[grisbi-cvs] grisbi/src import.c,1.317,1.318

Chris chris_wafer at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 19 00:06:36 CET 2010

Update of /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src
In directory sfp-cvsdas-2.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv10850

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Bug 0000869

Index: import.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/import.c,v
retrieving revision 1.317
retrieving revision 1.318
diff -u -d -r1.317 -r1.318
--- import.c	18 Jan 2010 19:13:40 -0000	1.317
+++ import.c	18 Jan 2010 23:06:34 -0000	1.318
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@
 GtkWidget *cree_ligne_recapitulatif ( struct struct_compte_importation * compte )
-    GtkWidget * vbox, * hbox, * label, * radio, * radiogroup;
+    GtkWidget * vbox, * hbox, * label, * radio, * radio_add_account,* radiogroup;
     GtkWidget * alignement;
     gchar * short_filename;
     gint size = 0, spacing = 0;
@@ -1212,11 +1212,11 @@
                         G_CALLBACK ( import_account_action_activated ), IMPORT_CREATE_ACCOUNT );
     /* Add to account */
-    radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget ( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON ( radiogroup ),
+    radio_add_account = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget ( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON ( radiogroup ),
                         _("Add transactions to an account") );
-    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( vbox ), radio, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
-    if (radio && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (radio))
-        gtk_widget_set_sensitive  ( radio, assert_account_loaded ( ) );
+    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( vbox ), radio_add_account, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
+    if (radio_add_account && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (radio_add_account))
+        gtk_widget_set_sensitive  ( radio_add_account, assert_account_loaded ( ) );
     compte -> hbox2 = gtk_hbox_new ( FALSE, 6 );
     gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( vbox ), compte -> hbox2, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
@@ -1231,24 +1231,12 @@
     gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( compte -> hbox2 ), compte -> bouton_compte_add, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
     gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( compte -> hbox2, FALSE );
-    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( radio ), "associated", compte -> hbox2 );
-    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( radio ), "account", compte );
-    g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( radio ), "toggled",
+    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( radio_add_account ), "associated", compte -> hbox2 );
+    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( radio_add_account ), "account", compte );
+    g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT ( radio_add_account ), "toggled",
                         G_CALLBACK ( import_account_action_activated ), 
                         GINT_TO_POINTER (IMPORT_ADD_TRANSACTIONS));
-    /* set on the right account, (Yoann) */
-    account_number = gsb_data_account_get_account_by_id (compte->id_compte);
-    if(account_number >= 0)
-    {
-    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( radio ), "associated", compte -> hbox2 );
-    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT ( radio ), "account", compte );
-    import_account_action_activated(radio,IMPORT_ADD_TRANSACTIONS);
-    gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (radio), TRUE);
-    gsb_account_set_combo_account_number (compte -> bouton_compte_add, account_number);
-    gsb_account_set_combo_account_number (compte -> bouton_compte_mark, account_number);
-    }
     /* Mark account */
     radio = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget ( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON ( radiogroup ),
                         _("Mark transactions of an account") );
@@ -1274,6 +1262,17 @@
                         G_CALLBACK ( import_account_action_activated ), 
+	/* set on the right account */
+    account_number = gsb_data_account_get_account_by_id (compte->id_compte);
+    if(account_number >= 0)
+    {
+    	import_account_action_activated(radio_add_account,IMPORT_ADD_TRANSACTIONS);
+    	gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (radio_add_account), TRUE);
+		gsb_account_set_combo_account_number (compte -> bouton_compte_add, account_number);
+    	gsb_account_set_combo_account_number (compte -> bouton_compte_mark, account_number);
+    }
     /* Currency */
     hbox = gtk_hbox_new ( FALSE, 6 );
     label = gtk_label_new ( COLON ( _("Account currency") ) );

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