp -> account_number == dest_account_number )
+ {
+ list_accounts = g_slist_insert_before ( list_accounts, tmp_list, account );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
+ }
+ }
- for ( i = 0 ; i<TRANSACTION_LIST_ROWS_NB ; i++ )
- for ( j = 0 ; j<CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS ; j++ )
- {
- /* by default the sorting element will be the first found for each column */
- if ( !account -> column_element_sort[j]
- &&
- tab_affichage_ope[i][j]
- &&
- tab_affichage_ope[i][j] != ELEMENT_BALANCE )
- account -> column_element_sort[j] = tab_affichage_ope[i][j];
- }
+ /* we move the account to the end */
+ list_accounts = g_slist_append ( list_accounts, account );
- /* the default sort is by date and ascending */
- account -> sort_type = GTK_SORT_ASCENDING;
- account -> sort_column = CUSTOM_MODEL_COL_1;
return FALSE;
- * copy the sort values from an account to another
- *
- * \param origin_account
- * \param target_account
- *
- * \return TRUE ok, FALSE problem
- * */
-gboolean gsb_data_form_dup_sort_values ( gint origin_account,
- gint target_account )
- gint j;
- struct_account *origin_account_ptr;
- struct_account *target_account_ptr;
- origin_account_ptr = gsb_data_account_get_structure (origin_account);
- target_account_ptr = gsb_data_account_get_structure (target_account);
- if (!origin_account_ptr
- ||
- !target_account_ptr)
- return FALSE;
- for ( j = 0 ; j<CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS ; j++ )
- target_account_ptr -> column_element_sort[j] = origin_account_ptr -> column_element_sort[j];
- target_account_ptr -> sort_type = origin_account_ptr -> sort_type;
- target_account_ptr -> sort_column = origin_account_ptr -> sort_column;
- return TRUE;
* get the icon_path of the account
- *
+ *
* \param account_number no of the account
- *
+ *
* \return icon_path or NULL if the account doesn't exist
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_name_icon (gint account_number)
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2536,7 +2742,7 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_name_icon (gint account_number)
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_name_icon ( gint account_number,
const gchar *filename )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2586,7 +2792,7 @@ GtkWidget *gsb_data_account_get_account_icon_image ( gint account_number )
* */
GdkPixbuf *gsb_data_account_get_account_icon_pixbuf ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2609,7 +2815,7 @@ GdkPixbuf *gsb_data_account_get_account_icon_pixbuf ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_account_icon_pixbuf ( gint account_number,
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2630,10 +2836,10 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_account_icon_pixbuf ( gint account_number,
* get the default pixbuf icon for the kind_account
- *
+ *
* \param kind_account
- *
- * \return pixbuf icon
+ *
+ * \return pixbuf icon
* */
GdkPixbuf *gsb_data_account_get_account_standard_pixbuf ( kind_account account_kind )
@@ -2658,44 +2864,6 @@ GdkPixbuf *gsb_data_account_get_account_standard_pixbuf ( kind_account account_k
- * get the filename of the default pixbuf icon for the kind_account
- *
- * \param kind_account
- *
- * \return filename
- * */
-gchar *gsb_data_account_get_account_standard_pixbuf_filename ( kind_account account_kind )
- gchar *account_icon;
- gchar *filename;
- switch ( account_kind )
- {
- account_icon = "ac_bank.png";
- break;
- account_icon = "ac_cash.png";
- break;
- account_icon = "ac_asset.png";
- break;
- account_icon = "ac_liability.png";
- break;
- default:
- account_icon = "ac_bank.png";
- break;
- }
- filename = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), account_icon, NULL );
- return filename;
@@ -2754,7 +2922,7 @@ void gsb_data_account_change_account_icon ( GtkWidget *button, gpointer data )
* */
gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_account_iban (gint account_number)
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2773,7 +2941,7 @@ gchar *gsb_data_account_get_bank_account_iban (gint account_number)
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_iban ( gint account_number, const gchar *iban )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2832,11 +3000,11 @@ void gsb_data_account_colorize_current_balance ( gint account_number )
gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_day_balance ( gint account_number,
GDate *day )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
GDate *date_jour;
GSList *tmp_list;
gsb_real current_balance;
- gsb_real current_balance_later = null_real;
+ gsb_real current_balance_later = null_real;
gint floating_point;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2846,8 +3014,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_day_balance ( gint account_number,
floating_point = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point ( account -> currency );
- current_balance = gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance,
- floating_point );
+ current_balance = gsb_real_adjust_exponent ( account -> init_balance, floating_point );
if ( day == NULL )
date_jour = gdate_today ( );
@@ -2900,7 +3067,7 @@ gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_day_balance ( gint account_number,
GDate *gsb_data_account_get_bet_start_date ( gint account_number )
GDate *date = NULL;
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2932,7 +3099,7 @@ GDate *gsb_data_account_get_bet_start_date ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_start_date ( gint account_number, const GDate *date )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -2967,12 +3134,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_start_date ( gint account_number, const GDate
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_spin_range ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> bet_spin_range;
@@ -2985,12 +3152,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_spin_range ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_spin_range ( gint account_number, gint spin_range )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> bet_spin_range = spin_range;
@@ -3005,7 +3172,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_spin_range ( gint account_number, gint spin_ra
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_months ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3026,7 +3193,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_months ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_months ( gint account_number, gint months )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3046,12 +3213,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_months ( gint account_number, gint months )
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_hist_data ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> bet_hist_data;
@@ -3064,12 +3231,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_hist_data ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_hist_data ( gint account_number, gint hist_data )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> bet_hist_data = hist_data;
@@ -3084,12 +3251,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_hist_data ( gint account_number, gint hist_dat
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_hist_fyear ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return account -> bet_hist_fyear;
@@ -3102,12 +3269,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_hist_fyear ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_hist_fyear ( gint account_number, gint hist_fyear )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> bet_hist_fyear = hist_fyear;
@@ -3122,12 +3289,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_hist_fyear ( gint account_number, gint hist_fy
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_get_bet_auto_inc_month ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
return account -> bet_auto_inc_month;
@@ -3141,12 +3308,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_get_bet_auto_inc_month ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_auto_inc_month ( gint account_number,
gboolean auto_inc_month )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> bet_auto_inc_month = auto_inc_month;
@@ -3161,12 +3328,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_auto_inc_month ( gint account_number,
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_select_label ( gint account_number, gint origine )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return 0;
+ return 0;
switch ( origine )
@@ -3194,12 +3361,12 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_select_label ( gint account_number,
gint origine,
gint type )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
switch ( origine )
@@ -3257,7 +3424,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_bet_update_initial_date_if_necessary ( gint account_nu
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_use_budget ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
kind_account kind;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3294,12 +3461,12 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_use_budget ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_use_budget ( gint account_number, gint value )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
if ( !account )
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
account -> bet_use_budget = value;
@@ -3315,7 +3482,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_use_budget ( gint account_number, gint value )
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_maj ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3334,7 +3501,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_maj ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_maj ( gint account_number, gint type_maj )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3355,7 +3522,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_maj ( gint account_number, gint type_maj )
* */
gdouble gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_capital ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3374,7 +3541,7 @@ gdouble gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_capital ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_capital ( gint account_number, gdouble capital )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3395,7 +3562,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_capital ( gint account_number, gdouble
* */
gdouble gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_taux_annuel ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3414,7 +3581,7 @@ gdouble gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_taux_annuel ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_taux_annuel ( gint account_number, gdouble taux_annuel )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3435,7 +3602,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_taux_annuel ( gint account_number, gdo
* */
gdouble gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_frais ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3454,7 +3621,7 @@ gdouble gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_frais ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_frais ( gint account_number, gdouble frais )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3474,7 +3641,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_frais ( gint account_number, gdouble f
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_type_taux ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3492,7 +3659,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_finance_type_taux ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_type_taux ( gint account_number, gint type_taux )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3514,7 +3681,7 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_finance_type_taux ( gint account_number, gint
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_currency_floating_point ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
gint floating_point;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3538,7 +3705,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_currency_floating_point ( gint account_number )
* */
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_credit_card ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
kind_account kind;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3578,7 +3745,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_credit_card ( gint account_number )
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_credit_card ( gint account_number,
gint value )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3596,11 +3763,11 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_credit_card ( gint account_number,
* \param account_number
- * \return enum bet_type_onglets
+ * \return enum BetTypeOnglets
* */
-bet_type_onglets gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( gint account_number )
+BetTypeOnglets gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
account = gsb_data_account_get_structure ( account_number );
@@ -3620,7 +3787,7 @@ bet_type_onglets gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( gint account_number )
* */
gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_show_onglets ( gint account_number )
- struct_account *account;
+ GsbDataAccount *account;
gint bet_use_budget;
kind_account kind;
GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
@@ -3705,9 +3872,10 @@ gboolean gsb_data_account_set_bet_show_onglets_all_accounts ( void )
+ * \param
- *
- * */
+ * \return
+ **/
/* Local Variables: */
/* c-basic-offset: 4 */
/* End: */
diff --git a/src/gsb_data_account.h b/src/gsb_data_account.h
index 887fbf6..2a55b92 100644
--- a/src/gsb_data_account.h
+++ b/src/gsb_data_a count.h nt.h b/src/gsb_data_account.h onglets_all_accounts ( void ) umber ) CHEE ) ) "), ort the list */ 0.116 79.1397 452.069 86.7836 439.542 94.0777C 431.026 99.0367 424.039 102.006 418.372 102.989C 408.222 105.278 402.304 102.038 402.304 102.038C 402.304 102.038 398.244 96.5717 397.68 94.3187C 397.599 93.9916 405.593 95.4567 414.434 93.8406C 420.781 92.6807 427.732 89.1977 434.674 85.2647C 444.488 79.7067 452.785 72.3438 457.511 65.9067C 460.786 61.4458 461.946 57.1367 462.354 55.3927z" .469 473.638 174.66 476.954 195.11z" 00.276L 739.074 500.276C 759.951 500.276 772.588 497.101 780.28 491.704C 787.789 486.466 790.719 478.846 790.719 470.274C 790.719 452.654 775.701 443.923 758.669 441.701L 758.67 441.384C 776.617 438.05 785.774 429.795 785.774 416.779C 785.774 397.413 768.01 390.428 739.074 390.428L 678.638 390.428z" 448.248 397.73 457.588 403.603 457.588 419.795C 457.588 432.97 451.728 442.495 433.231 442.495L 424.074 442.495L 424.074 403.921z
" 0.917 219.279 370.917 210.374 370.917C 211.781 365.753 214.086 356.583 221.45 328.186C 308.695 328.193 287.908 328.376 738.419 328.186C 758.428 305.835 765.635 297.207 781.185 279.244C 556.029 279.244 460.148 279.244 242.306 279.662C 245.081 270.432 254.544 256.995 269.786 241.767C 291.182 220.388 321.858 195.015 363.508 173.254C 423.726 141.792 503.084 117.043 587.218 117.712C 760.185 120.633 849.057 201.069 849.057 201.069z" ò* Ëøÿ pKáò* @Åøÿ Äøÿ kP1ò* 5 6 7 8 : < = > ? @ B D Ëøÿ Ëøÿ à}ªò* Ëøÿ u:1ò* URò* ÀÃøÿ }ò* e91ò* URò* Õ_ at fÆS Qöl±íÁyò* Ëøÿ à}ªò* PÆøÿ Åøÿ kP1ò* u]ÞÓ 4Q ÷U^Qʧ ¶uª¹ñìò*ÄvËøÿ Ëøÿ HÎvò* ³ò* ÀÌøÿ ¦
ò* ¦
ò* f°ò* OËøÿ Ìøÿ 8Ëøÿ Çøÿ Nò* u:1ò* ØNò* Îøÿ ¢
ò* ÐÌøÿ `Èøÿ
ò* Ëøÿ ccount.h
@@ -9,21 +9,6 @@
-/** \struct
- * kind of the account
- * */
-enum _kind_account
-typedef enum _kind_account kind_account;
gboolean gsb_data_account_bet_update_initial_date_if_necessary ( gint account_number );
gsb_real gsb_data_account_calculate_current_and_marked_balances ( gint account_number );
@@ -57,7 +42,7 @@ gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_hist_fyear ( gint account_number );
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_maj ( gint account_number );
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_months ( gint account_number );
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_select_label ( gint account_number, gint origine );
-bet_type_onglets gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( gint account_number );
+BetTypeOnglets gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( gint account_number );
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_spin_range ( gint account_number );
GDate *gsb_data_account_get_bet_start_date ( gint account_number );
gint gsb_data_account_get_bet_use_budget ( gint account_number );
diff --git a/src/gsb_data_partial_balance.c b/src/gsb_data_partial_balance.c
index 677d30c..03e8e1a 100644
--- a/src/gsb_data_partial_balance.c
+++ b/src/gsb_data_partial_balance.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_data_currency.h"
#include "gsb_data_currency_link.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "utils_real.h"
#include "utils_str.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_file.c b/src/gsb_file.c
index d22d418..88bdc3c 100644
--- a/src/gsb_file.c
+++ b/src/gsb_file.c
@@ -48,11 +48,12 @@
#include "gsb_file_load.h"
#include "gsb_file_save.h"
#include "gsb_file_util.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_status.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "parametres.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ gboolean gsb_file_new_finish ( void )
gsb_gui_new_gui ();
mise_a_jour_accueil ( TRUE );
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_HOME_PAGE, -1, NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_HOME_PAGE, -1, NULL );
gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
return FALSE;
@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ gboolean gsb_file_open_file ( gchar *filename )
run->is_loading = FALSE;
/* go to the home page */
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_HOME_PAGE, -1, NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_HOME_PAGE, -1, NULL );
/* set the focus to the selection tree at left */
gtk_widget_grab_focus ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( ) );
diff --git a/src/gsb_file_load.c b/src/gsb_file_load.c
index 3d01e66..1889894 100644
--- a/src/gsb_file_load.c
+++ b/src/gsb_file_load.c
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_file_util.h"
#include "gsb_locale.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_plugins.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_select_icon.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "import.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ void gsb_file_load_general_part ( const gchar **attribute_names,
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
gchar *chemin_logo = NULL;
- chemin_logo = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "grisbi-logo.png", NULL );
+ chemin_logo = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir (), "grisbi.svg", NULL );
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( chemin_logo, NULL );
gtk_window_set_default_icon ( pixbuf );
gsb_select_icon_set_logo_pixbuf ( pixbuf );
@@ -939,8 +939,7 @@ void gsb_file_load_general_part ( const gchar **attribute_names,
case 'N':
if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Navigation_list_order" ) )
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_page_list_order ( attribute_values[i] );
+ etat->navigation_list_order = my_strdup ( attribute_values[i] );
else if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Name_logo" ) )
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
@@ -951,9 +950,9 @@ void gsb_file_load_general_part ( const gchar **attribute_names,
gchar *chemin_logo = NULL;
if ( etat->name_logo )
- chemin_logo = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), etat->name_logo, NULL );
+ chemin_logo = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir (), etat->name_logo, NULL );
- chemin_logo = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "grisbi-logo.png", NULL );
+ chemin_logo = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir (), "grisbi.svg", NULL );
if ( chemin_logo )
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( chemin_logo, NULL );
if ( chemin_logo && strlen ( chemin_logo ) > 0 )
@@ -4229,23 +4228,23 @@ void gsb_file_load_bet_transfert_part ( const gchar **attribute_names,
- if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Aim" ) )
+ if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Dd" ) )
- transfert -> auto_inc_month = utils_str_atoi ( attribute_values[i] );
+ transfert->direct_debit = utils_str_atoi ( attribute_values[i] );
- if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Dd" ) )
+ if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Dtb" ) )
- transfert->direct_debit = utils_str_atoi ( attribute_values[i] );
+ transfert->date_bascule = gsb_parse_date_string_safe ( attribute_values[i] );
- if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Dtb" ) )
+ if ( !strcmp ( attribute_names[i], "Pa" ) )
- transfert->date_bascule = gsb_parse_date_string_safe ( attribute_values[i] );
+ transfert -> payee_number = utils_str_atoi ( attribute_values[i] );
diff --git a/src/gsb_file_others.c b/src/gsb_file_others.c
index 3045f0f..5cc7d6d 100644
--- a/src/gsb_file_others.c
+++ b/src/gsb_file_others.c
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_file_load.h"
#include "gsb_file_save.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "utils_str.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "categories_onglet.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_file_save.c b/src/gsb_file_save.c
index f9764b2..d3d9015 100644
--- a/src/gsb_file_save.c
+++ b/src/gsb_file_save.c
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@
#include "bet_data.h"
#include "bet_data_finance.h"
#include "bet_graph.h"
+#include "custom_list.h"
#include "dialog.h"
#include "grisbi_app.h"
+#include "gsb_calendar.h"
#include "gsb_color.h"
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_data_archive.h"
@@ -70,17 +72,16 @@
#include "gsb_data_scheduled.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
-#include "utils_dates.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "gsb_locale.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_plugins.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
+#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_select_icon.h"
-#include "utils_str.h"
#include "structures.h"
-#include "custom_list.h"
-#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
-#include "gsb_calendar.h"
+#include "utils_dates.h"
+#include "utils_str.h"
#include "erreur.h"
@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ gulong gsb_file_save_general_part ( gulong iterator,
transaction_column_align_write = utils_str_itoa ( transaction_col_align[i] );
/* prépare l'ordre des pages dans le panneau de gauche */
- tmp_queue = gsb_gui_navigation_get_pages_list ( );
+ tmp_queue = gsb_navigation_view_get_pages_list ();
for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
@@ -1157,7 +1158,7 @@ gulong gsb_file_save_account_part ( gulong iterator,
if ( gsb_data_account_get_bet_use_budget ( account_number ) > 0 )
- bet_type_onglets bet_show_onglets;
+ BetTypeOnglets bet_show_onglets;
bet_show_onglets = gsb_data_account_get_bet_show_onglets ( account_number );
diff --git a/src/gsb_form.c b/src/gsb_form.c
index e493bfd..944ba28 100644
--- a/src/gsb_form.c
+++ b/src/gsb_form.c
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
#include "gsb_fyear.h"
#include "gsb_locale.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_payment_method.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_reconcile.h"
@@ -72,8 +73,6 @@
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "gtk_combofix.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "parametres.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "tiers_onglet.h"
@@ -2801,7 +2800,7 @@ gboolean gsb_form_validate_form_transaction ( gint transaction_number,
if ( !gsb_date_check_entry ( date_widget ) )
tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Invalid date %s"),
- gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( date_widget ) ) );
+ gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( date_widget ) ) );
dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
g_free( tmpstr );
gtk_editable_select_region ( GTK_EDITABLE ( date_widget ), 0, -1 );
@@ -2819,7 +2818,11 @@ gboolean gsb_form_validate_form_transaction ( gint transaction_number,
/* work with value date */
widget = gsb_form_widget_get_widget ( TRANSACTION_FORM_VALUE_DATE );
- if ( widget && ! gsb_form_widget_check_empty ( widget ) )
+ if ( widget
+ &&
+ !gsb_form_widget_check_empty ( widget )
+ &&
+ strlen ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget ) ) ) > 0 )
if ( !gsb_date_check_entry ( widget ) )
@@ -3663,7 +3666,7 @@ gboolean gsb_form_button_press ( GtkWidget *vbox,
devel_debug (NULL);
- if ( ev -> button != RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button != GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
return FALSE;
menu = gtk_menu_new ();
diff --git a/src/gsb_form_config.c b/src/gsb_form_config.c
index f18d279..582b6e3 100644
--- a/src/gsb_form_config.c
+++ b/src/gsb_form_config.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_navigation.c b/src/gsb_navigation.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3762075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gsb_navigation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1443 @@
+/* ************************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Cédric Auger (cedric at grisbi.org) */
+/* 2003-2008 Benjamin Drieu (bdrieu at april.org) */
+/* 2008-2012 Pierre Biava (grisbi at pierre.biava.name) */
+/* http://www.grisbi.org */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
+/* (at your option) any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* ************************************************************************** */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "include.h"
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "accueil.h"
+#include "bet_data.h"
+#include "bet_finance_ui.h"
+#include "categories_onglet.h"
+#include "etats_onglet.h"
+#include "fenetre_principale.h"
+#include "grisbi_app.h"
+#include "gsb_account.h"
+#include "gsb_account_property.h"
+#include "gsb_assistant_account.h"
+#include "gsb_calendar.h"
+#include "gsb_data_account.h"
+#include "gsb_data_archive_store.h"
+#include "gsb_data_import_rule.h"
+#include "gsb_data_reconcile.h"
+#include "gsb_data_report.h"
+#include "gsb_dirs.h"
+#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_form.h"
+#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
+#include "gsb_real.h"
+#include "gsb_reconcile.h"
+#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
+#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
+#include "imputation_budgetaire.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#include "metatree.h"
+#include "structures.h"
+#include "tiers_onglet.h"
+#include "traitement_variables.h"
+#include "transaction_list_select.h"
+#include "transaction_list_sort.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "utils_dates.h"
+#include "utils_real.h"
+#include "utils_str.h"
+#include "erreur.h"
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data );
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data );
+static void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter * account_iter,
+ gint account_number );
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data );
+static void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter * report_iter,
+ gint report_number );
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data );
+extern GtkWidget *account_page;
+extern GtkWidget *label_last_statement;
+extern GtkWidget *menu_import_rules;
+extern gint mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil;
+/** Holds data for the navigation tree. */
+enum navigation_cols {
+ NAVIGATION_ORDRE, /* ordre des pages dans le modèle */
+/** Widget that hold the scheduler calendar. */
+static GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar = NULL;
+/** Widget that hold all reconciliation widgets. */
+GtkWidget *reconcile_panel;
+/* contains the number of the last account
+ * when switching between 2 accounts
+ * at the end of the switch, contains the current account number */
+static gint buffer_last_account = -1;
+ * Create the navigation pane on the left of the GUI. It contains
+ * account list as well as shortcuts.
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_create_navigation_pane ( void )
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ GtkWidget *sw;
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GrisbiWindow *window;
+ GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
+ window = grisbi_app_get_active_window ( grisbi_app_get_default ( TRUE ) );
+ etat = grisbi_window_get_struct_etat ();
+ vbox = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "vbox_left_panel" );
+ sw = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "sw_left_panel" );
+ navigation_tree_view = gsb_navigation_view_new ( etat->navigation_sorting_accounts );
+ grisbi_window_set_navigation_tree_view ( navigation_tree_view );
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER ( sw ), navigation_tree_view );
+ /* Create calendar (hidden for now). */
+ scheduler_calendar = gsb_calendar_new ();
+ gtk_box_pack_end ( GTK_BOX ( vbox ), scheduler_calendar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+ grisbi_window_set_scheduler_calendar ( window, scheduler_calendar );
+ gtk_widget_show ( navigation_tree_view );
+ gtk_widget_hide ( scheduler_calendar );
+ * return the current page selected
+ * the value returned is defined by GSB_GENERAL_NOTEBOOK_PAGES
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return a gint wich is the numero of the page, -1 if problem
+ *
+ * */
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gint page;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ if ( !navigation_tree_view )
+ return -1;
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, NULL, &iter ) )
+ return GSB_HOME_PAGE;
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ &iter,
+ -1 );
+ return page;
+ * return the account number selected
+ * rem : this is only for account number of the transactions list,
+ * if we want the current account number, for transactions or scheduled, go to
+ * see gsb_form_get_account_number
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return a gint, the account number or -1 if none selected
+ * */
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gint page;
+ gint account_number;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ if ( !navigation_tree_view )
+ return -1;
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, NULL, &iter ) )
+ return -1;
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ &iter,
+ NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
+ -1 );
+ if ( page == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
+ return account_number;
+ return -1;
+ * return the content of buffer_last_account
+ * used while changing an account, as long as the work
+ * is not finished, that variable contains the last account number
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return the last account number (become the current account number once the
+ * switch is finished...)
+ *
+ * */
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_last_account ( void )
+ return buffer_last_account;
+ * Return the number of the current selected report
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return the current number of the report, or 0 if none selected
+ * */
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_report ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gint page;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ if ( !navigation_tree_view )
+ return 0;
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (navigation_tree_view));
+ if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, NULL, &iter ) )
+ return 0;
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ &iter,
+ -1 );
+ if ( page == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE )
+ {
+ gint report_number;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ &iter,
+ NAVIGATION_REPORT, &report_number,
+ -1 );
+ return report_number;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and update
+ * iter of account that is equal to `data'.
+ *
+ * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param path Not used.
+ * \param iter Current iter to test.
+ * \param data Number of an account to match against the
+ * NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT column of current iter.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
+ */
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data )
+ gint account_number;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ),
+ iter,
+ NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
+ -1 );
+ if ( account_number == GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) )
+ {
+ gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( tree_model, iter, GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and update
+ * iter of report that is equal to `data'.
+ *
+ * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param path Not used.
+ * \param iter Current iter to test.
+ * \param data Number of an report to match against the
+ * NAVIGATION_REPORT column of current iter.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
+ */
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data )
+ gint report_nb;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ),
+ iter,
+ NAVIGATION_REPORT, &report_nb,
+ -1 );
+ if ( report_nb == GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) )
+ {
+ gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( tree_model, iter, GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Update information for an report in navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param report_nb Number of the report that has to be updated.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report ( gint report_number )
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ navigation_model = gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ();
+ gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iterator,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( report_number ) );
+ * Update contents of an iter with report data.
+ *
+ * \param model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param report_iter Iter to update.
+ * \param data Number of report as a reference.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter * report_iter,
+ gint report_number )
+ gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model), report_iter,
+ NAVIGATION_TEXT, gsb_data_report_get_report_name (report_number),
+ NAVIGATION_REPORT, report_number,
+ -1 );
+ * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and remove
+ * iter of report that is equal to `data'.
+ *
+ * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param path Not used.
+ * \param iter Current iter to test.
+ * \param data Number of an report to match against the
+ * NAVIGATION_REPORT column of current iter.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
+ */
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data )
+ gint report;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ), iter,
+ -1 );
+ if ( report == GPOINTER_TO_INT (data))
+ {
+ gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( tree_model ), iter );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Add an report to the navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param report_nb Report ID to add.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_add_report ( gint report_number )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GtkTreeIter parent, iter;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ path = gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( navigation_model, GSB_REPORTS_PAGE );
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( navigation_model ), &parent, path );
+ gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ), &iter, &parent );
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path );
+ gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), &iter, report_number );
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, &iter );
+ * Remove report from the navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param report_nb Report ID to add.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report ( gint report_number )
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ navigation_model = gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ();
+ gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report_iterator,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( report_number ) );
+ * Update information for an account in navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param account_number Number of the account that has to be updated.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account ( gint account_number )
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ navigation_model = gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ();
+ gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iterator,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( account_number ) );
+ * Update contents of an iter with account data.
+ *
+ * \param model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param account_iter Iter to update.
+ * \param data Number of account as a reference.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter *account_iter,
+ gint account_number )
+ GdkPixbuf * pixbuf = NULL;
+ pixbuf = gsb_data_account_get_account_icon_pixbuf ( account_number );
+ gtk_tree_store_set ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), account_iter,
+ NAVIGATION_TEXT, gsb_data_account_get_name ( account_number ),
+ NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, account_number,
+ NAVIGATION_SENSITIVE, !gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( account_number ),
+ -1 );
+ * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and remove
+ * iter of account that is equal to `data'.
+ *
+ * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param path Not used.
+ * \param iter Current iter to test.
+ * \param data Number of an account to match against the
+ * NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT column of current iter.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
+ */
+static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data )
+ gint account_number;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ),
+ iter,
+ NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
+ -1 );
+ if ( account_number == GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) )
+ {
+ gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( tree_model ), iter );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Add an account to the navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param account_number Account ID to add.
+ * \param switch_to_account TRUE to show the account, FALSE to just create it
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_add_account ( gint account_number,
+ gboolean switch_to_account )
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GtkTreeIter parent, iter;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ navigation_model = gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ();
+ path = gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( navigation_model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( navigation_model ), &parent, path );
+ gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ), &iter, &parent );
+ gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), &iter, account_number );
+ if ( switch_to_account )
+ {
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeSelection * selection;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, &iter );
+ }
+ * change the list of transactions, according to the new account
+ *
+ * \param no_account a pointer on the number of the account we want to see
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+gboolean navigation_change_account ( gint new_account )
+ gint current_account;
+ gchar *tmp_menu_path;
+ GrisbiAppConf *conf;
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ devel_debug_int (new_account);
+ if ( new_account < 0 )
+ return FALSE;
+ /* the selection on the navigation bar has already changed, so
+ * have to use a buffer variable to get the last account */
+ current_account = gsb_gui_navigation_get_last_account ();
+ /* sensitive the last account in the menu */
+ tmp_menu_path = g_strconcat (
+ "/menubar/EditMenu/MoveToAnotherAccount/",
+ gsb_data_account_get_name (current_account),
+ NULL );
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( tmp_menu_path, TRUE );
+ g_free ( tmp_menu_path );
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/NewTransaction", TRUE );
+ /* save the row_align of the last account */
+ gsb_data_account_set_row_align ( current_account,
+ gsb_transactions_list_get_row_align ( ) );
+ /* set the appearance of the list according to the new account */
+ transaction_list_sort_set_column ( gsb_data_account_get_sort_column ( new_account ),
+ gsb_data_account_get_sort_type ( new_account ) );
+ gsb_transactions_list_update_tree_view ( new_account, FALSE );
+ transaction_list_select ( gsb_data_account_get_current_transaction_number ( new_account ) );
+ gsb_transactions_list_set_row_align ( gsb_data_account_get_row_align ( new_account ) );
+ /* mise en place de la date du dernier relevé */
+ gsb_navigation_update_statement_label ( new_account );
+ tmp_menu_path = g_strconcat (
+ "/menubar/EditMenu/MoveToAnotherAccount/",
+ gsb_data_account_get_name (new_account),
+ NULL );
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( tmp_menu_path, FALSE );
+ g_free ( tmp_menu_path );
+ /* Sensitive menu items if something is selected. */
+ if ( gsb_data_account_get_current_transaction_number ( new_account ) == -1 )
+ gsb_menu_transaction_operations_set_sensitive ( FALSE );
+ else
+ gsb_menu_transaction_operations_set_sensitive ( TRUE );
+ /* show or hide the rules button in toolbar */
+ if ( gsb_data_import_rule_account_has_rule ( new_account ) )
+ gtk_widget_show ( menu_import_rules );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_hide ( menu_import_rules );
+ /* Update the title of the file if needed */
+ if ( conf->display_grisbi_title == GSB_ACCOUNT_HOLDER )
+ grisbi_window_set_active_title ( new_account );
+ bet_data_select_bet_pages ( new_account );
+ /* unset the last date written */
+ gsb_date_free_last_date ();
+ return FALSE;
+ * update the statement label for the given account
+ *
+ * \param account_number
+ *
+ * \return
+ * */
+void gsb_navigation_update_statement_label ( gint account_number )
+ gint reconcile_number;
+ gchar* tmp_str;
+ gchar* tmp_str1;
+ gchar* tmp_str2;
+ gsb_real amount;
+ reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_account_last_number ( account_number );
+ amount = gsb_data_account_get_marked_balance ( account_number );
+ if ( reconcile_number )
+ {
+ tmp_str1 = gsb_format_gdate ( gsb_data_reconcile_get_final_date (
+ reconcile_number ) );
+ tmp_str2 = utils_real_get_string_with_currency ( amount,
+ gsb_data_account_get_currency ( account_number ), TRUE );
+ tmp_str = g_strconcat ( _("Last statement: "), tmp_str1, " - ",
+ _("Reconciled balance: "), tmp_str2, NULL );
+ gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ), tmp_str);
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str1 );
+ g_free ( tmp_str2 );
+ }
+ else if ( amount.mantissa != 0 )
+ {
+ tmp_str2 = utils_real_get_string_with_currency (amount,
+ gsb_data_account_get_currency ( account_number ), TRUE );
+ tmp_str = g_strconcat ( _("Last statement: none"), " - ",
+ _("Reconciled balance: "), tmp_str2, NULL );
+ gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ), tmp_str);
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str2 );
+ }
+ else
+ gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ),
+ _("Last statement: none") );
+ * Update the account name in the heading bar
+ *
+ * \param account_number
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+void gsb_navigation_update_account_label ( gint account_number )
+ gchar * title = NULL;
+ title = g_strconcat ( _("Account"), " : ",
+ gsb_data_account_get_name ( account_number ),
+ NULL );
+ if ( gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( account_number ) )
+ {
+ gchar* old_title = title;
+ title = g_strconcat ( title, " (", _("closed"), ")", NULL );
+ g_free ( old_title );
+ }
+ gsb_data_account_colorize_current_balance ( account_number );
+ gsb_gui_headings_update_title ( title );
+ g_free ( title );
+ * Remove account from the navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param account_number Account ID to remove.
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account ( gint account_number )
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ navigation_model = gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ();
+ gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
+ (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account_iterator,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER ( account_number ) );
+ * Callback executed when the selection of the navigation tree
+ * changed.
+ * we must write here the changes to do when changing something in that selection,
+ * not with a callback "switch-page" on the main notebook
+ *
+ * \param selection The selection that triggered event.
+ * \param model Tree model associated to selection.
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ */
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_line ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
+ GtkTreeModel *model )
+ gint account_number, page_number;
+ gint report_number;
+ gchar *title = NULL;
+ gboolean clear_suffix = TRUE;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ page_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ();
+ gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( gsb_gui_get_general_notebook ( ) ), page_number );
+ if ( page_number != GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
+ {
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/NewTransaction", FALSE );
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/RemoveAccount", FALSE );
+ menus_view_sensitifs ( FALSE );
+ }
+ if ( page_number != GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE )
+ {
+ gtk_widget_hide ( scheduler_calendar );
+ }
+ switch ( page_number )
+ {
+ notice_debug ("Home page selected");
+ title = g_strdup(_("My accounts"));
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/ViewMenu/ShowClosed", TRUE );
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ mise_a_jour_accueil ( FALSE );
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible ( FALSE, FALSE );
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Account page selected");
+ menus_view_sensitifs ( TRUE );
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/RemoveAccount", TRUE );
+ account_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ();
+ /* update title now -- different from others */
+ gsb_navigation_update_account_label (account_number);
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ if (account_number >= 0 )
+ {
+ navigation_change_account ( account_number );
+ gsb_account_property_fill_page ();
+ clear_suffix = FALSE;
+ if ( gsb_data_archive_store_account_have_transactions_visibles ( account_number ) )
+ gsb_transaction_list_set_visible_archived_button ( TRUE );
+ else
+ gsb_transaction_list_set_visible_archived_button ( FALSE );
+ }
+ gsb_menu_update_accounts_in_menus ();
+ gsb_menu_update_view_menu ( account_number );
+ /* set the form */
+ gsb_gui_on_account_switch_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( gsb_gui_on_account_get_notebook ( ) ),
+ gtk_notebook_get_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( gsb_gui_on_account_get_notebook ( ) ) ),
+ NULL );
+ /* gsb_form_show ( FALSE ); */
+ buffer_last_account = account_number;
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Scheduler page selected");
+ title = g_strdup(_("Scheduled transactions"));
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ /* update the list (can do that because short list, so very fast) */
+ gsb_scheduler_list_fill_list (gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view ());
+ gsb_scheduler_list_set_background_color (gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view ());
+ gsb_scheduler_list_select (gsb_scheduler_list_get_last_scheduled_number ());
+ /* set the form */
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible (TRUE, FALSE );
+ gsb_form_scheduler_clean ();
+ gsb_form_show ( FALSE );
+ /* show the calendar */
+ gsb_calendar_update ();
+ gtk_widget_show_all ( scheduler_calendar );
+ /* show menu InitwidthCol */
+ gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/ViewMenu/InitwidthCol", TRUE );
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Payee page selected");
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE );
+ payees_fill_list ();
+ clear_suffix = FALSE;
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Credits simulator page selected");
+ title = g_strdup(_("Credits simulator"));
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE);
+ bet_finance_switch_simulator_page ( );
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Category page selected");
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE );
+ categories_fill_list ();
+ clear_suffix = FALSE;
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Budgetary page selected");
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE );
+ budgetary_lines_fill_list ();
+ clear_suffix = FALSE;
+ break;
+ notice_debug ("Reports page selected");
+ report_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_report ();
+ if ( report_number >= 0 )
+ title = g_strconcat ( _("Report"), " : ", gsb_data_report_get_report_name (report_number), NULL );
+ else
+ title = g_strdup(_("Reports"));
+ /* what to be done if switch to that page */
+ gsb_form_set_expander_visible ( FALSE, FALSE );
+ if ( report_number > 0 )
+ gsb_gui_update_gui_to_report ( report_number );
+ else
+ gsb_gui_unsensitive_report_widgets ();
+ break;
+ default:
+ notice_debug ("B0rk page selected");
+ title = g_strdup("B0rk");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* title is set here if necessary */
+ if (title)
+ {
+ gsb_gui_headings_update_title ( title );
+ g_free ( title );
+ }
+ if (clear_suffix)
+ gsb_gui_headings_update_suffix ( "" );
+ return FALSE;
+ * select l'item précédent d'un model
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeSelection * selection;
+ GtkTreePath * path;
+ GtkTreeModel * model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(navigation_tree_view) );
+ g_return_val_if_fail ( selection, FALSE );
+ if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, &model, &iter ) )
+ return TRUE;
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
+ g_return_val_if_fail ( path, TRUE );
+ if ( !gtk_tree_path_prev ( path ) )
+ {
+ if ( gtk_tree_path_get_depth ( path ) > 1 )
+ gtk_tree_path_up ( path );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, path );
+ /* if row has children and if row is expanded, go to the last child */
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( model, &iter )
+ && gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path ) )
+ {
+ GtkTreeIter parent = iter;
+ gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child ( model, &iter, &parent,
+ gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children ( model,
+ &parent ) - 1 );
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_path ( selection, path );
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ return FALSE;
+ * return l'item suivant d'un model
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return gboolean
+ **/
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_next ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(navigation_tree_view) );
+ g_return_val_if_fail ( selection, FALSE );
+ if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, &model, &iter ) )
+ return TRUE;
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
+ g_return_val_if_fail ( path, TRUE );
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( model, &iter ) )
+ {
+ if ( gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path ) )
+ gtk_tree_path_down ( path );
+ else
+ gtk_tree_path_next ( path );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( model, &iter ) )
+ {
+ if ( gtk_tree_path_get_depth ( path ) > 1 )
+ {
+ gtk_tree_path_up ( path );
+ gtk_tree_path_next ( path );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_first ( );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_path ( selection, path );
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ return FALSE;
+ * Met à jour la page d'accueil immédiatement si elle est affichée sinon plus tard
+ *
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_home_page ( void )
+ if ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ( ) == GSB_HOME_PAGE )
+ mise_a_jour_accueil ( TRUE );
+ else
+ mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = TRUE;
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+GtkWidget *gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ return navigation_tree_view;
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+GtkTreeModel *gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( void )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ if ( navigation_model )
+ return navigation_model;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * Pop up a menu with several actions to apply to array_list.
+ *
+ * \param gtk_tree_view
+ *
+ */
+void gsb_gui_navigation_context_menu ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GtkTreePath *path )
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *menu = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *menu_item;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gchar *tmp_str;
+ gint type_page;
+ gint account_number;
+ gint report_number;
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, path );
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
+ NAVIGATION_PAGE, &type_page,
+ NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
+ NAVIGATION_REPORT, &report_number,
+ -1 );
+ switch ( type_page )
+ {
+ case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
+ menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New account") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_assistant_account_run ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( account_number == -1 )
+ break;
+ /* Separator */
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Remove this account") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_account_delete ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ break;
+ menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-payee.png", NULL);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New payee") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( payees_new_payee ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Delete selected payee") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( payees_delete_payee ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
+ GTK_TREE_VIEW ( payees_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Edit selected payee") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( payees_edit_payee ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
+ GTK_TREE_VIEW ( payees_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
+ /* Separator */
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-payee.png", NULL);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Manage payees") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( payees_manage_payees ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Remove unused payees") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( payees_remove_unused_payees ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ break;
+ menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-categ.png", NULL);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New category") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( categories_new_category ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Delete selected category") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( categories_delete_category ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
+ GTK_TREE_VIEW ( categories_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Edit selected category") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( categories_edit_category ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
+ GTK_TREE_VIEW ( categories_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
+ /* Separator */
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Import a file of categories (.cgsb)") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( categories_importer_list ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Export the list of categories (.cgsb)") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( categories_exporter_list ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ break;
+ menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-ib.png", NULL);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New budgetary line") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_new_budgetary_line ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Delete selected budgetary line") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_delete_budgetary_line ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
+ GTK_TREE_VIEW ( budgetary_lines_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Edit selected budgetary line") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_edit_budgetary_line ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
+ GTK_TREE_VIEW ( budgetary_lines_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
+ else
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
+ /* Separator */
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Import a file of budgetary lines (.igsb)") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_importer_list ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Export the list of budgetary lines (.igsb)") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_exporter_list ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ break;
+ menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-report.png", NULL);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New report") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( ajout_etat ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ if ( report_number == -1 )
+ break;
+ /* Separator */
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Remove this report") );
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK ( efface_etat ),
+ NULL );
+ gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Finish all. */
+ if ( menu )
+ {
+ gtk_widget_show_all ( menu );
+ gtk_menu_popup ( GTK_MENU( menu ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, gtk_get_current_event_time ( ) );
+ }
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* Local Variables: */
+/* c-basic-offset: 4 */
+/* End: */
diff --git a/src/gsb_navigation.h b/src/gsb_navigation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599c03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gsb_navigation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+/** \struct describe a page
+ * */
+typedef struct
+ gint ordre;
+ gint type_page; /* GSB_GENERAL_NOTEBOOK_PAGES */
+} struct_page;
+void gsb_gui_navigation_add_account ( gint account_number,
+ gboolean switch_to_account );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_add_report ( gint report_number );
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GdkEventScroll *ev );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_context_menu ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GtkTreePath *path );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_create_navigation_pane ( void );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_free_pages_list ( void );
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ( void );
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ( void );
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_report ( void );
+gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_last_account ( void );
+GtkTreeModel *gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( void );
+GQueue *gsb_gui_navigation_get_pages_list ( void );
+GtkWidget *gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( void );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_init_pages_list ( void );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account ( gint account_number );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report ( gint report_number );
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_line ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
+ GtkTreeModel *model );
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_next ( void );
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev ( void );
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_set_page_list_order ( const gchar *order_list );
+gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( gint page,
+ gint account_number,
+ gpointer report );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account ( gint account_number );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_home_page ( void );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report ( gint report_number ) ;
+void gsb_navigation_update_account_label ( gint account_number );
+void gsb_navigation_update_statement_label ( gint account_number );
+gboolean navigation_change_account ( gint new_account );
+void gsb_gui_navigation_create_report_list ( GtkTreeModel *model );
diff --git a/src/gsb_navigation_view.c b/src/gsb_navigation_view.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df1b3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gsb_navigation_view.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1440 @@
+/* ************************************************************************** */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Cédric Auger (cedric at grisbi.org) */
+/* 2003-2008 Benjamin Drieu (bdrieu at april.org) */
+/* 2008-2012 Pierre Biava (grisbi at pierre.biava.name) */
+/* http://www.grisbi.org */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
+/* (at your option) any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* ************************************************************************** */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
+#include "grisbi_app.h"
+#include "gsb_data_account.h"
+#include "gsb_data_report.h"
+#include "gsb_dirs.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
+#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
+#include "structures.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "utils_str.h"
+#include "erreur.h"
+ GSB_TYPE_NAVIGATION_VIEW, GsbNavigationViewPrivate))
+/* Holds data for the navigation tree. */
+enum _gsb_navigation_view_cols {
+ GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_ORDRE, /* ordre des pages dans le modèle */
+#define DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_ORDER_LIST "0-2-3-4-5-6-7"
+struct _GsbNavigationViewPrivate
+ /** Model of the navigation tree. */
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ /* liste des pages */
+ GQueue *pages_list;
+ /* organisation des pages */
+ gint navigation_sorting_accounts;
+ /* expander */
+ gboolean account_expander;
+ gboolean report_expander;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(GsbNavigationView, gsb_navigation_view, GTK_TYPE_TREE_VIEW)
+static GtkTargetEntry row_targets[] =
+ * remplit le model
+ *
+ * \param window
+ * \param priv private structure of GsbNavigationView
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_realized ( GtkWidget *window,
+ GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv )
+ /* return */
+ * Check the key pressed on the navigation tree view,
+ * if need, stop the event to do another thing with that key
+ *
+ * \param tree_view the navigation tree_view
+ * \param ev the key event pressed
+ * \param priv private structure of GsbNavigationView
+ *
+ * \return FALSE : the signal continue / TRUE : the signal is stopped here
+ * */
+static gboolean gsb_navigation_view_check_key_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GdkEventKey *ev,
+ GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv )
+ gint page;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) ),
+ &iter ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( priv->model, &iter, GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_PAGE, &page, -1 );
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( priv->model ), &iter );
+ switch ( page )
+ {
+ /* expand or collapse subtree */
+ if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
+ {
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
+ priv->account_expander = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Left)
+ {
+ gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ priv->account_expander = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( ev->keyval == GDK_KEY_space )
+ {
+ priv->account_expander = !priv->account_expander;
+ if ( priv->account_expander )
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
+ else
+ gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ }
+ break;
+ /* expand or collapse subtree */
+ if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
+ {
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
+ priv->report_expander = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Left)
+ {
+ gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ priv->report_expander = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( ev->keyval == GDK_KEY_space )
+ {
+ priv->report_expander = !priv->report_expander;
+ if ( priv->report_expander )
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
+ else
+ gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ }
+ break;
+ /* when come here, if we press the right key, give the focus to the list */
+ if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus ( gsb_transactions_list_get_tree_view () );
+ break;
+ /* nothing to do here for now */
+ break;
+ /* nothing to do here for now */
+ break;
+ /* nothing to do here for now */
+ break;
+ /* when come here, if we press the right key, give the focus to the list */
+ if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus ( gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view () );
+ break;
+ }
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ return FALSE;
+ * called when we press a button on the list
+ *
+ * \param tree_view
+ * \param ev
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+static gboolean gsb_navigation_view_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GdkEventButton *ev,
+ gpointer null )
+ /* show the popup */
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ {
+ GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
+ if ( gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), ev -> x, ev -> y, &path, NULL, NULL, NULL ) )
+ {
+ gsb_gui_navigation_context_menu ( tree_view, path );
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ update_gui ( );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ev -> type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS )
+ {
+ GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
+ if ( gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), ev -> x, ev -> y, &path, NULL, NULL, NULL ) )
+ {
+ if ( gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path ) )
+ gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ else
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * fonction qui mémorise l'etat de l'expander pour les comptes et les états
+ *
+ * \param tree_view
+ * \param iter
+ * \param path
+ * \param priv private structure of GsbNavigationView
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_activate_expander ( GtkTreeView *tree_view,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv )
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter_selected;
+ GtkTreePath *path_selected = NULL;
+ gint type_page;
+ gint etat_expander;
+ etat_expander = gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) );
+ if ( gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, &model, &iter_selected ) )
+ path_selected = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter_selected );
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, iter, GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_PAGE, &type_page, -1 );
+ switch ( type_page )
+ {
+ case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
+ priv->account_expander = etat_expander;
+ break;
+ priv->report_expander = etat_expander;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( etat_expander == 0 && path_selected == NULL )
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, iter );
+ * Set the selection of the navigation list depending on desired page
+ * and/or account or report, but only for a branch of the tree.
+ *
+ * \param selection Selection to set.
+ * \param iter Current iter to iterate over.
+ * \param page Page to switch to.
+ * \param account_number If page is GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, switch to given account.
+ * \param report If page is GSB_REPORTS, switch to given report.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE on success.
+ */
+static void gsb_navigation_view_set_selection_branch ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gint page,
+ gint account_number,
+ gpointer report )
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ navigation_model = gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ();
+ do
+ {
+ gint iter_page, iter_account_nb;
+ gpointer iter_report;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), iter,
+ GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_ACCOUNT, &iter_account_nb,
+ -1 );
+ if ( iter_page == page
+ &&
+ ! ( page == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE
+ &&
+ iter_account_nb != account_number )
+ &&
+ ! ( page == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE
+ &&
+ iter_report != report ) )
+ {
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, iter );
+ }
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), iter ) )
+ {
+ GtkTreeIter child;
+ gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), &child, iter );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection_branch ( selection, &child,
+ page, account_number, report );
+ }
+ }
+ while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), iter ) );
+ return;
+ * Update contents of an iter with account data.
+ *
+ * \param model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
+ * \param account_iter Iter to update.
+ * \param data Number of account as a reference.
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+static void gsb_navigation_view_update_account_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter *account_iter,
+ gint account_number )
+ GdkPixbuf * pixbuf = NULL;
+ pixbuf = gsb_data_account_get_account_icon_pixbuf ( account_number );
+ gtk_tree_store_set ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), account_iter,
+ GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_TEXT, gsb_data_account_get_name ( account_number ),
+ GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_SENSITIVE, !gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( account_number ),
+ -1 );
+ * Add an account to the navigation pane.
+ *
+ * \param tree_view
+ * \param account_number Account ID to add.
+ * \param switch_to_account TRUE to show the account, FALSE to just create it
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+static void gsb_navigation_view_add_account ( GsbNavigationView *tree_view,
+ gint account_number,
+ gboolean switch_to_account )
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter parent, iter;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ model = tree_view->priv->model;
+ path = gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &parent, path );
+ gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &iter, &parent );
+ gsb_navigation_view_update_account_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter, account_number );
+ if ( switch_to_account )
+ {
+ GtkTreeSelection * selection;
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) );
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, &iter );
+ }
+/* REPORTS */
+ * Create a list of tree items that are shortcuts to reports.
+ *
+ * \param tree_view Tree model to insert items into.
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+static void gsb_navigation_view_create_report_list ( GsbNavigationView *tree_view )
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter parent, child;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GSList *tmp_list;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ model = tree_view->priv->model;
+ path = gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( model, GSB_REPORTS_PAGE );
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &parent, path );
+ /* Remove childs if any. */
+ while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &child, &parent ) )
+ {
+ gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child );
+ }
+ /* Fill in with reports */
+ tmp_list = gsb_data_report_get_report_list ();
+ while ( tmp_list )
+ {
+ gint report_number;
+ report_number = gsb_data_report_get_report_number ( tmp_list -> data );
+ gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child, &parent );
+ gtk_tree_store_set ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child,
+ GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_TEXT, gsb_data_report_get_report_name ( report_number ),
+ -1 );
+ tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
+ }
+ /* Expand stuff */
+ if ( tree_view->priv->report_expander )
+ {
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &parent );
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ }
+ * insère dans le modèle le type de page passé en paramètre
+ *
+ * \param tree_view
+ * \param type de page
+ * \param ordre dans la liste
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_set_navigation_pages ( GsbNavigationView *tree_view,
+ gint type_page,
+ gint ordre )
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gchar *title = NULL;
+ gchar *tmp_str = NULL;
+ model = tree_view->priv->model;
+ switch ( type_page )
+ {
+ case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "ac_home.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Accounts") );
+ break;
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "scheduler.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Scheduler") );
+ break;
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "payees.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Payees") );
+ break;
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "ac_liability.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Credits simulator") );
+ break;
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "categories.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Categories") );
+ break;
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "budgetary_lines.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Budgetary lines") );
+ break;
+ tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "reports.png", NULL );
+ title = g_strdup ( _("Reports") );
+ break;
+ }
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( tmp_str , NULL );
+ gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &iter, NULL );
+ gtk_tree_store_set( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &iter,
+ -1);
+ g_free ( tmp_str );
+ g_free ( title );
+ switch ( type_page )
+ {
+ case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
+ gsb_navigation_view_create_account_list ( tree_view );
+ break;
+ gsb_navigation_view_create_report_list ( tree_view );
+ break;
+ }
+ * remplit la liste de l'ordre des pages
+ *
+ * \param priv private structure of GsbNavigationView
+ * \param ordre de la liste
+ *
+ * \return always TRUE
+ **/
+static gboolean gsb_navigation_view_set_page_list_order ( GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv,
+ const gchar *order_list )
+ gchar **pointeur_char;
+ gint i;
+ gint nbre_pages;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ pointeur_char = g_strsplit ( order_list, "-", 0 );
+ nbre_pages = g_strv_length ( pointeur_char );
+ if ( nbre_pages != ( GSB_GENERAL_NOTEBOOK_PAGES -1 ) )
+ {
+ g_strfreev ( pointeur_char );
+ pointeur_char = g_strsplit ( DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_ORDER_LIST, "-", 0 );
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < nbre_pages ; i++ )
+ {
+ struct_page *page;
+ page = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_page ) );
+ page -> ordre = i;
+ page -> type_page = utils_str_atoi ( pointeur_char[i] );
+ g_queue_push_tail ( priv->pages_list, page );
+ }
+ g_strfreev ( pointeur_char );
+ /* return */
+ return TRUE;
+ * initialise la liste des pages du tree_view
+ *
+ * \param priv private structure of GsbNavigationView
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_init_pages_list ( GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv )
+ GQueue *new_queue;
+ GrisbiWindowEtat *etat;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ etat = grisbi_window_get_struct_etat ();
+ new_queue = g_queue_new ( );
+ priv->pages_list = new_queue;
+ if ( etat->navigation_list_order )
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_page_list_order ( priv, etat->navigation_list_order );
+ else
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_page_list_order ( priv, DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_ORDER_LIST );
+ * free pages_list
+ *
+ * \param page list
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_free_pages_list ( GQueue *pages_list )
+ if ( pages_list == NULL )
+ return;
+ g_queue_foreach ( pages_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL );
+ g_queue_free ( pages_list );
+ * fonction de tri des items du model passé en paramètre
+ *
+ * \param model model
+ * \param iter a
+ * \param iter b
+ * \param user_data not use
+ *
+ * \return gint -1, 0 or 1, if a is < (before), == or > (after) than b.
+ **/
+static gint gsb_navigation_view_sort_column ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter *a,
+ GtkTreeIter *b,
+ gpointer user_data )
+ gint ordre_a, page_a, account_a, report_a;
+ gint ordre_b, page_b, account_b, report_b;
+ if ( ! model )
+ return FALSE;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, a,
+ -1 );
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, b,
+ -1 );
+ if ( ordre_a < ordre_b )
+ return - 1;
+ if ( ordre_a > ordre_b )
+ return 1;
+ if ( page_a == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE && page_b == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
+ {
+ return gsb_data_account_compare_position (account_a, account_b);
+ }
+ else if ( page_a == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE && page_b == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE )
+ {
+ return gsb_data_report_compare_position (report_a, report_b);
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ * remplit le modèle
+ *
+ * \param tree_view
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_fill_model ( GsbNavigationView *tree_view )
+ GQueue *tmp_queue;
+ gint i;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ tmp_queue = tree_view->priv->pages_list;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
+ {
+ struct_page *page;
+ page = g_queue_peek_nth ( tmp_queue, i );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_navigation_pages ( tree_view, page -> type_page, i );
+ }
+ * create navigation_view model
+ *
+ * \param priv private structure of GsbNavigationView
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+static void gsb_navigation_view_create_model ( GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv )
+ GtkTreeStore *model;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ model = gtk_tree_store_new ( GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_TOTAL,
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( model ),
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( model ),
+ gsb_navigation_view_sort_column,
+ NULL );
+ priv->model = GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model );
+ * change the position of an item in the list of pages
+ *
+ * \param src_ordre the position of item we want to move
+ * \param dest_ordre the position before we want to move, or -1 to set at the end of list
+ *
+ * \return FALSE
+ * */
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_move_ordre ( gint src_ordre,
+ gint dst_ordre )
+/* GQueue *tmp_queue;
+ * GList *dst_list;
+ * gint i;
+ * struct_page *page = NULL;
+ */
+ * tmp_queue = pages_list;
+ * for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
+ * {
+ * page = g_queue_peek_nth ( tmp_queue, i );
+ * if ( page -> ordre == src_ordre )
+ * break;
+ * }
+ *
+ * g_queue_pop_nth ( pages_list, i );
+ *
+ * dst_list = g_queue_peek_nth_link ( pages_list, dst_ordre );
+ * if ( dst_list )
+ * g_queue_insert_before ( pages_list, dst_list, page );
+ * else
+ * g_queue_push_tail ( tmp_queue, page );
+ */
+ /* on reconstruit le modèle */
+/* gtk_tree_store_clear ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ) );
+ *
+ * tmp_queue = pages_list;
+ */
+/* for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
+ * {
+ * page = g_queue_peek_nth ( tmp_queue, i );
+ * page -> ordre = i;
+ * gsb_gui_navigation_set_navigation_pages ( navigation_model, page -> type_page, i );
+ * }
+ */
+ /* return */
+ return FALSE;
+ * Fill the drag & drop structure with the path of selected column.
+ * This is an interface function called from GTK, much like a callback.
+ *
+ * \param drag_source Not used.
+ * \param path Original path for the gtk selection.
+ * \param selection_data A pointer to the drag & drop structure.
+ *
+ * \return FALSE, to allow future processing by the callback chain.
+ */
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_drag_data_get ( GtkTreeDragSource *drag_source,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data )
+ gchar *tmpstr = gtk_tree_path_to_string (path);
+ gchar *tmpstr2 = g_strdup_printf ( "Orig path : %s", tmpstr);
+ devel_debug (tmpstr2);
+ g_free (tmpstr);
+ g_free (tmpstr2);
+ if ( path )
+ {
+/* gtk_tree_set_row_drag_data ( selection_data, GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), path ); */
+ }
+ /* return */
+ return FALSE;
+ * Performs the actions to do at the end of the drag and drop.
+ * This is an interface function called from GTK, much like a callback.
+ *
+ * \param drag_dest Not used.
+ * \param path Original path for the gtk selection.
+ * \param selection_data A pointer to the drag & drop structure.
+ *
+ * \return FALSE, to allow future processing by the callback chain.
+ */
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_drag_data_received ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
+ GtkTreePath *dest_path,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data )
+ gchar *tmpstr = gtk_tree_path_to_string (dest_path);
+ gchar *tmpstr2 = g_strdup_printf ( "Dest path : %s", tmpstr);
+ devel_debug (tmpstr2);
+ g_free (tmpstr);
+ g_free (tmpstr2);
+ if ( dest_path && selection_data )
+ {
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreePath *orig_path;
+ gint src_report, dst_report = -1;
+ gint src_account, dst_account = -1;
+ gint src_ordre, dst_ordre = -1;
+ gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data (selection_data, &model, &orig_path);
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, dest_path ) )
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model , &iter,
+ -1 );
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, orig_path ) )
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
+ -1 );
+ /* at this stage, src_account or src_report contains the account/report we move
+ * and dst_account/dst_report the account/report destination we want to move before,
+ * or dst_account/dst_report can be -1 to set at the end of the list */
+ if ( src_account != -1 )
+ /* we moved an account */
+ gsb_data_account_move_account ( src_account, dst_account );
+ if ( src_report != -1 )
+ /* we moved a report */
+ gsb_data_report_move_report ( src_report, dst_report );
+ if ( src_ordre != -1 )
+ /* we moved a page */
+ gsb_navigation_view_move_ordre ( src_ordre, dst_ordre );
+ /* update the tree view */
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( model ),
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( model ),
+ GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_ORDRE, gsb_navigation_view_sort_column,
+ /* update the order of accounts in first page */
+/* mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = TRUE; */
+/* gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE ); */
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Verifies that the actions to do at the end of the drag and drop are possible.
+ * This is an interface function called from GTK, much like a callback.
+ *
+ * \param drag_dest Not used.
+ * \param path Original path for the gtk selection.
+ * \param selection_data A pointer to the drag & drop structure.
+ *
+ * \return FALSE, to allow future processing by the callback chain.
+ */
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_row_drop_possible ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
+ GtkTreePath *dest_path,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data )
+ if ( dest_path && selection_data )
+ {
+ GtkTreePath *orig_path;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ gint src_report, dst_report = -1;
+ gint src_account, dst_account = -1;
+ gint src_ordre, dst_ordre = -1;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data ( selection_data, &model, &orig_path );
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, orig_path ) )
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
+ -1 );
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, dest_path ) )
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
+ -1 );
+ /* We handle an account */
+ if ( src_account >= 0 && dst_account >= 0 )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* We handle a report */
+ else if ( src_report > 0 && dst_report > 0 )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ( src_ordre >= 0 && dst_ordre >= 0 )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * finalise GsbVavigationView
+ *
+ * \param object
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+static void gsb_navigation_view_finalize ( GObject *object )
+ GsbNavigationView *self;
+ GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv;
+ self = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW ( object );
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ priv = self->priv;
+ /* libération de la mémoire utilisée pour l'ordre des pages */
+ gsb_navigation_view_free_pages_list ( priv->pages_list );
+ /* libération de l'objet */
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS ( gsb_navigation_view_parent_class )->finalize ( object );
+ * Initialise GrisbiPrefsClass
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return
+ */
+static void gsb_navigation_view_class_init ( GsbNavigationViewClass *klass )
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS ( klass );
+ object_class->finalize = gsb_navigation_view_finalize;
+ g_type_class_add_private ( object_class, sizeof ( GsbNavigationViewPrivate ) );
+static void gsb_navigation_view_init ( GsbNavigationView *self )
+ GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
+/* GtkTreeDragDestIface *navigation_dst_iface;
+ * GtkTreeDragSourceIface *navigation_src_iface;
+ */
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
+ gint xpad;
+ gint ypad;
+ GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv;
+ GrisbiAppConf *conf;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ self->priv = priv = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE ( self );
+ /* initialisation d'account_expander */
+ priv->account_expander = TRUE;
+ /* create model */
+ gsb_navigation_view_create_model ( priv );
+ /* initialise la liste des pages */
+ gsb_navigation_view_init_pages_list ( priv );
+ /* Enable drag & drop */
+ gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ),
+ row_targets, 1,
+ gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_dest ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ),
+ row_targets,
+ 1,
+ gtk_tree_view_set_reorderable ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ), TRUE );
+ gtk_tree_selection_set_mode ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ) ),
+ gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ), FALSE );
+ gtk_tree_view_set_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ), GTK_TREE_MODEL( priv->model ) );
+ /* Handle drag & drop */
+/* navigation_dst_iface = GTK_TREE_DRAG_DEST_GET_IFACE ( priv->model );
+ * if ( navigation_dst_iface )
+ * {
+ * navigation_dst_iface -> drag_data_received = &gsb_navigation_view_drag_data_received;
+ * navigation_dst_iface -> row_drop_possible = &gsb_navigation_view_row_drop_possible;
+ * }
+ */
+/* navigation_src_iface = GTK_TREE_DRAG_SOURCE_GET_IFACE ( priv->model );
+ * if ( navigation_src_iface )
+ * {
+ * gtk_selection_add_target ( self,
+ * 1 );
+ * navigation_src_iface -> drag_data_get = &gsb_navigation_view_drag_data_get;
+ * }
+ */
+ /* Create column */
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();
+ /* Pixbuf renderer. */
+ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer, FALSE );
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer,
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer,
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand ( column, FALSE );
+ /* Text renderer. */
+ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ( );
+ gtk_cell_renderer_get_padding ( GTK_CELL_RENDERER ( renderer ), &xpad, &ypad );
+ gtk_cell_renderer_set_padding ( GTK_CELL_RENDERER ( renderer ), 6, ypad );
+ gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer, TRUE );
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer,
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer,
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute ( GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ), renderer,
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ), GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ) );
+ /* set the signals */
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ();
+ g_signal_connect ( self,
+ "key-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_check_key_press ),
+ priv );
+ g_signal_connect ( self,
+ "scroll-event",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_check_scroll ),
+ NULL );
+ if ( conf->active_scrolling_left_pane == 0 )
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func ( self,
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_check_scroll ),
+ NULL );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( self ),
+ "button-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_button_press ),
+ NULL );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( self ),
+ "row-collapsed",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_activate_expander ),
+ priv );
+ g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( self ),
+ "row-expanded",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_navigation_view_activate_expander ),
+ priv );
+ g_signal_connect_after ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( self ) ),
+ "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_select_line ),
+ priv->model );
+ g_signal_connect ( self,
+ "realize",
+ (GCallback) gsb_navigation_view_realized,
+ priv );
+ * crée un tree_view pour la navigation
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+GtkWidget *gsb_navigation_view_new ( gint navigation_sorting_accounts )
+ GsbNavigationView *tree_view;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ tree_view = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW ( g_object_new ( GSB_TYPE_NAVIGATION_VIEW, NULL ) );
+ tree_view->priv->navigation_sorting_accounts = navigation_sorting_accounts;
+ gsb_navigation_view_fill_model ( tree_view );
+ return GTK_WIDGET ( tree_view );
+ * retourne le type d'arrangement de la liste des comptes
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return gint type de tri pour les comptes
+ **/
+gint gsb_navigation_view_get_navigation_sorting_accounts ( void )
+ GsbNavigationView *tree_view;
+ tree_view = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW ( grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view () );
+ if ( tree_view )
+ return tree_view->priv->navigation_sorting_accounts;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ * définit le type de tri pour les comptes
+ *
+ * \param gint type de tri pour les comptes
+ *
+ * \return TRUE if OK FALSE other
+ **/
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_set_navigation_sorting_accounts ( gint navigation_sorting_accounts )
+ GsbNavigationView *tree_view;
+ tree_view = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW ( grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view () );
+ if ( tree_view )
+ {
+ tree_view->priv->navigation_sorting_accounts = navigation_sorting_accounts;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ * création de la liste des comptes pour le navigation tree_view
+ *
+ * \param tree_view
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+void gsb_navigation_view_create_account_list ( GsbNavigationView *tree_view )
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter parent, child;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GSList *list_tmp;
+ GrisbiAppConf *conf;
+ devel_debug (NULL);
+ model = tree_view->priv->model;
+ conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
+ path = gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &parent, path );
+ /* Remove childs if any. */
+ while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &child, &parent ) )
+ {
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( model, &child ) )
+ {
+ GtkTreeIter tmp_child;
+ while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &tmp_child, &child ) )
+ {
+ gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &tmp_child );
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child );
+ }
+ /* Fill in with accounts. */
+ list_tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
+ while ( list_tmp )
+ {
+ gint i = gsb_data_account_get_no_account ( list_tmp -> data );
+ if ( conf->show_closed_accounts
+ ||
+ !gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( i ) )
+ {
+ gsb_navigation_view_add_account ( tree_view, i, FALSE );
+ }
+ list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
+ }
+ /* Expand stuff */
+ if ( tree_view->priv->account_expander )
+ {
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &parent );
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
+ gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
+ }
+ * return a pointer on the first element of g_queue of navigation pages
+ *
+ * \param none
+ *
+ * \return a GList
+ * */
+GQueue *gsb_navigation_view_get_pages_list ( void )
+ GsbNavigationView *tree_view;
+ tree_view = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW ( grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view () );
+ if ( tree_view )
+ {
+ return tree_view->priv->pages_list;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * renvoie le path d'un item de la vue navigation
+ *
+ * \param tree_model to insert items into.
+ * \param type_page
+ *
+ * \return path or NULL
+ */
+GtkTreePath *gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ gint type_page )
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter ) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ gint tmp_type_page;
+ GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
+ gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &iter, GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_PAGE, &tmp_type_page, -1 );
+ if ( tmp_type_page == type_page)
+ {
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter );
+ return path;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter ) );
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Check mouse scrolling on the navigation tree view.
+ *
+ * \param tree_view the navigation tree_view
+ * \param ev the scroll event
+ *
+ * \return FALSE : the signal continue / TRUE : the signal is stopped here
+ * */
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_check_scroll ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GdkEventScroll *ev )
+ switch ( ev->direction )
+ {
+ gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev ();
+ break;
+ gsb_gui_navigation_select_next ();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Set the selection of the navigation list depending on desired
+ * page and/or account or report.
+ *
+ * \param page Page to switch to.
+ * \param account_number If page is GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, switch to given account.
+ *
+ * \param report If page is GSB_REPORTS, switch to given report.
+ *
+ * \return TRUE on success.
+ */
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( gint page,
+ gint account_number,
+ gpointer report )
+ GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
+ GtkTreeModel *navigation_model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view ();
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ g_return_val_if_fail ( selection, FALSE );
+ navigation_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
+ /* if we select an account, open the expander if necessary */
+ if ( page == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
+ {
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ path = gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( navigation_model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
+ gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path, TRUE );
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ }
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(navigation_model), &iter );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection_branch ( selection, &iter, page, account_number, report );
+ return TRUE;
+ *
+ *
+ * \param
+ *
+ * \return
+ **/
+/* Local Variables: */
+/* c-basic-offset: 4 */
+/* End: */
diff --git a/src/gsb_navigation_view.h b/src/gsb_navigation_view.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b0b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gsb_navigation_view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#define GSB_TYPE_NAVIGATION_VIEW (gsb_navigation_view_get_type ())
+typedef struct _GsbNavigationView GsbNavigationView;
+typedef struct _GsbNavigationViewClass GsbNavigationViewClass;
+typedef struct _GsbNavigationViewPrivate GsbNavigationViewPrivate;
+struct _GsbNavigationView
+ GtkTreeView parent;
+ /*< private > */
+ GsbNavigationViewPrivate *priv;
+struct _GsbNavigationViewClass
+ GtkTreeViewClass parent_class;
+GType gsb_navigation_view_get_type ( void ) G_GNUC_CONST;
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_check_scroll ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
+ GdkEventScroll *ev );
+void gsb_navigation_view_create_account_list ( GsbNavigationView *tree_view );
+gint gsb_navigation_view_get_navigation_sorting_accounts ( void );
+GQueue *gsb_navigation_view_get_pages_list ( void );
+GtkTreePath *gsb_navigation_view_get_page_path ( GtkTreeModel *model,
+ gint type_page );
+GtkWidget*gsb_navigation_view_new ( gint navigation_sorting_accounts );
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_set_navigation_sorting_accounts ( gint navigation_sorting_accounts );
+gboolean gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( gint page,
+ gint account_number,
+ gpointer report );
+#endif /* __GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW_H__ */
diff --git a/src/gsb_reconcile.c b/src/gsb_reconcile.c
index 00b3519..3b661e6 100644
--- a/src/gsb_reconcile.c
+++ b/src/gsb_reconcile.c
@@ -50,12 +50,13 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_reconcile_list.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
@@ -662,7 +663,7 @@ gboolean gsb_reconcile_finish_reconciliation ( GtkWidget *button,
if ( reconcile_save_la gsb_reconcile_finish_reconciliation ( GtkWidget *button, _accounts ); VIEW, GsbNavigationViewClass)) */ 0.116 79.1397 452.069 86.7836 439.542 94.0777C 431.026 99.0367 424.039 102.006 418.372 102.989C 408.222 105.278 402.304 102.038 402.304 102.038C 402.304 102.038 398.244 96.5717 397.68 94.3187C 397.599 93.9916 405.593 95.4567 414.434 93.8406C 420.781 92.6807 427.732 89.1977 434.674 85.2647C 444.488 79.7067 452.785 72.3438 457.511 65.9067C 460.786 61.4458 461.946 57.1367 462.354 55.3927z" .469 473.638 174.66 476.954 195.11z" 00.276L 739.074 500.276C 759.951 500.276 772.588 497.101 780.28 491.704C 787.789 486.466 790.719 478.846 790.719 470.274C 790.719 452.654 775.701 443.923 758.669 441.701L 758.67 441.384C 776.617 438.05 785.774 429.795 785.774 416.779C 785.774 397.413 768.01 390.428 739.074 390.428L 678.638 390.428z" 448.248 397.73 457.588 403.603 457.588 419.795C 457.588 432.97 451.728 442.495 433.231 442.495L 424.074 442.495L 424.074 403.921z
" 0.917 219.279 370.917 210.374 370.917C 211.781 365.753 214.086 356.583 221.45 328.186C 308.695 328.193 287.908 328.376 738.419 328.186C 758.428 305.835 765.635 297.207 781.185 279.244C 556.029 279.244 460.148 279.244 242.306 279.662C 245.081 270.432 254.544 256.995 269.786 241.767C 291.182 220.388 321.858 195.015 363.508 173.254C 423.726 141.792 503.084 117.043 587.218 117.712C 760.185 120.633 849.057 201.069 849.057 201.069z" ò* Ëøÿ pKáò* @Åøÿ Äøÿ kP1ò* 5 6 7 8 : < = > ? @ B D Ëøÿ Ëøÿ à}ªò* Ëøÿ u:1ò* URò* ÀÃøÿ }ò* e91ò* URò* Õ_ at fÆS Qöl±íÁyò* Ëøÿ à}ªò* PÆøÿ Åøÿ kP1ò* u]ÞÓ 4Q ÷U^Qʧ ¶uª¹ñìò*ÄvËøÿ Ëøÿ HÎvò* ³ò* ÀÌøÿ ¦
ò* ¦
ò* f°ò* OËøÿ Ìøÿ 8Ëøÿ Çøÿ Nò* u:1ò* ØNò* Îøÿ ¢
ò* ÐÌøÿ `Èøÿ
ò* Ëøÿ st_scheduled_convert )
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
gsb_scheduler_list_select ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert );
gsb_scheduler_list_edit_transaction ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert );
reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert = 0;
diff --git a/src/gsb_reconcile_config.c b/src/gsb_reconcile_config.c
index 10f0731..32e10a7 100644
--- a/src/gsb_reconcile_config.c
+++ b/src/gsb_reconcile_config.c
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_reconcile_list.c b/src/gsb_reconcile_list.c
index 4e8a246..240c80d 100644
--- a/src/gsb_reconcile_list.c
+++ b/src/gsb_reconcile_list.c
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_data_payment.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list_sort.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
#include "transaction_list_select.h"
diff --git a/src/gsb_scheduler_list.c b/src/gsb_scheduler_list.c
index e0b9ccc..8e2435b 100644
--- a/src/gsb_scheduler_list.c
+++ b/src/gsb_scheduler_list.c
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
@@ -1810,7 +1809,7 @@ gboolean gsb_scheduler_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
GdkEventButton *ev )
/* show the popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
popup_scheduled_context_menu ( );
else if ( ev -> type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS )
diff --git a/src/gsb_select_icon.c b/src/gsb_select_icon.c
index 56378d7..265263a 100644
--- a/src/gsb_select_icon.c
+++ b/src/gsb_select_icon.c
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ enum {
* */
-gboolean gsb_select_icon_init_account_variables ( void )
+gboolean gsb_select_icon_delete_accounts_icons ( void )
if ( list_accounts_icon )
@@ -683,21 +683,27 @@ GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_get_default_logo_pixbuf ( void )
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
GError *error = NULL;
+ gchar *string = NULL;
- pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( g_build_filename
- (gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "grisbi-logo.png", NULL), &error );
+ string = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir (), "grisbi.svg", NULL );
+ if ( g_file_test ( string, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( string, &error );
- if ( ! pixbuf )
+ g_free ( string );
+ if ( !pixbuf )
devel_debug ( error -> message );
g_error_free ( error );
+ return NULL;
if ( gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) > LOGO_WIDTH ||
- gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) > LOGO_HEIGHT )
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) > LOGO_HEIGHT )
return gsb_select_icon_resize_logo_pixbuf ( pixbuf );
- }
+ }
return pixbuf;
diff --git a/src/gsb_select_icon.h b/src/gsb_select_icon.h
index 88d607b..c1b7f2a 100644
--- a/src/gsb_select_icon.h
+++ b/src/gsb_select_icon.h
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_change_account_pixbuf ( gint account_number,
gchar *filename );
gchar *gsb_select_icon_create_chaine_base64_from_pixbuf ( GdkPixbuf *pixbuf );
GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_create_pixbuf_from_chaine_base64 ( gchar *str_base64 );
-gchar * gsb_select_icon_create_window ( gchar *name_icon );
+gchar *gsb_select_icon_create_window ( gchar *name_icon );
+gboolean gsb_select_icon_delete_accounts_icons ( void );
GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_get_account_pixbuf ( gint account_number );
GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_get_account_pixbuf_by_ptr ( gpointer account_icon_ptr );
GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_get_default_logo_pixbuf ( void );
GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_get_logo_pixbuf ( void );
-gboolean gsb_select_icon_init_account_variables ( void );
gint gsb_select_icon_get_no_account_by_ptr ( gpointer account_icon_ptr );
GSList *gsb_select_icon_list_accounts_icon ( void );
gboolean gsb_select_icon_init_logo_variables ( void );
diff --git a/src/gsb_transactions_list.c b/src/gsb_transactions_list.c
index 06943a8..2e3ef22 100644
--- a/src/gsb_transactions_list.c
+++ b/src/gsb_transactions_list.c
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
#include "gsb_form_transaction.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_reconcile.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "print_transactions_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -717,8 +717,8 @@ gboolean gsb_transactions_list_create_tree_view ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
gint i;
- tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new ();
+/* tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new (); */
+devel_debug (NULL);
/* we cannot do a selection */
gtk_tree_selection_set_mode ( GTK_TREE_SELECTION ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
GTK_TREE_VIEW( tree_view ))),
@@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ gboolean gsb_transactions_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
/* show the partial popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
popup_transaction_context_menu ( FALSE, -1, -1 );
return (TRUE);
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ gboolean gsb_transactions_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
tree_column );
/* if it's the right click, show the good popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
if ( transaction_number == -1)
popup_transaction_context_menu ( FALSE, -1, -1 );
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ gboolean gsb_transactions_list_edit_transaction ( gint transaction_number )
devel_debug_int (transaction_number);
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( transaction_number ),
transaction_list_select ( transaction_number );
@@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@ void schedule_selected_transaction ()
run = grisbi_window_get_struct_run ( NULL );
if ( run->equilibrage == 0 )
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection (GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL);
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection (GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL);
gsb_scheduler_list_select (scheduled_number);
gsb_scheduler_list_edit_transaction (scheduled_number);
@@ -4188,7 +4188,7 @@ void gsb_transactions_list_display_contra_transaction ( gint *element_ptr )
transaction_number = GPOINTER_TO_INT ( element_ptr );
target_account = gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( transaction_number );
- if ( gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, target_account, NULL ) )
+ if ( gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, target_account, NULL ) )
/* If transaction is reconciled, show reconciled transactions. */
if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number ) == OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE
diff --git a/src/gsb_transactions_list_sort.c b/src/gsb_transactions_list_sort.c
index 9bd804f..93c51c7 100644
--- a/src/gsb_transactions_list_sort.c
+++ b/src/gsb_transactions_list_sort.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#include "gsb_data_payment.h"
#include "gsb_data_reconcile.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
diff --git a/src/import.c b/src/import.c
index d922df0..f6a2afb 100644
--- a/src/import.c
+++ b/src/import.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
#include "gsb_dirs.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_file_util.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
#include "gsb_form_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
@@ -69,7 +70,6 @@
#include "gtk_combofix.h"
#include "import_csv.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "parametres.h"
#include "qif.h"
#include "structures.h"
diff --git a/src/imputation_budgetaire.c b/src/imputation_budgetaire.c
index 266b22e..1a16d9f 100644
--- a/src/imputation_budgetaire.c
+++ b/src/imputation_budgetaire.c
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
#include "gtk_combofix.h"
#include "meta_budgetary.h"
#include "metatree.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
#include "transaction_list.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "utils.h"
@@ -1026,7 +1025,7 @@ gboolean budgetary_line_list_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
GdkEventButton *ev,
gpointer null )
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
+ if ( ev -> button == GSB_RIGHT_BUTTON )
budgetary_line_list_popup_context_menu ( );
diff --git a/src/menu.c b/src/menu.c
index 776c937..c14b92b 100644
--- a/src/menu.c
+++ b/src/menu.c
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
#include "gsb_account.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
#include "gsb_form.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "erreur.h"
@@ -397,12 +398,14 @@ gboolean gsb_gui_toggle_show_archived ( void )
gboolean gsb_gui_toggle_show_closed_accounts ( void )
+ GsbNavigationView *tree_view;
GrisbiAppConf *conf;
conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
- conf->show_closed_accounts = ! conf->show_closed_accounts;
+ conf->show_closed_accounts = !conf->show_closed_accounts;
- gsb_gui_navigation_create_account_list ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( ) );
+ tree_view = GSB_NAVIGATION_VIEW ( grisbi_window_get_navigation_tree_view () );
+ gsb_navigation_view_create_account_list ( tree_view );
gsb_gui_navigation_update_home_page ( );
gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
diff --git a/src/metatree.c b/src/metatree.c
index bdf906a..8b6d7a5 100644
--- a/src/metatree.c
+++ b/src/metatree.c
@@ -42,11 +42,12 @@
#include "gsb_data_scheduled.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
#include "gsb_file.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation_view.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "gtk_combofix.h"
#include "imputation_budgetaire.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "tiers_onglet.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
@@ -1189,9 +1190,9 @@ gboolean division_activated ( GtkTreeView * treeview, GtkTreePath * path,
navigation_change_account ( account_number );
gsb_account_property_fill_page ();
gsb_gui_notebook_change_page ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE );
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
- gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number),
- NULL );
+ gsb_navigation_view_set_selection ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE,
+ gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( transaction_number ),
+ NULL );
/* move selected iter */
path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
@@ -1218,52 +1219,49 @@ gboolean division_row_drop_possible ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
if ( dest_path && selection_data )
- enum meta_tree_row_type orig_type, dest_type;
- GtkTreePath * orig_path;
- GtkTreeModel * model;
- gint orig_no_div, no_div;
- gint current_number;
+ enum meta_tree_row_type orig_type, dest_type;
+ GtkTreePath * orig_path;
+ GtkTreeModel * model;
+ gint orig_no_div, no_div;
+ gint current_number;
- gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data (selection_data, &model, &orig_path);
+ gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data (selection_data, &model, &orig_path);
- if ( model == GTK_TREE_MODEL( gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( ) ) )
- {
- return navigation_row_drop_possible ( drag_dest, dest_path, selection_data );
- }
+ orig_type = metatree_get_row_type ( model, orig_path );
+ dest_type = metatree_get_row_type ( model, dest_path );
- orig_type = metatree_get_row_type ( model, orig_path );
- dest_type = metatree_get_row_type ( model, dest_path );
- if ( ! metatree_get ( model, dest_path, META_TREE_NO_DIV_COLUMN,
- &no_div ) ||
- ! metatree_get ( model, orig_path, META_TREE_NO_DIV_COLUMN,
- &orig_no_div ) ||
- ! metatree_get ( model, dest_path, META_TREE_POINTER_COLUMN,
- ¤t_number ) )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
+ if ( !metatree_get ( model, dest_path, META_TREE_NO_DIV_COLUMN, &no_div )
+ ||
+ !metatree_get ( model, orig_path, META_TREE_NO_DIV_COLUMN, &orig_no_div )
+ ||
+ !metatree_get ( model, dest_path, META_TREE_POINTER_COLUMN, ¤t_number ) )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- switch ( orig_type )
- {
- if ( dest_type == META_TREE_DIV &&
- ! gtk_tree_path_is_ancestor ( dest_path, orig_path ) &&
- current_number &&
- orig_no_div != 0 &&
- no_div != 0 ) /* i.e. ancestor is no "No division" */
- return TRUE;
- break;
+ switch ( orig_type )
+ {
+ if ( dest_type == META_TREE_DIV
+ &&
+ !gtk_tree_path_is_ancestor ( dest_path, orig_path )
+ &&
+ current_number
+ &&
+ orig_no_div != 0
+ &&
+ no_div != 0 ) /* i.e. ancestor is no "No division" */
+ return TRUE;
+ break;
- if ( dest_type == META_TREE_DIV ||
- dest_type == META_TREE_SUB_DIV )
- return TRUE;
- break;
+ if ( dest_type == META_TREE_DIV || dest_type == META_TREE_SUB_DIV )
+ return TRUE;
+ break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
return FALSE;
@@ -1304,12 +1302,6 @@ gboolean division_drag_data_received ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
/* get the orig_path */
gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data (selection_data, &model, &orig_path);
- /* if we are on the navigation list, work with it */
- if ( model == GTK_TREE_MODEL( gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( ) ) )
- {
- return navigation_drag_data_received ( drag_dest, dest_path, selection_data );
- }
/* get metatree interface */
iface = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT(model), "metatree-interface" );
if ( ! iface )
diff --git a/src/mouse.h b/src/mouse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd226c..0000000
--- a/src/mouse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _MOUSE_H
-#define _MOUSE_H (1)
-/* Fichier de définition de constantes relatives à la souris mouse.h */
-/* possible values for a GdkEventButton -> button
- * cf GdkEventButton structure in gnome library */
-#define LEFT_BUTTON 1
-#define MIDDLE_BUTTON 2
-#define RIGHT_BUTTON 3
diff --git a/src/navigation.c b/src/navigation.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d7353d..0000000
--- a/src/navigation.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2443 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************** */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Cédric Auger (cedric at grisbi.org) */
-/* 2003-2008 Benjamin Drieu (bdrieu at april.org) */
-/* http://www.grisbi.org */
-/* */
-/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
-/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
-/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
-/* (at your option) any later version. */
-/* */
-/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
-/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
-/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
-/* */
-/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
-/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
-/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
-/* */
-/* ************************************************************************** */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "include.h"
-#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include "navigation.h"
-#include "accueil.h"
-#include "bet_data.h"
-#include "bet_finance_ui.h"
-#include "categories_onglet.h"
-#include "etats_onglet.h"
-#include "fenetre_principale.h"
-#include "grisbi_app.h"
-#include "grisbi_window.h"
-#include "gsb_account.h"
-#include "gsb_account_property.h"
-#include "gsb_assistant_account.h"
-#include "gsb_calendar.h"
-#include "gsb_data_account.h"
-#include "gsb_data_archive_store.h"
-#include "gsb_data_import_rule.h"
-#include "gsb_data_reconcile.h"
-#include "gsb_data_report.h"
-#include "gsb_dirs.h"
-#include "gsb_file.h"
-#include "gsb_form.h"
-#include "gsb_form_scheduler.h"
-#include "gsb_real.h"
-#include "gsb_reconcile.h"
-#include "gsb_scheduler_list.h"
-#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
-#include "imputation_budgetaire.h"
-#include "menu.h"
-#include "metatree.h"
-#include "mouse.h"
-#include "structures.h"
-#include "tiers_onglet.h"
-#include "traitement_variables.h"
-#include "transaction_list_select.h"
-#include "transaction_list_sort.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "utils_dates.h"
-#include "utils_real.h"
-#include "utils_str.h"
-#include "erreur.h"
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_activate_expander ( GtkTreeView *tree_view,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- gpointer user_data );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GdkEventButton *ev,
- gpointer null );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_check_key_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GdkEventKey *ev,
- GtkTreeModel *model );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_clear_pages_list ( void );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_context_menu ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GtkTreePath *path );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_create_report_list ( GtkTreeModel *model );
-static GtkTreePath *gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- gint type_page );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_move_ordre ( gint src_ordre,
- gint dst_ordre );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_line ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
- GtkTreeModel *model );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection_branch ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
- GtkTreeIter * iter, gint page,
- gint account_number, gpointer report );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_set_navigation_pages ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- gint type_page,
- gint ordre );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection_branch ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gint page,
- gint account_number,
- gpointer report );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter * account_iter,
- gint account_number );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data );
-static void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter * report_iter,
- gint report_number );
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data );
-static gboolean navigation_sort_column ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter *a,
- GtkTreeIter *b,
- gpointer user_data );
-static gboolean navigation_tree_drag_data_get ( GtkTreeDragSource *drag_source,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkSelectionData *selection_data );
-extern GtkWidget *account_page;
-extern GtkWidget *label_last_statement;
-extern GtkWidget *menu_import_rules;
-extern gint mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil;
-/** Holds data for the navigation tree. */
-enum navigation_cols {
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, /* ordre des pages dans le modèle */
-/** Model of the navigation tree. */
-static GtkTreeModel *navigation_model = NULL;
-/** Widget that hold the scheduler calendar. */
-static GtkWidget *scheduler_calendar = NULL;
-/** Widget that hold all reconciliation widgets. */
-GtkWidget *reconcile_panel;
-/* contains the number of the last account
- * when switching between 2 accounts
- * at the end of the switch, contains the current account number */
-static gint buffer_last_account = -1;
-/* contains a g_queue of struct_page */
-static GQueue *pages_list = NULL;
-/* nombre de pages du panneau de gauche */
-static gint navigation_nbre_pages = 7;
-/* ordre par défaut des pages du panneau de gauche */
-const gchar *default_navigation_order_list = "0-2-3-4-5-6-7";
-/* gestion des expandeurs */
-static gboolean account_expander = TRUE;
-static gboolean report_expander = FALSE;
-static GtkTargetEntry row_targets[] =
- * Create the navigation pane on the left of the GUI. It contains
- * account list as well as shortcuts.
- *
- * \return The newly allocated pane.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_create_navigation_pane ( void )
- GtkWidget *vbox;
- GtkWidget *sw;
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GQueue *tmp_queue;
- GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
- GtkTreeDragDestIface *navigation_dst_iface;
- GtkTreeDragSourceIface *navigation_src_iface;
- GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
- gint i;
- gint xpad;
- gint ypad;
- GrisbiAppConf *conf;
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
- vbox = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "vbox_left_panel" );
- sw = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "sw_left_panel" );
- /* Create the view */
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(navigation_tree_view), FALSE );
- navigation_model = GTK_TREE_MODEL ( gtk_tree_store_new ( NAVIGATION_TOTAL,
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( navigation_model ),
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( navigation_model ),
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, navigation_sort_column,
- /* Enable drag & drop */
- gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ),
- row_targets, 1,
- gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_dest ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ),
- row_targets,
- 1,
- gtk_tree_view_set_reorderable ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), TRUE );
- gtk_tree_selection_set_mode ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) ),
- gtk_tree_view_set_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), GTK_TREE_MODEL( navigation_model ) );
- /* Handle drag & drop */
- navigation_dst_iface = GTK_TREE_DRAG_DEST_GET_IFACE ( navigation_model );
- if ( navigation_dst_iface )
- {
- navigation_dst_iface -> drag_data_received = &navigation_drag_data_received;
- navigation_dst_iface -> row_drop_possible = &navigation_row_drop_possible;
- }
- navigation_src_iface = GTK_TREE_DRAG_SOURCE_GET_IFACE (navigation_model);
- if ( navigation_src_iface )
- {
- gtk_selection_add_target (navigation_tree_view,
- 1);
- navigation_src_iface -> drag_data_get = &navigation_tree_drag_data_get;
- }
- /* check the keyboard before all, if we need to move other things that the navigation
- * tree view (for example, up and down on transactions list) */
- g_signal_connect ( navigation_tree_view,
- "key-press-event",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_check_key_press ),
- navigation_model );
- g_signal_connect ( navigation_tree_view,
- "scroll-event",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ),
- NULL );
- if ( conf->active_scrolling_left_pane == 0 )
- g_signal_handlers_block_by_func ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( ),
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ),
- NULL );
- g_signal_connect_after ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) ),
- "changed",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_select_line ),
- navigation_model );
- /* Create column */
- column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ( );
- /* Pixbuf renderer. */
- renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
- gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer, FALSE);
- gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer,
- "pixbuf", NAVIGATION_PIX);
- gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer,
- gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand ( column, FALSE );
- /* Text renderer. */
- renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ( );
- gtk_cell_renderer_get_padding ( GTK_CELL_RENDERER ( renderer ), &xpad, &ypad );
- gtk_cell_renderer_set_padding ( GTK_CELL_RENDERER ( renderer ), 6, ypad );
- gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer, TRUE);
- gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer,
- "text", NAVIGATION_TEXT );
- gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer,
- "weight", NAVIGATION_FONT);
- gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), renderer,
- gtk_tree_view_append_column ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN ( column ) );
- /* crée les pages dans le panneau de gauche */
- tmp_queue = gsb_gui_navigation_get_pages_list ( );
- for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
- {
- struct_page *page;
- page = g_queue_peek_nth ( tmp_queue, i );
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_navigation_pages ( navigation_model, page -> type_page, i );
- }
- /* Create calendar (hidden for now). */
- scheduler_calendar = gsb_calendar_new ();
- gtk_box_pack_end ( GTK_BOX(vbox), scheduler_calendar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
- /* Create reconcile stuff (hidden for now). */
- reconcile_panel = gsb_reconcile_create_box ();
- gtk_box_pack_end ( GTK_BOX(vbox), reconcile_panel, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
- /* signals of tree_view */
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( navigation_tree_view ),
- "button-press-event",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_button_press ),
- NULL );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( navigation_tree_view ),
- "row-collapsed",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_activate_expander ),
- GINT_TO_POINTER ( 0 ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( navigation_tree_view ),
- "row-expanded",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_gui_navigation_activate_expander ),
- GINT_TO_POINTER ( 1 ) );
- gtk_widget_hide ( scheduler_calendar );
- gtk_widget_hide ( reconcile_panel );
- /* return */
- * return the current page selected
- * the value returned is defined by GSB_GENERAL_NOTEBOOK_PAGES
- *
- * \param
- *
- * \return a gint wich is the numero of the page, -1 if problem
- *
- * */
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ( void )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gint page;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- if ( !navigation_tree_view )
- return -1;
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
- if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, NULL, &iter ) )
- return GSB_HOME_PAGE;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
- &iter,
- -1 );
- return page;
- * return the account number selected
- * rem : this is only for account number of the transactions list,
- * if we want the current account number, for transactions or scheduled, go to
- * see gsb_form_get_account_number
- *
- * \param
- *
- * \return a gint, the account number or -1 if none selected
- * */
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ( void )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gint page;
- gint account_number;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- if ( !navigation_tree_view )
- return -1;
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
- if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, NULL, &iter ) )
- return -1;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
- &iter,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
- -1 );
- if ( page == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
- return account_number;
- return -1;
- * return the content of buffer_last_account
- * used while changing an account, as long as the work
- * is not finished, that variable contains the last account number
- *
- * \param
- *
- * \return the last account number (become the current account number once the
- * switch is finished...)
- *
- * */
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_last_account ( void )
- return buffer_last_account;
- * Return the number of the current selected report
- *
- * \param
- *
- * \return the current number of the report, or 0 if none selected
- * */
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_report ( void )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gint page;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- if ( !navigation_tree_view )
- return 0;
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (navigation_tree_view));
- if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, NULL, &iter ) )
- return 0;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
- &iter,
- -1 );
- if ( page == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE )
- {
- gint report_number;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ),
- &iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &report_number,
- -1 );
- return report_number;
- }
- return -1;
- * Create a list of tree items that are shortcuts to accounts.
- *
- * \param model Tree model to insert items into.
- * \param account_iter Parent iter.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_create_account_list ( GtkTreeModel *model )
- GSList *list_tmp;
- GtkTreeIter parent, child;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- GrisbiAppConf *conf;
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
- path = gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &parent, path );
- /* Remove childs if any. */
- while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &child, &parent ) )
- {
- gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child );
- }
- /* Fill in with accounts. */
- list_tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
- while ( list_tmp )
- {
- gint i = gsb_data_account_get_no_account ( list_tmp -> data );
- if ( conf->show_closed_accounts
- ||
- !gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( i ) )
- {
- gsb_gui_navigation_add_account ( i, FALSE );
- }
- list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
- }
- /* Expand stuff */
- if ( account_expander )
- {
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &parent );
- gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path );
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- }
- * Create a list of tree items that are shortcuts to reports.
- *
- * \param model Tree model to insert items into.
- * \param reports_iter Parent iter.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_create_report_list ( GtkTreeModel *model )
- GSList *tmp_list;
- GtkTreeIter parent, child;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- path = gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( model, GSB_REPORTS_PAGE );
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &parent, path );
- /* Remove childs if any. */
- while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &child, &parent ) )
- {
- gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child );
- }
- /* Fill in with reports */
- tmp_list = gsb_data_report_get_report_list ();
- while ( tmp_list )
- {
- gint report_number;
- report_number = gsb_data_report_get_report_number ( tmp_list -> data );
- gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &child, &parent);
- gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model), &child,
- NAVIGATION_TEXT, gsb_data_report_get_report_name ( report_number ),
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, report_number,
- -1 );
- tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
- }
- /* Expand stuff */
- if ( report_expander )
- {
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &parent );
- gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path );
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- }
- *
- *
- *
- */
-gboolean navigation_sort_column ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter *a,
- GtkTreeIter *b,
- gpointer user_data )
- gint ordre_a, page_a, account_a, report_a;
- gint ordre_b, page_b, account_b, report_b;
- if ( ! model )
- return FALSE;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, a,
- -1 );
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, b,
- -1 );
- if ( ordre_a < ordre_b )
- return - 1;
- if ( ordre_a > ordre_b )
- return 1;
- if ( page_a == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE && page_b == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
- {
- return gsb_data_account_compare_position (account_a, account_b);
- }
- else if ( page_a == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE && page_b == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE )
- {
- return gsb_data_report_compare_position (report_a, report_b);
- }
- else
- return 0;
- * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and update
- * iter of account that is equal to `data'.
- *
- * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
- * \param path Not used.
- * \param iter Current iter to test.
- * \param data Number of an account to match against the
- * NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT column of current iter.
- *
- * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
- */
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data )
- gint account_number;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ),
- iter,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
- -1 );
- if ( account_number == GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) )
- {
- gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( tree_model, iter, GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) );
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and update
- * iter of report that is equal to `data'.
- *
- * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
- * \param path Not used.
- * \param iter Current iter to test.
- * \param data Number of an report to match against the
- * NAVIGATION_REPORT column of current iter.
- *
- * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
- */
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data )
- gint report_nb;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ),
- iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &report_nb,
- -1 );
- if ( report_nb == GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) )
- {
- gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( tree_model, iter, GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) );
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Update information for an report in navigation pane.
- *
- * \param report_nb Number of the report that has to be updated.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report ( gint report_number )
- gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(navigation_model),
- (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iterator,
- GINT_TO_POINTER ( report_number ) );
- * Update contents of an iter with report data.
- *
- * \param model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
- * \param report_iter Iter to update.
- * \param data Number of report as a reference.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter * report_iter,
- gint report_number )
- gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model), report_iter,
- NAVIGATION_TEXT, gsb_data_report_get_report_name (report_number),
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, report_number,
- -1 );
- * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and remove
- * iter of report that is equal to `data'.
- *
- * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
- * \param path Not used.
- * \param iter Current iter to test.
- * \param data Number of an report to match against the
- * NAVIGATION_REPORT column of current iter.
- *
- * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
- */
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data )
- gint report;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ), iter,
- -1 );
- if ( report == GPOINTER_TO_INT (data))
- {
- gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( tree_model ), iter );
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Add an report to the navigation pane.
- *
- * \param report_nb Report ID to add.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_add_report ( gint report_number )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeIter parent, iter;
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- path = gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( navigation_model, GSB_REPORTS_PAGE );
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( navigation_model ), &parent, path );
- gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ), &iter, &parent );
- gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path );
- gsb_gui_navigation_update_report_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), &iter, report_number );
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
- gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, &iter );
- * Remove report from the navigation pane.
- *
- * \param report_nb Report ID to add.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report ( gint report_number )
- gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(navigation_model),
- (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report_iterator,
- GINT_TO_POINTER ( report_number ) );
- * Update information for an account in navigation pane.
- *
- * \param account_number Number of the account that has to be updated.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account ( gint account_number )
- gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(navigation_model),
- (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iterator,
- GINT_TO_POINTER ( account_number ) );
- * Update contents of an iter with account data.
- *
- * \param model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
- * \param account_iter Iter to update.
- * \param data Number of account as a reference.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter *account_iter,
- gint account_number )
- GdkPixbuf * pixbuf = NULL;
- pixbuf = gsb_data_account_get_account_icon_pixbuf ( account_number );
- gtk_tree_store_set ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), account_iter,
- NAVIGATION_TEXT, gsb_data_account_get_name ( account_number ),
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, account_number,
- NAVIGATION_SENSITIVE, !gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( account_number ),
- -1 );
- * Iterator that iterates over the navigation pane model and remove
- * iter of account that is equal to `data'.
- *
- * \param tree_model Pointer to the model of the navigation tree.
- * \param path Not used.
- * \param iter Current iter to test.
- * \param data Number of an account to match against the
- * NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT column of current iter.
- *
- * \return TRUE if this iter matches.
- */
-static gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account_iterator ( GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gpointer data )
- gint account_number;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( tree_model ),
- iter,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
- -1 );
- if ( account_number == GPOINTER_TO_INT ( data ) )
- {
- gtk_tree_store_remove ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( tree_model ), iter );
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Add an account to the navigation pane.
- *
- * \param account_number Account ID to add.
- * \param switch_to_account TRUE to show the account, FALSE to just create it
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_add_account ( gint account_number,
- gboolean switch_to_account )
- GtkTreeIter parent, iter;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- path = gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( navigation_model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( navigation_model ), &parent, path );
- gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ), &iter, &parent );
- gsb_gui_navigation_update_account_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), &iter, account_number );
- if ( switch_to_account )
- {
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeSelection * selection;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
- gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, &iter );
- }
- * change the list of transactions, according to the new account
- *
- * \param no_account a pointer on the number of the account we want to see
- *
- * \return FALSE
- * */
-gboolean navigation_change_account ( gint new_account )
- gint current_account;
- gchar *tmp_menu_path;
- GrisbiAppConf *conf;
- conf = grisbi_app_get_conf ( );
- devel_debug_int (new_account);
- if ( new_account < 0 )
- return FALSE;
- /* the selection on the navigation bar has already changed, so
- * have to use a buffer variable to get the last account */
- current_account = gsb_gui_navigation_get_last_account ();
- /* sensitive the last account in the menu */
- tmp_menu_path = g_strconcat (
- "/menubar/EditMenu/MoveToAnotherAccount/",
- gsb_data_account_get_name (current_account),
- NULL );
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( tmp_menu_path, TRUE );
- g_free ( tmp_menu_path );
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/NewTransaction", TRUE );
- /* save the row_align of the last account */
- gsb_data_account_set_row_align ( current_account,
- gsb_transactions_list_get_row_align ( ) );
- /* set the appearance of the list according to the new account */
- transaction_list_sort_set_column ( gsb_data_account_get_sort_column ( new_account ),
- gsb_data_account_get_sort_type ( new_account ) );
- gsb_transactions_list_update_tree_view ( new_account, FALSE );
- transaction_list_select ( gsb_data_account_get_current_transaction_number ( new_account ) );
- gsb_transactions_list_set_row_align ( gsb_data_account_get_row_align ( new_account ) );
- /* mise en place de la date du dernier relevé */
- gsb_navigation_update_statement_label ( new_account );
- tmp_menu_path = g_strconcat (
- "/menubar/EditMenu/MoveToAnotherAccount/",
- gsb_data_account_get_name (new_account),
- NULL );
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( tmp_menu_path, FALSE );
- g_free ( tmp_menu_path );
- /* Sensitive menu items if something is selected. */
- if ( gsb_data_account_get_current_transaction_number ( new_account ) == -1 )
- gsb_menu_transaction_operations_set_sensitive ( FALSE );
- else
- gsb_menu_transaction_operations_set_sensitive ( TRUE );
- /* show or hide the rules button in toolbar */
- if ( gsb_data_import_rule_account_has_rule ( new_account ) )
- gtk_widget_show ( menu_import_rules );
- else
- gtk_widget_hide ( menu_import_rules );
- /* Update the title of the file if needed */
- if ( conf->display_grisbi_title == GSB_ACCOUNT_HOLDER )
- grisbi_window_set_active_title ( new_account );
- bet_data_select_bet_pages ( new_account );
- /* unset the last date written */
- gsb_date_free_last_date ();
- return FALSE;
- * update the statement label for the given account
- *
- * \param account_number
- *
- * \return
- * */
-void gsb_navigation_update_statement_label ( gint account_number )
- gint reconcile_number;
- gchar* tmp_str;
- gchar* tmp_str1;
- gchar* tmp_str2;
- gsb_real amount;
- reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_account_last_number ( account_number );
- amount = gsb_data_account_get_marked_balance ( account_number );
- if ( reconcile_number )
- {
- tmp_str1 = gsb_format_gdate ( gsb_data_reconcile_get_final_date (
- reconcile_number ) );
- tmp_str2 = utils_real_get_string_with_currency ( amount,
- gsb_data_account_get_currency ( account_number ), TRUE );
- tmp_str = g_strconcat ( _("Last statement: "), tmp_str1, " - ",
- _("Reconciled balance: "), tmp_str2, NULL );
- gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ), tmp_str);
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str1 );
- g_free ( tmp_str2 );
- }
- else if ( amount.mantissa != 0 )
- {
- tmp_str2 = utils_real_get_string_with_currency (amount,
- gsb_data_account_get_currency ( account_number ), TRUE );
- tmp_str = g_strconcat ( _("Last statement: none"), " - ",
- _("Reconciled balance: "), tmp_str2, NULL );
- gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ), tmp_str);
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str2 );
- }
- else
- gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ),
- _("Last statement: none") );
- * Update the account name in the heading bar
- *
- * \param account_number
- *
- * \return
- */
-void gsb_navigation_update_account_label ( gint account_number )
- gchar * title = NULL;
- title = g_strconcat ( _("Account"), " : ",
- gsb_data_account_get_name ( account_number ),
- NULL );
- if ( gsb_data_account_get_closed_account ( account_number ) )
- {
- gchar* old_title = title;
- title = g_strconcat ( title, " (", _("closed"), ")", NULL );
- g_free ( old_title );
- }
- gsb_data_account_colorize_current_balance ( account_number );
- gsb_gui_headings_update_title ( title );
- g_free ( title );
- * Remove account from the navigation pane.
- *
- * \param account_number Account ID to remove.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account ( gint account_number )
- gtk_tree_model_foreach ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(navigation_model),
- (GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account_iterator,
- GINT_TO_POINTER ( account_number ) );
- * Callback executed when the selection of the navigation tree
- * changed.
- * we must write here the changes to do when changing something in that selection,
- * not with a callback "switch-page" on the main notebook
- *
- * \param selection The selection that triggered event.
- * \param model Tree model associated to selection.
- *
- * \return FALSE
- */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_line ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
- GtkTreeModel *model )
- gint account_number, page_number;
- gint report_number;
- gchar *title = NULL;
- gboolean clear_suffix = TRUE;
- devel_debug (NULL);
- page_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ();
- gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( gsb_gui_get_general_notebook ( ) ), page_number );
- if ( page_number != GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
- {
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/NewTransaction", FALSE );
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/RemoveAccount", FALSE );
- menus_view_sensitifs ( FALSE );
- }
- if ( page_number != GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE )
- {
- gtk_widget_hide ( scheduler_calendar );
- }
- switch ( page_number )
- {
- notice_debug ("Home page selected");
- title = g_strdup(_("My accounts"));
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/ViewMenu/ShowClosed", TRUE );
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- mise_a_jour_accueil ( FALSE );
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible ( FALSE, FALSE );
- break;
- notice_debug ("Account page selected");
- menus_view_sensitifs ( TRUE );
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/RemoveAccount", TRUE );
- account_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ();
- /* update title now -- different from others */
- gsb_navigation_update_account_label (account_number);
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- if (account_number >= 0 )
- {
- navigation_change_account ( account_number );
- gsb_account_property_fill_page ();
- clear_suffix = FALSE;
- if ( gsb_data_archive_store_account_have_transactions_visibles ( account_number ) )
- gsb_transaction_list_set_visible_archived_button ( TRUE );
- else
- gsb_transaction_list_set_visible_archived_button ( FALSE );
- }
- gsb_menu_update_accounts_in_menus ();
- gsb_menu_update_view_menu ( account_number );
- /* set the form */
- gsb_gui_on_account_switch_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( gsb_gui_on_account_get_notebook ( ) ),
- gtk_notebook_get_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( gsb_gui_on_account_get_notebook ( ) ) ),
- NULL );
- /* gsb_form_show ( FALSE ); */
- buffer_last_account = account_number;
- break;
- notice_debug ("Scheduler page selected");
- title = g_strdup(_("Scheduled transactions"));
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- /* update the list (can do that because short list, so very fast) */
- gsb_scheduler_list_fill_list (gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view ());
- gsb_scheduler_list_set_background_color (gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view ());
- gsb_scheduler_list_select (gsb_scheduler_list_get_last_scheduled_number ());
- /* set the form */
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible (TRUE, FALSE );
- gsb_form_scheduler_clean ();
- gsb_form_show ( FALSE );
- /* show the calendar */
- gsb_calendar_update ();
- gtk_widget_show_all ( scheduler_calendar );
- /* show menu InitwidthCol */
- gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/ViewMenu/InitwidthCol", TRUE );
- break;
- notice_debug ("Payee page selected");
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE );
- payees_fill_list ();
- clear_suffix = FALSE;
- break;
- notice_debug ("Credits simulator page selected");
- title = g_strdup(_("Credits simulator"));
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE);
- bet_finance_switch_simulator_page ( );
- break;
- notice_debug ("Category page selected");
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE );
- categories_fill_list ();
- clear_suffix = FALSE;
- break;
- notice_debug ("Budgetary page selected");
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible (FALSE, FALSE );
- budgetary_lines_fill_list ();
- clear_suffix = FALSE;
- break;
- notice_debug ("Reports page selected");
- report_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_report ();
- if ( report_number >= 0 )
- title = g_strconcat ( _("Report"), " : ", gsb_data_report_get_report_name (report_number), NULL );
- else
- title = g_strdup(_("Reports"));
- /* what to be done if switch to that page */
- gsb_form_set_expander_visible ( FALSE, FALSE );
- if ( report_number > 0 )
- gsb_gui_update_gui_to_report ( report_number );
- else
- gsb_gui_unsensitive_report_widgets ();
- break;
- default:
- notice_debug ("B0rk page selected");
- title = g_strdup("B0rk");
- break;
- }
- /* title is set here if necessary */
- if (title)
- {
- gsb_gui_headings_update_title ( title );
- g_free ( title );
- }
- if (clear_suffix)
- gsb_gui_headings_update_suffix ( "" );
- return FALSE;
- * Set the selection of the navigation list depending on desired
- * page and/or account or report.
- *
- * \param page Page to switch to.
- * \param account_number If page is GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, switch to given account.
- *
- * \param report If page is GSB_REPORTS, switch to given report.
- *
- * \return TRUE on success.
- */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( gint page,
- gint account_number,
- gpointer report )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ) );
- g_return_val_if_fail ( selection, FALSE );
- /* if we select an account, open the expander if necessary */
- if ( page == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE )
- {
- GtkTreePath *path;
- path = gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( navigation_model, GSB_HOME_PAGE );
- gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path, TRUE );
- gtk_tree_path_free (path);
- }
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(navigation_model), &iter );
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection_branch ( selection, &iter, page, account_number, report );
- return TRUE;
- * Set the selection of the navigation list depending on desired page
- * and/or account or report, but only for a branch of the tree.
- *
- * \param selection Selection to set.
- * \param iter Current iter to iterate over.
- * \param page Page to switch to.
- * \param account_number If page is GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, switch to given account.
- * \param report If page is GSB_REPORTS, switch to given report.
- *
- * \return TRUE on success.
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection_branch ( GtkTreeSelection *selection,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- gint page,
- gint account_number,
- gpointer report )
- do
- {
- gint iter_page, iter_account_nb;
- gpointer iter_report;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &iter_report,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &iter_account_nb,
- NAVIGATION_PAGE, &iter_page,
- -1 );
- if ( iter_page == page
- &&
- ! ( page == GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE
- &&
- iter_account_nb != account_number )
- &&
- ! ( page == GSB_REPORTS_PAGE
- &&
- iter_report != report ) )
- {
- gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, iter );
- }
- if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), iter ) )
- {
- GtkTreeIter child;
- gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), &child, iter );
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection_branch ( selection, &child,
- page, account_number, report );
- }
- }
- while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), iter ) );
- return;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev ( void )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeSelection * selection;
- GtkTreePath * path;
- GtkTreeModel * model;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(navigation_tree_view) );
- g_return_val_if_fail ( selection, FALSE );
- if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, &model, &iter ) )
- return TRUE;
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
- g_return_val_if_fail ( path, TRUE );
- if ( !gtk_tree_path_prev ( path ) )
- {
- if ( gtk_tree_path_get_depth ( path ) > 1 )
- gtk_tree_path_up ( path );
- }
- else
- {
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, path );
- /* if row has children and if row is expanded, go to the last child */
- if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( model, &iter )
- && gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path ) )
- {
- GtkTreeIter parent = iter;
- gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child ( model, &iter, &parent,
- gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children ( model,
- &parent ) - 1 );
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
- }
- }
- gtk_tree_selection_select_path ( selection, path );
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- return FALSE;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_next ( void )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(navigation_tree_view) );
- g_return_val_if_fail ( selection, FALSE );
- if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, &model, &iter ) )
- return TRUE;
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
- g_return_val_if_fail ( path, TRUE );
- if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child ( model, &iter ) )
- {
- if ( gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( navigation_tree_view ), path ) )
- gtk_tree_path_down ( path );
- else
- gtk_tree_path_next ( path );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( model, &iter ) )
- {
- if ( gtk_tree_path_get_depth ( path ) > 1 )
- {
- gtk_tree_path_up ( path );
- gtk_tree_path_next ( path );
- }
- else
- {
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- path = gtk_tree_path_new_first ( );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter );
- }
- }
- gtk_tree_selection_select_path ( selection, path );
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- return FALSE;
- * Check the key pressed on the navigation tree view,
- * if need, stop the event to do another thing with that key
- *
- * \param tree_view the navigation tree_view
- * \param ev the key event pressed
- * \param model
- *
- * \return FALSE : the signal continue / TRUE : the signal is stopped here
- * */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_check_key_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GdkEventKey *ev,
- GtkTreeModel *model )
- gint page;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreePath *path;
- if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) ),
- &iter ) )
- return FALSE;
- gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, NAVIGATION_PAGE, &page, -1 );
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter );
- switch ( page )
- {
- /* expand or collapse subtree */
- if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
- gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
- if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Left)
- gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
- break;
- /* when come here, if we press the right key, give the focus to the list */
- if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
- gtk_widget_grab_focus (gsb_transactions_list_get_tree_view ());
- break;
- /* nothing to do here for now */
- break;
- /* nothing to do here for now */
- break;
- /* nothing to do here for now */
- break;
- /* when come here, if we press the right key, give the focus to the list */
- if (ev -> keyval == GDK_KEY_Right)
- gtk_widget_grab_focus (gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view ());
- break;
- }
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- return FALSE;
- * Check mouse scrolling on the navigation tree view.
- *
- * \param tree_view the navigation tree_view
- * \param ev the scroll event
- *
- * \return FALSE : the signal continue / TRUE : the signal is stopped here
- * */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GdkEventScroll *ev )
- switch ( ev -> direction )
- {
- gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev ();
- break;
- gsb_gui_navigation_select_next ();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Fill the drag & drop structure with the path of selected column.
- * This is an interface function called from GTK, much like a callback.
- *
- * \param drag_source Not used.
- * \param path Original path for the gtk selection.
- * \param selection_data A pointer to the drag & drop structure.
- *
- * \return FALSE, to allow future processing by the callback chain.
- */
-gboolean navigation_tree_drag_data_get ( GtkTreeDragSource *drag_source,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- GtkSelectionData *selection_data )
- gchar *tmpstr = gtk_tree_path_to_string (path);
- gchar *tmpstr2 = g_strdup_printf ( "Orig path : %s", tmpstr);
- devel_debug (tmpstr2);
- g_free (tmpstr);
- g_free (tmpstr2);
- if ( path )
- {
- gtk_tree_set_row_drag_data ( selection_data, GTK_TREE_MODEL ( navigation_model ), path );
- }
- return FALSE;
- *
- *
- */
-gboolean navigation_drag_data_received ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
- GtkTreePath *dest_path,
- GtkSelectionData *selection_data )
- gchar *tmpstr = gtk_tree_path_to_string (dest_path);
- gchar *tmpstr2 = g_strdup_printf ( "Dest path : %s", tmpstr);
- devel_debug (tmpstr2);
- g_free (tmpstr);
- g_free (tmpstr2);
- if ( dest_path && selection_data )
- {
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreePath *orig_path;
- gint src_report, dst_report = -1;
- gint src_account, dst_account = -1;
- gint src_ordre, dst_ordre = -1;
- gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data (selection_data, &model, &orig_path);
- if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, dest_path ) )
- gtk_tree_model_get (model , &iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &dst_report,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &dst_account,
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, &dst_ordre,
- -1 );
- if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, orig_path ) )
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &src_report,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &src_account,
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, &src_ordre,
- -1 );
- /* at this stage, src_account or src_report contains the account/report we move
- * and dst_account/dst_report the account/report destination we want to move before,
- * or dst_account/dst_report can be -1 to set at the end of the list */
- if ( src_account != -1 )
- /* we moved an account */
- gsb_data_account_move_account ( src_account, dst_account );
- if ( src_report != -1 )
- /* we moved a report */
- gsb_data_report_move_report ( src_report, dst_report );
- if ( src_ordre != -1 )
- /* we moved a page */
- gsb_gui_navigation_move_ordre ( src_ordre, dst_ordre );
- /* update the tree view */
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( model ),
- gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func ( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE ( model ),
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, navigation_sort_column,
- /* update the order of accounts in first page */
- mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = TRUE;
- gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
- }
- return FALSE;
- *
- *
- */
-gboolean navigation_row_drop_possible ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
- GtkTreePath *dest_path,
- GtkSelectionData *selection_data )
- if ( dest_path && selection_data )
- {
- GtkTreePath *orig_path;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- gint src_report, dst_report = -1;
- gint src_account, dst_account = -1;
- gint src_ordre, dst_ordre = -1;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gtk_tree_get_row_drag_data ( selection_data, &model, &orig_path );
- if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, orig_path ) )
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &src_report,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &src_account,
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, &src_ordre,
- -1 );
- if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, dest_path ) )
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &dst_report,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &dst_account,
- NAVIGATION_ORDRE, &dst_ordre,
- -1 );
- /* We handle an account */
- if ( src_account >= 0 && dst_account >= 0 )
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* We handle a report */
- else if ( src_report > 0 && dst_report > 0 )
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- else if ( src_ordre >= 0 && dst_ordre >= 0 )
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Met à jour la page d'accueil immédiatement si elle est affichée sinon plus tard
- *
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_home_page ( void )
- if ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ( ) == GSB_HOME_PAGE )
- mise_a_jour_accueil ( TRUE );
- else
- mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = TRUE;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-GtkWidget *gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( void )
- GtkWidget *navigation_tree_view;
- navigation_tree_view = grisbi_window_get_widget_by_name ( "treeview_left_panel" );
- return navigation_tree_view;
- * change the position of an item in the list of pages
- *
- * \param src_ordre the position of item we want to move
- * \param dest_ordre the position before we want to move, or -1 to set at the end of list
- *
- * \return FALSE
- * */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_move_ordre ( gint src_ordre,
- gint dst_ordre )
- GQueue *tmp_queue;
- GList *dst_list;
- gint i;
- struct_page *page = NULL;
- tmp_queue = pages_list;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
- {
- page = g_queue_peek_nth ( tmp_queue, i );
- if ( page -> ordre == src_ordre )
- break;
- }
- g_queue_pop_nth ( pages_list, i );
- dst_list = g_queue_peek_nth_link ( pages_list, dst_ordre );
- if ( dst_list )
- g_queue_insert_before ( pages_list, dst_list, page );
- else
- g_queue_push_tail ( tmp_queue, page );
- /* on reconstruit le modèle */
- gtk_tree_store_clear ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ) );
- tmp_queue = pages_list;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < tmp_queue -> length ; i++ )
- {
- page = g_queue_peek_nth ( tmp_queue, i );
- page -> ordre = i;
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_navigation_pages ( navigation_model, page -> type_page, i );
- }
- return FALSE;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-GtkTreeModel *gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( void )
- if ( navigation_model )
- return navigation_model;
- else
- return NULL;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_set_page_list_order ( const gchar *order_list )
- gchar **pointeur_char;
- gint i;
- gint nbre_pages;
- if ( pages_list )
- gsb_gui_navigation_clear_pages_list ( );
- pointeur_char = g_strsplit ( order_list, "-", 0 );
- nbre_pages = g_strv_length ( pointeur_char );
- if ( nbre_pages != navigation_nbre_pages )
- {
- g_strfreev ( pointeur_char );
- pointeur_char = g_strsplit ( default_navigation_order_list, "-", 0 );
- nbre_pages = navigation_nbre_pages;
- }
- for ( i = 0 ; i < nbre_pages ; i++ )
- {
- struct_page *page;
- page = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_page ) );
- page -> ordre = i;
- page -> type_page = utils_str_atoi ( pointeur_char[i] );
- g_queue_push_tail ( pages_list, page );
- }
- g_strfreev ( pointeur_char );
- return TRUE;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_init_pages_list ( void )
- GQueue *new_queue;
- new_queue = g_queue_new ( );
- pages_list = new_queue;
- gsb_gui_navigation_set_page_list_order ( default_navigation_order_list );
- *
- *
- *
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_clear_pages_list ( void )
- g_queue_foreach ( pages_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL );
- g_queue_clear ( pages_list );
- *
- *
- *
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_free_pages_list ( void )
- if ( pages_list == NULL )
- return;
- g_queue_foreach ( pages_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL );
- g_queue_free ( pages_list );
- * return a pointer on the first element of g_queue of navigation pages
- *
- * \param none
- *
- * \return a GList
- * */
-GQueue *gsb_gui_navigation_get_pages_list ( void )
- return pages_list;
- *
- *
- *
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_set_navigation_pages ( GtkTreeModel *model,
- gint type_page,
- gint ordre )
- GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gchar *title = NULL;
- gchar *tmp_str = NULL;
- switch ( type_page )
- {
- case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
- tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "ac_home.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Accounts") );
- break;
- tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "scheduler.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Scheduler") );
- break;
- tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "payees.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Payees") );
- break;
- tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "ac_liability.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Credits simulator") );
- break;
- tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "categories.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Categories") );
- break;
- tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "budgetary_lines.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Budgetary lines") );
- break;
- tmp_str = g_build_filename( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "reports.png", NULL );
- title = g_strdup ( _("Reports") );
- break;
- }
- pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( tmp_str , NULL );
- gtk_tree_store_append ( GTK_TREE_STORE ( model ), &iter, NULL );
- gtk_tree_store_set( GTK_TREE_STORE ( navigation_model ), &iter,
- NAVIGATION_PAGE, type_page,
- -1);
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( title );
- switch ( type_page )
- {
- case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
- gsb_gui_navigation_create_account_list ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ) );
- break;
- gsb_gui_navigation_create_report_list ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model) );
- break;
- }
- * renvoie le path d'un item de la vue navigation
- *
- *
- */
-GtkTreePath *gsb_gui_navigation_get_page_path ( GtkTreeModel *model, gint type_page )
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter ) )
- {
- do
- {
- gint tmp_type_page;
- GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
- gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &iter, NAVIGATION_PAGE, &tmp_type_page, -1 );
- if ( tmp_type_page == type_page)
- {
- path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter );
- return path;
- }
- }
- while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( model ), &iter ) );
- }
- return NULL;
- * called when we press a button on the list
- *
- * \param tree_view
- * \param ev
- *
- * \return FALSE
- * */
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_button_press ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GdkEventButton *ev,
- gpointer null )
- /* show the popup */
- if ( ev -> button == RIGHT_BUTTON )
- {
- GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
- if ( gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), ev -> x, ev -> y, &path, NULL, NULL, NULL ) )
- {
- gsb_gui_navigation_context_menu ( tree_view, path );
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- update_gui ( );
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if ( ev -> type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS )
- {
- GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
- if ( gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), ev -> x, ev -> y, &path, NULL, NULL, NULL ) )
- {
- if ( gtk_tree_view_row_expanded ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path ) )
- gtk_tree_view_collapse_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path );
- else
- gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ), path, FALSE );
- gtk_tree_path_free ( path );
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Pop up a menu with several actions to apply to array_list.
- *
- * \param gtk_tree_view
- *
- */
-void gsb_gui_navigation_context_menu ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GtkTreePath *path )
- GtkWidget *image;
- GtkWidget *menu = NULL;
- GtkWidget *menu_item;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- gchar *tmp_str;
- gint type_page;
- gint account_number;
- gint report_number;
- model = gtk_tree_view_get_model ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) );
- gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( model, &iter, path );
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, &iter,
- NAVIGATION_PAGE, &type_page,
- NAVIGATION_ACCOUNT, &account_number,
- NAVIGATION_REPORT, &report_number,
- -1 );
- switch ( type_page )
- {
- case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
- menu = gtk_menu_new ();
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New account") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_assistant_account_run ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( account_number == -1 )
- break;
- /* Separator */
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Remove this account") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( gsb_account_delete ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- break;
- menu = gtk_menu_new ();
- tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-payee.png", NULL);
- image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New payee") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( payees_new_payee ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Delete selected payee") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( payees_delete_payee ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
- GTK_TREE_VIEW ( payees_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
- else
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Edit selected payee") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( payees_edit_payee ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
- GTK_TREE_VIEW ( payees_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
- else
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
- /* Separator */
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
- tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-payee.png", NULL);
- image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Manage payees") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( payees_manage_payees ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Remove unused payees") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( payees_remove_unused_payees ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- break;
- menu = gtk_menu_new ();
- tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-categ.png", NULL);
- image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New category") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( categories_new_category ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Delete selected category") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( categories_delete_category ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
- GTK_TREE_VIEW ( categories_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
- else
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Edit selected category") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( categories_edit_category ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
- GTK_TREE_VIEW ( categories_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
- else
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
- /* Separator */
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Import a file of categories (.cgsb)") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( categories_importer_list ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Export the list of categories (.cgsb)") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( categories_exporter_list ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- break;
- menu = gtk_menu_new ();
- tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-ib.png", NULL);
- image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New budgetary line") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_new_budgetary_line ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Delete selected budgetary line") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_delete_budgetary_line ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
- GTK_TREE_VIEW ( budgetary_lines_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
- else
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Edit selected budgetary line") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_edit_budgetary_line ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (
- GTK_TREE_VIEW ( budgetary_lines_get_tree_view ( ) ) ) ) )
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, TRUE );
- else
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( menu_item, FALSE );
- /* Separator */
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Import a file of budgetary lines (.igsb)") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_importer_list ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Export the list of budgetary lines (.igsb)") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_NEW, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( budgetary_lines_exporter_list ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- break;
- menu = gtk_menu_new ();
- tmp_str = g_build_filename ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "new-report.png", NULL);
- image = gtk_image_new_from_file ( tmp_str );
- g_free ( tmp_str );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("New report") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ), image );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( ajout_etat ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- if ( report_number == -1 )
- break;
- /* Separator */
- gt Separator */ r == -1 ) MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item ); ), image ); NULL); s (.igsb)") ); LL ) ) ewClass)) */ 0.116 79.1397 452.069 86.7836 439.542 94.0777C 431.026 99.0367 424.039 102.006 418.372 102.989C 408.222 105.278 402.304 102.038 402.304 102.038C 402.304 102.038 398.244 96.5717 397.68 94.3187C 397.599 93.9916 405.593 95.4567 414.434 93.8406C 420.781 92.6807 427.732 89.1977 434.674 85.2647C 444.488 79.7067 452.785 72.3438 457.511 65.9067C 460.786 61.4458 461.946 57.1367 462.354 55.3927z" .469 473.638 174.66 476.954 195.11z" 00.276L 739.074 500.276C 759.951 500.276 772.588 497.101 780.28 491.704C 787.789 486.466 790.719 478.846 790.719 470.274C 790.719 452.654 775.701 443.923 758.669 441.701L 758.67 441.384C 776.617 438.05 785.774 429.795 785.774 416.779C 785.774 397.413 768.01 390.428 739.074 390.428L 678.638 390.428z" 448.248 397.73 457.588 403.603 457.588 419.795C 457.588 432.97 451.728 442.495 433.231 442.495L 424.074 442.495L 424.074 403.921z
" 0.917 219.279 370.917 210.374 370.917C 211.781 365.753 214.086 356.583 221.45 328.186C 308.695 328.193 287.908 328.376 738.419 328.186C 758.428 305.835 765.635 297.207 781.185 279.244C 556.029 279.244 460.148 279.244 242.306 279.662C 245.081 270.432 254.544 256.995 269.786 241.767C 291.182 220.388 321.858 195.015 363.508 173.254C 423.726 141.792 503.084 117.043 587.218 117.712C 760.185 120.633 849.057 201.069 849.057 201.069z" ò* Ëøÿ pKáò* @Åøÿ Äøÿ kP1ò* 5 6 7 8 : < = > ? @ B D Ëøÿ Ëøÿ à}ªò* Ëøÿ u:1ò* URò* ÀÃøÿ }ò* e91ò* URò* Õ_ at fÆS Qöl±íÁyò* Ëøÿ à}ªò* PÆøÿ Åøÿ kP1ò* u]ÞÓ 4Q ÷U^Qʧ ¶uª¹ñìò*ÄvËøÿ Ëøÿ HÎvò* ³ò* ÀÌøÿ ¦
ò* ¦
ò* f°ò* OËøÿ Ìøÿ 8Ëøÿ Çøÿ Nò* u:1ò* ØNò* Îøÿ ¢
ò* ÐÌøÿ `Èøÿ
ò* Ëøÿ k_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), gtk_separator_menu_item_new() );
- menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label ( _("Remove this report") );
- gtk_image_menu_item_set_image ( GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM ( menu_item ),
- gtk_image_new_from_stock ( GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU ) );
- g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( menu_item ),
- "activate",
- G_CALLBACK ( efface_etat ),
- NULL );
- gtk_menu_shell_append ( GTK_MENU_SHELL ( menu ), menu_item );
- break;
- }
- /* Finish all. */
- if ( menu )
- {
- gtk_widget_show_all ( menu );
- gtk_menu_popup ( GTK_MENU( menu ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, gtk_get_current_event_time ( ) );
- }
-void gsb_gui_navigation_activate_expander ( GtkTreeView *tree_view,
- GtkTreeIter *iter,
- GtkTreePath *path,
- gpointer user_data )
- GtkTreeSelection *selection;
- GtkTreeModel *model;
- GtkTreeIter iter_selected;
- GtkTreePath *path_selected = NULL;
- gint type_page;
- gint etat_expander;
- etat_expander = GPOINTER_TO_INT ( user_data );
- selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) );
- if ( gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( selection, &model, &iter_selected ) )
- path_selected = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &iter_selected);
- gtk_tree_model_get ( model, iter, NAVIGATION_PAGE, &type_page, -1 );
- switch ( type_page )
- {
- case GSB_HOME_PAGE :
- account_expander = etat_expander;
- break;
- report_expander = etat_expander;
- break;
- }
- if ( etat_expander == 0 && path_selected == NULL )
- gtk_tree_selection_select_iter ( selection, iter );
- *
- *
- *
- */
-/* Local Variables: */
-/* c-basic-offset: 4 */
-/* End: */
diff --git a/src/navigation.h b/src/navigation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d0fe439..0000000
--- a/src/navigation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-/** \struct describe a page
- * */
-typedef struct
- gint ordre;
- gint type_page; /* GSB_GENERAL_NOTEBOOK_PAGES */
-} struct_page;
-void gsb_gui_navigation_add_account ( gint account_number,
- gboolean switch_to_account );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_add_report ( gint report_number );
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_check_scroll ( GtkWidget *tree_view,
- GdkEventScroll *ev );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_create_account_list ( GtkTreeModel *model );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_create_navigation_pane ( void );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_free_pages_list ( void );
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ( void );
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_page ( void );
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_report ( void );
-gint gsb_gui_navigation_get_last_account ( void );
-GtkTreeModel *gsb_gui_navigation_get_model ( void );
-GQueue *gsb_gui_navigation_get_pages_list ( void );
-GtkWidget *gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( void );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_init_pages_list ( void );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account ( gint account_number );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_remove_report ( gint report_number );
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_next ( void );
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_select_prev ( void );
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_set_page_list_order ( const gchar *order_list );
-gboolean gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( gint page,
- gint account_number,
- gpointer report );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_account ( gint account_number );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_home_page ( void );
-void gsb_gui_navigation_update_report ( gint report_number ) ;
-void gsb_navigation_update_account_label ( gint account_number );
-void gsb_navigation_update_statement_label ( gint account_number );
-gboolean navigation_change_account ( gint new_account );
-gboolean navigation_drag_data_received ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
- GtkTreePath *dest_path,
- GtkSelectionData *selection_data );
-gboolean navigation_row_drop_possible ( GtkTreeDragDest *drag_dest,
- GtkTreePath *dest_path,
- GtkSelectionData *selection_data );
diff --git a/src/parametres.c b/src/parametres.c
index bab4dfa..a50e4f6 100644
--- a/src/parametres.c
+++ b/src/parametres.c
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "gsb_form_config.h"
#include "gsb_fyear_config.h"
#include "gsb_locale.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_payment_method_config.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_reconcile_config.h"
@@ -66,7 +67,6 @@
#include "import.h"
#include "imputation_budgetaire.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "tiers_onglet.h"
#include "traitement_variables.h"
diff --git a/src/structures.h b/src/structures.h
index 62df337..af225d5 100644
--- a/src/structures.h
+++ b/src/structures.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
/* contient presque toutes les structures du prog */
/* the VERSION_FICHIER is in fact the lowest version which can be used to open the
* file, so each time we make an incompatibility issue, VERSION_FICHIER must be set
@@ -19,56 +20,46 @@
#define CSV_MAX_TOP_LINES 10 /** How many lines to show in CSV preview. */
-typedef struct gsb_conf_t GrisbiAppConf;
-typedef struct gsb_etat_t GrisbiWindowEtat;
-typedef struct gsb_run_t GrisbiWindowRun;
+/* possible values for a GdkEventButton -> button */
-typedef enum _bet_type_onglets bet_type_onglets;
+typedef struct gsb_conf_t GrisbiAppConf;
+typedef struct gsb_etat_t GrisbiWindowEtat;
+typedef struct gsb_run_t GrisbiWindowRun;
/** structure etat
- * variables contenant juste 0 ou 1
- * */
+ * variables sauvegardées dans le fichier de comptes
+ **/
struct gsb_etat_t
- gint is_archive; /** TRUE if the file is an archive, FALSE else */
- gboolean debug_mode; /* TRUE in debug mode, FALSE for normale mode */
/* files and backup part */
+ gint is_archive; /* TRUE if the file is an archive, FALSE else */
gint crypt_file; /* TRUE if we want to crypt the file */
gint fichier_deja_ouvert; /* à un si lors de l'ouverture, le fichier semblait déjà ouvert */
/* reconciliation */
gint reconcile_end_date; /* Date initiale + 1 mois par défaut */
- /* formulaire */
- gint affiche_nb_ecritures_listes;
- gint retient_affichage_par_compte; /* à 1 si les caractéristiques de l'affichage (R, non R ...) diffèrent par compte */
/* Fonts & logo */
gint utilise_logo;
gboolean is_pixmaps_dir; /* TRUE if path_icon == gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ) */
gchar *name_logo;
- gboolean automatic_separator; /* TRUE if do automatic separator */
- /* Various display message stuff */
- gint display_message_lock_active;
- gint display_message_file_readable;
- gint display_message_minimum_alert;
- gint display_message_no_budgetary_line;
- gint display_message_qif_export_currency;
- gint display_message_ofx_security;
+ /* navigation pane */
+ gint navigation_sorting_accounts; /* organisation des comptes : 0 classique, 1 par type de compte, 2 par solde partiel */
+ gchar *navigation_list_order; /* ordre de la liste des comptes */
/* import files */
gint valeur_echelle_recherche_date_import; /* nbre de jours pour la recherche des opérations importées */
gint get_extract_number_for_check; /* TRUE if Extracting a number and save it in the field No Cheque/Virement */
gint get_fusion_import_transactions; /* TRUE if merge transactions imported with transactions found */
gint get_categorie_for_payee; /* TRUE to automatically retrieve the category of the payee if it exists */
gint get_fyear_by_value_date; /* TRUE to get the fyear by value date, FALSE by date */
+ /* csv files */
gchar *csv_separator; /* CSV separator to use while parsing a CSV file. */
gboolean csv_skipped_lines [ CSV_MAX_TOP_LINES ]; /* Contains a pointer to skipped lines in CSV preview. */
@@ -76,6 +67,10 @@ struct gsb_etat_t
gint export_file_format; /* EXPORT_QIF or EXPORT_CSV */
gboolean export_files_traitement; /* 0 = traitement individuel, 1 = traitement automatique */
+ /* formulaire */
+ gint retient_affichage_par_compte; /* à 1 si les caractéristiques de l'affichage (R, non R ...) diffèrent par compte */
+ gboolean automatic_separator; /* TRUE if do automatic separator */
/* combofix configuration */
gint combofix_mixed_sort; /* TRUE for no separation between the categories */
gint combofix_max_item; /* maximum number of items we want before showing the popup */
@@ -84,11 +79,6 @@ struct gsb_etat_t
gint combofix_force_payee; /* TRUE if no new item can be appended in the payee combofix */
gint combofix_force_category; /* TRUE if no new item can be appended in the category and budget combofix */
- /* width panned */
- gint largeur_colonne_echeancier;
- gint largeur_colonne_comptes_comptes;
- gint largeur_colonne_etat;
/* variables sur l'échéancier */
gint affichage_commentaire_echeancier; /* à 1 si le commentaire est affiché */
@@ -115,10 +105,8 @@ struct gsb_etat_t
/** structure conf
- * variables containing just 0 or 1
- * configured by the file grisbi.conf
- *
- */
+ * variables configured by the file grisbi.conf
+ **/
struct gsb_conf_t
/* IHM */
@@ -137,7 +125,7 @@ struct gsb_conf_t
gint prefs_height; /* preferences height */
gint prefs_panel_width; /* prefs hpaned width */
- /* left_panel */
+ /* navigation pane */
gint panel_width; /* left hpanel width */
gboolean active_scrolling_left_pane; /* active mouse scrolling in the left panel. */
@@ -213,10 +201,8 @@ struct gsb_conf_t
/** structure run
- * variables containing just 0 or 1
- * générées pendant l'exécution du programme
- *
- */
+ * variables générées pendant l'exécution du programme
+ **/
struct gsb_run_t
@@ -246,24 +232,31 @@ struct struct_payee_asso
+typedef enum _bet_type_onglets BetTypeOnglets;
+typedef enum _etats_alignement EtatsAlignment;
+typedef enum _gsb_general_notebook_pages GsbGeneralNotebookPages;
+typedef enum _kind_account kind_account;
/* définition du titre de grisbi */
-typedef enum GSB_TITLE_NAME
+enum _gsb_title_name
-} GsbTitleType;
/* définition de l'alignement */
-enum alignement
+enum _etats_alignement
/* definition of the columns of model for the left panel */
-enum left_panel_tree_columns
+enum _left_panel_tree_columns
@@ -274,7 +267,7 @@ enum left_panel_tree_columns
/* définition du type d'origine pour les données du module budgétaire */
-enum bet_array_origin_data
+enum _bet_array_origin_data
SPP_ORIGIN_TRANSACTION, /* Ligne issue d'une opération */
SPP_ORIGIN_SCHEDULED, /* Ligne issue d'une opération plannifiée */
@@ -290,7 +283,7 @@ enum bet_array_origin_data
/* définition du type de mise à jour en fonction des données du module budgétaire */
-enum bet_type_maj
+enum _bet_type_maj
@@ -300,7 +293,8 @@ enum bet_type_maj
/* définition du type de mouvement */
-enum direction_move {
+enum _direction_move
@@ -308,13 +302,14 @@ enum direction_move {
-typedef enum GSB_FILE_ERROR
+/* définition du type d'erreur lors du chargement d'un fichier */
+enum _gsb_file_error
-} GsbFileErrorType;
/* définition du type d'onglets du module budgétaire affiché */
@@ -327,4 +322,29 @@ enum _bet_type_onglets
+/* struct kind of the account */
+enum _kind_account
+enum _gsb_general_notebook_pages
diff --git a/src/traitement_variables.c b/src/traitement_variables.c
index 6a0998b..425058c 100644
--- a/src/traitement_variables.c
+++ b/src/traitement_variables.c
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
#include "gsb_form_widget.h"
#include "gsb_fyear.h"
#include "gsb_locale.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_regex.h"
#include "gsb_report.h"
@@ -78,7 +79,6 @@
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "menu.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "transaction_model.h"
#include "utils_dates.h"
#include "utils_str.h"
@@ -149,14 +149,10 @@ void init_variables ( GrisbiWindowEtat *etat,
/* init the decimal point and the thousands separator. */
initialise_number_separators ( );
- /* initialise l'ordre des pages du panneau de gauche */
- gsb_gui_navigation_init_pages_list ( );
/* if ever there is still something from the previous list,
* erase now */
- gsb_data_account_init_variables ();
gsb_data_transaction_init_variables ();
gsb_data_payee_init_variables ();
gsb_data_category_init_variables ();
@@ -270,9 +266,9 @@ void init_variables ( GrisbiWindowEtat *etat,
void free_variables ( void )
gsb_data_print_config_free ();
- gsb_gui_navigation_free_pages_list ( );
- gsb_regex_destroy ( );
- struct_free_bet_graph_prefs ( );
+ gsb_data_account_init_variables ();
+ gsb_regex_destroy ();
+ struct_free_bet_graph_prefs ();
diff --git a/src/transaction_list.c b/src/transaction_list.c
index aa49b61..3850c9b 100644
--- a/src/transaction_list.c
+++ b/src/transaction_list.c
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
#include "gsb_data_archive_store.h"
#include "gsb_data_currency.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_real.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list_sort.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "transaction_list_select.h"
#include "transaction_list_sort.h"
diff --git a/src/transaction_list_sort.c b/src/transaction_list_sort.c
index fcac605..a299490 100644
--- a/src/transaction_list_sort.c
+++ b/src/transaction_list_sort.c
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
#include "custom_list.h"
#include "gsb_data_account.h"
#include "gsb_data_transaction.h"
+#include "gsb_navigation.h"
#include "gsb_reconcile_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list.h"
#include "gsb_transactions_list_sort.h"
-#include "navigation.h"
#include "transaction_model.h"
#include "utils_dates.h"
#include "erreur.h"
diff --git a/src/ui/grisbi.ui b/src/ui/grisbi.ui
index 98cccf6..fd4792d 100644
--- a/src/ui/grisbi.ui
+++ b/src/ui/grisbi.ui
@@ -235,10 +235,7 @@
<property name="hscrollbar_policy">automatic</property>
<property name="vscrollbar_policy">automatic</property>
- <object class="GtkTreeView" id="treeview_left_panel">
- <property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="can_focus">True</property>
- </object>
+ <placeholder/>
diff --git a/src/ui/grisbi_prefs.ui b/src/ui/grisbi_prefs.ui
index 7e6221a..7d2d7ae 100644
--- a/src/ui/grisbi_prefs.ui
+++ b/src/ui/grisbi_prefs.ui
@@ -1166,12 +1166,6 @@
<property name="tab_fill">False</property>
- <child>
- <placeholder/>
- </child>
- <child type="tab">
- <placeholder/>
- </child>
<property name="expand">True</property>
diff --git a/src/utils_dates.c b/src/utils_dates.c
index 5dc3d60..d2f85e4 100644
--- a/src/utils_dates.c
+++ b/src/utils_dates.c
@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@ gboolean gsb_date_check_entry ( GtkWidget *entry )
const gchar *string;
if (!entry)
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
string = gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY (entry));
if (!string)
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
if ( strlen (string))
@@ -307,8 +307,9 @@ gboolean gsb_date_check_entry ( GtkWidget *entry )
buffer_entry_date -> date_string = g_strdup ( string );
buffer_entry_date -> last_entry_date = date;
+ return ( TRUE );
- return ( TRUE );
+ return ( FALSE );
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