[grisbi-cvs] [SCM] grisbi branch, master, updated. upstream_version_0_7_4-111-ge3aebd8

Pierre Biava nobody at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Nov 28 20:08:53 CET 2010

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "grisbi".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  e3aebd83b9e446f2b6c36c0a3613d9dd340b76af (commit)
      from  be28cedeea603039fdab063b86c8f94567db7b46 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e3aebd83b9e446f2b6c36c0a3613d9dd340b76af
Author: pbiava <pierre.biava at nerim.net>
Date:   Sun Nov 28 20:08:13 2010 +0100

    Fixed a bug detection of date which the year is two digits. Minor changes


diff --git a/src/gsb_form_scheduler.c b/src/gsb_form_scheduler.c
index 5e8b2ae..d69cbd1 100644
--- a/src/gsb_form_scheduler.c
+++ b/src/gsb_form_scheduler.c
@@ -514,8 +514,9 @@ void gsb_form_scheduler_set_content_list ( GSList *content_list )
 		    gsb_form_entry_get_focus (form_element -> element_widget);
-		    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (form_element -> element_widget),
-					 element -> element_string );
+            if ( element -> element_string )
+                gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (form_element -> element_widget),
+                                element -> element_string );
@@ -549,8 +550,9 @@ void gsb_form_scheduler_set_content_list ( GSList *content_list )
 		    gsb_form_entry_get_focus (form_element -> element_widget);
-		    gtk_combofix_set_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( form_element -> element_widget ),
-					    element -> element_string );
+            if ( element -> element_string )
+                gtk_combofix_set_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( form_element -> element_widget ),
+                                element -> element_string );
 	    form_list = form_list -> next;
diff --git a/src/qif.c b/src/qif.c
index c8593d9..3596e6d 100644
--- a/src/qif.c
+++ b/src/qif.c
@@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ extern GSList *liste_comptes_importes_error;
 gchar *last_header = NULL;
+gboolean mismatch_dates = TRUE;
     ORDER_DD_MM_YY = 0,
@@ -110,6 +111,8 @@ gboolean recuperation_donnees_qif ( GtkWidget *assistant, struct imported_file *
     if ( ! qif_file )
         return FALSE;
+    mismatch_dates = TRUE;
     /* qif_file pointe sur le qif_file qui a été reconnu comme qif */
     rewind ( qif_file );
@@ -337,113 +340,115 @@ static gint gsb_qif_get_date_order ( GSList *transactions_list )
      * so check for the valids order if the transactions are sorted, normally, only one we be correct */
     tmp_list = transactions_list;
-    while (tmp_list)
+    while ( tmp_list )
-	struct struct_ope_importation *transaction = tmp_list -> data;
-	gchar **array;
-	gint year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
+        struct struct_ope_importation *transaction = tmp_list -> data;
+        gchar **array;
+        gint year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
-	if (!transaction -> date_tmp)
-	    continue;
+        if ( !transaction -> date_tmp )
+            continue;
-	array = gsb_qif_get_date_content (transaction -> date_tmp);
+        array = gsb_qif_get_date_content ( transaction -> date_tmp );
-	/* if array still contains /, there is a problem (more than 2 / in the first entry) */
-	if (memchr (array[2], '/', strlen (array[2])))
-	{
-	    gchar *string = g_strdup_printf ( _("The date %s seems contains more than 2 separators.\n"
-                                        "This shouldn't happen. Please contact the Grisbi team to try to "
-                                        "add your strange format into Grisbi"),
-                                        transaction -> date_tmp );
-	    dialogue_error ( string );
-	    g_free ( string );
-	    return -1;
-	}
+        /* if array still contains /, there is a problem (more than 2 / in the first entry) */
+        if ( memchr ( array[2], '/', strlen ( array[2] ) ) )
+        {
+            gchar *string = g_strdup_printf ( _("The date %s seems contains more than 2 separators.\n"
+                                            "This shouldn't happen. Please contact the Grisbi team to try to "
+                                            "add your strange format into Grisbi"),
+                                            transaction -> date_tmp );
+            dialogue_error ( string );
+            g_free ( string );
+            return -1;
+        }
-	/* get the day, month and year according to the order */
-	switch (order)
-	{
-	    case ORDER_DD_MM_YY:
-		day = atoi (array[0]);
-		month = atoi (array[1]);
-		year = atoi (array[2]);
-		break;
-	    case ORDER_DD_YY_MM:
-		day = atoi (array[0]);
-		month = atoi (array[2]);
-		year = atoi (array[1]);
-		break;
-	    case ORDER_YY_MM_DD:
-		day = atoi (array[2]);
-		month = atoi (array[1]);
-		year = atoi (array[0]);
-		break;
-	    case ORDER_YY_DD_MM:
-		day = atoi (array[1]);
-		month = atoi (array[2]);
-		year = atoi (array[0]);
-		break;
-	    case ORDER_MM_DD_YY:
-		day = atoi (array[1]);
-		month = atoi (array[0]);
-		year = atoi (array[2]);
-		break;
-	    case ORDER_MM_YY_DD:
-		day = atoi (array[2]);
-		month = atoi (array[0]);
-		year = atoi (array[1]);
-		break;
-	}
+        /* get the day, month and year according to the order */
+        switch (order)
+        {
+            case ORDER_DD_MM_YY:
+            day = atoi (array[0]);
+            month = atoi (array[1]);
+            year = atoi (array[2]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_MM_DD_YY:
+            day = atoi (array[1]);
+            month = atoi (array[0]);
+            year = atoi (array[2]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_YY_MM_DD:
+            day = atoi (array[2]);
+            month = atoi (array[1]);
+            year = atoi (array[0]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_YY_DD_MM:
+            day = atoi (array[1]);
+            month = atoi (array[2]);
+            year = atoi (array[0]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_DD_YY_MM:
+            day = atoi (array[0]);
+            month = atoi (array[2]);
+            year = atoi (array[1]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_MM_YY_DD:
+            day = atoi (array[2]);
+            month = atoi (array[0]);
+            year = atoi (array[1]);
+            break;
+        }
-	/* the year can be yy or yyyy, we change that here */
-	if (year < 100)
-	{
-	    if (year < 80)
-		year = year + 2000;
-	    else
-		year = year + 1900;
-	}
+        /* the year can be yy or yyyy, we change that here */
+        if ( year < 100 )
+        {
+            if ( year < 80 )
+                year = year + 2000;
+            else
+                year = year + 1900;
+        }
-	if (g_date_valid_dmy (day, month, year))
-	    /* the date is valid, go to the next date */
-	    tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
-	else
-	{
-	    /* the date is not valid, change the order or go away */
-	    date_wrong[order] = transaction -> date_tmp;
-	    order++;
-	    if (order < ORDER_MAX )
-		/* we try again with the new order */
-		tmp_list = transactions_list;
-	    else
-	    {
-		/* the order was already changed for all the formats, we show the problem and leave */
-		gint i;
-		gchar *string = my_strdup (_("The order cannot be determined,\n"));
+        if ( g_date_valid_dmy ( day, month, year ) )
+            /* the date is valid, go to the next date */
+            tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
+        else
+        {
+            /* the date is not valid, change the order or go away */
+            date_wrong[order] = transaction -> date_tmp;
+            order++;
-		for (i=0 ; i<ORDER_MAX ; i++)
-		{
-		    gchar *tmp_str;
-		    tmp_str = g_strconcat ( string,_("Date wrong for the order "),
-					    order_names[i], " : ",
-					    date_wrong[i], "\n", NULL );
-		    g_free (string);
-		    string = tmp_str;
-		}
+            if ( order < ORDER_MAX )
+                /* we try again with the new order */
+                tmp_list = transactions_list;
+            else
+            {
+                /* the order was already changed for all the formats, we show the problem and leave */
+                gint i;
+                gchar *string = my_strdup ( _("The order cannot be determined,\n") );
-		dialogue_error (string);
-		g_free (string);
-		g_strfreev (array);
-		return -1;
-	    }
-	}
-	g_strfreev (array);
+                for ( i = 0; i < ORDER_MAX; i++ )
+                {
+                    gchar *tmp_str;
+                    tmp_str = g_strconcat ( string,_("Date wrong for the order "),
+                                order_names[i], " : ",
+                                date_wrong[i], "\n", NULL );
+                    g_free (string);
+                    string = tmp_str;
+                }
+                dialogue_error (string);
+                g_free (string);
+                g_strfreev (array);
+                return -1;
+            }
+        }
+        g_strfreev (array);
     return order;
@@ -472,40 +477,56 @@ static gchar **gsb_qif_get_date_content ( gchar *date_string )
     gchar *tmp_str;
     gint number_of_slash = 0;
-    if (!date_string)
-	return NULL;
+    if ( !date_string )
+        return NULL;
-    date_string = my_strdup (date_string);
+    date_string = my_strdup ( date_string );
     /* some software set a space in the format to annoy us... */
-    tmp_str = my_strdelimit (date_string, " ", "");
-    g_free (date_string);
+    tmp_str = my_strdelimit ( date_string, " ", "" );
+    g_free ( date_string );
     date_string = tmp_str;
     /* as the format is risky, we will not check only / ' and -
      * we will remove all wich is not a number */
     pointer = date_string;
-    for (i=0 ; i<strlen (date_string) ; i++)
-	if (!isalnum (pointer[i]))
-	    pointer[i] = '/';
+    for ( i = 0; i < strlen ( date_string ); i++ )
+    {
+        if ( !isalnum ( pointer[i] ) )
+            pointer[i] = '/';
+    }
     /* some qif have some text at the end of the date... i don't know what to do with
      * that, so i remove all the text after the 2nd / */
     pointer = date_string;
-    for (i=0 ; i<strlen (date_string) ; i++)
-	if (!isalnum (pointer[i]))
-	{
-	    /* we are on a /, only 2 will survive */
-	    if (number_of_slash < 2)
-		number_of_slash++;
-	    else
-		/* sorry, end game for you*/
-		pointer[i] = 0;
-	}
+    for ( i = 0; i < strlen ( date_string ); i++ )
+    {
+        if ( !isalnum ( pointer [i] ) )
+        {
+            /* we are on a /, only 2 will survive */
+            if ( number_of_slash < 2 )
+                number_of_slash++;
+            else
+            /* sorry, end game for you*/
+                pointer[i] = 0;
+        }
+    }
     array = g_strsplit (date_string, "/", 3);
+    if ( mismatch_dates && strlen ( array[0] ) == 2 && strlen ( array[1] ) == 2 && strlen ( array[2] ) == 2 )
+    {
+        gchar *tmp_str;
+        tmp_str = g_strdup ( _("Warning the date has three fields of two numbers. "
+                        "In these circumstances the date might be wrong.") );
+        dialogue_warning ( tmp_str );
+        g_free ( tmp_str );
+        mismatch_dates = FALSE;
+    }
     g_free (date_string);
     return array;
@@ -524,68 +545,67 @@ static GDate *gsb_qif_get_date ( gchar *date_string, gint order )
     GDate *date;
     gint year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
-    array = gsb_qif_get_date_content (date_string);
-    if (!array)
-	return NULL;
+    array = gsb_qif_get_date_content ( date_string );
+    if ( !array )
+        return NULL;
     /* get the day, month and year according to the order */
     switch (order)
-	case ORDER_DD_MM_YY:
-	    day = atoi (array[0]);
-	    month = atoi (array[1]);
-	    year = atoi (array[2]);
-	    break;
-	case ORDER_DD_YY_MM:
-	    day = atoi (array[0]);
-	    month = atoi (array[2]);
-	    year = atoi (array[1]);
-	    break;
-	case ORDER_YY_MM_DD:
-	    day = atoi (array[2]);
-	    month = atoi (array[1]);
-	    year = atoi (array[0]);
-	    break;
-	case ORDER_YY_DD_MM:
-	    day = atoi (array[1]);
-	    month = atoi (array[2]);
-	    year = atoi (array[0]);
-	    break;
-	case ORDER_MM_DD_YY:
-	    day = atoi (array[1]);
-	    month = atoi (array[0]);
-	    year = atoi (array[2]);
-	    break;
-	case ORDER_MM_YY_DD:
-	    day = atoi (array[2]);
-	    month = atoi (array[0]);
-	    year = atoi (array[1]);
-	    break;
+            case ORDER_DD_MM_YY:
+            day = atoi (array[0]);
+            month = atoi (array[1]);
+            year = atoi (array[2]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_MM_DD_YY:
+            day = atoi (array[1]);
+            month = atoi (array[0]);
+            year = atoi (array[2]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_YY_MM_DD:
+            day = atoi (array[2]);
+            month = atoi (array[1]);
+            year = atoi (array[0]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_YY_DD_MM:
+            day = atoi (array[1]);
+            month = atoi (array[2]);
+            year = atoi (array[0]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_DD_YY_MM:
+            day = atoi (array[0]);
+            month = atoi (array[2]);
+            year = atoi (array[1]);
+            break;
+            case ORDER_MM_YY_DD:
+            day = atoi (array[2]);
+            month = atoi (array[0]);
+            year = atoi (array[1]);
+            break;
     /* the year can be yy or yyyy, we change that here */
-    if (year < 100)
+    if ( year < 100 )
-	if (year < 80)
-	    year = year + 2000;
-	else
-	    year = year + 1900;
+        if ( year < 80 )
+            year = year + 2000;
+        else
+            year = year + 1900;
-    date = g_date_new_dmy (day, month, year);
+    date = g_date_new_dmy ( day, month, year );
-    g_strfreev (array);
+    g_strfreev ( array );
-    if (!date
-	||
-	!g_date_valid (date))
-	return NULL;
-    return date;
+    if ( !date || !g_date_valid ( date ) )
+        return NULL;
+    else
+        return date;


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