[grisbi-cvs] grisbi/src affichage_liste.c, 1.116, 1.117 gsb_assistant_archive.c, 1.41, 1.42 gsb_data_archive_store.c, 1.16, 1.17 gsb_transactions_list.c, 1.189, 1.190 gsb_transactions_list.h, 1.37, 1.38 transaction_list.c, 1.52, 1.53

Pierre Biava pbiava at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Dec 12 19:14:41 CET 2009

Update of /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src
In directory sfp-cvsdas-2.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv19722/src

Modified Files:
	affichage_liste.c gsb_assistant_archive.c 
	gsb_data_archive_store.c gsb_transactions_list.c 
	gsb_transactions_list.h transaction_list.c 
Log Message:
fixed bug 750

Index: gsb_transactions_list.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/gsb_transactions_list.h,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -d -r1.37 -r1.38
--- gsb_transactions_list.h	24 Aug 2009 11:54:22 -0000	1.37
+++ gsb_transactions_list.h	12 Dec 2009 18:14:39 -0000	1.38
@@ -81,5 +81,6 @@
 void schedule_selected_transaction ();
 gsb_real solde_debut_affichage ( gint account_number,
                         gint floating_point);
+gint find_element_col_for_archive ( void );

Index: gsb_assistant_archive.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/gsb_assistant_archive.c,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -d -r1.41 -r1.42
--- gsb_assistant_archive.c	29 Nov 2009 18:53:39 -0000	1.41
+++ gsb_assistant_archive.c	12 Dec 2009 18:14:39 -0000	1.42
@@ -178,7 +178,6 @@
  * create the page 2 of the assistant
  * show the menu to choose between archive by date, financial year or budget
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@
     GtkWidget *label;
     GtkWidget *button;
     GtkWidget *hbox;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_page_menu\n");
     page = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 15);
     gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER (page), 10 );
@@ -348,7 +347,7 @@
     GtkWidget *page;
     GtkWidget *vbox;
     GtkWidget *label;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_page_archive_name\n");
     page = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 15);
     gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER (page),
 				     10 );
@@ -397,7 +396,7 @@
     GtkWidget * page;
     GtkTextBuffer * buffer;
     GtkTextIter iter;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_page_success\n");
     page = gtk_vbox_new ( FALSE, 0 );
     gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER (page),
 				     0 );
@@ -500,7 +499,7 @@
 static gboolean gsb_assistant_archive_switch_to_intro ( GtkWidget *assistant,
                         gint new_page )
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_switch_to_intro\n");
     /* enter into the intro page */
     gsb_assistant_change_button_next ( assistant,
@@ -524,7 +523,7 @@
     GSList *tmp_list;
     const GDate *date = NULL;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_switch_to_menu\n");
     /* enter into the menu page */
     gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_archived), NULL );
     gsb_assistant_change_button_next ( assistant,
@@ -560,7 +559,6 @@
  * Switch to the "name archive" page.
@@ -573,7 +571,7 @@
                         gint new_page )
     gchar * string = NULL;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_switch_to_archive_name\n");
     gsb_assistant_change_button_next ( assistant,
                     GTK_STOCK_APPLY, GTK_RESPONSE_YES );
@@ -638,27 +636,25 @@
     GtkTextBuffer * buffer;
     GtkTextIter     iter;
     gint account_nb;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_switch_to_succes\n");
     /* This would typically happen if user selected a time period
      * with no transactions related. */
-printf ("nbre de transactions dans l'archive = %d\n",
-                        g_slist_length ( list_transaction_to_archive ) );
     if (!list_transaction_to_archive)
-    gtk_widget_hide (vbox_congratulation);
-    gtk_widget_show (vbox_failed);
-    gsb_assistant_sensitive_button_prev ( assistant, TRUE );
-    gsb_assistant_sensitive_button_next ( assistant, FALSE );
-    return FALSE;
+        gtk_widget_hide (vbox_congratulation);
+        gtk_widget_show (vbox_failed);
+        gsb_assistant_sensitive_button_prev ( assistant, TRUE );
+        gsb_assistant_sensitive_button_next ( assistant, FALSE );
+        return FALSE;
     /* first, create the archive */
     archive_number = gsb_data_archive_new (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (name_entry)));
     if (!archive_number)
-    gtk_widget_hide (vbox_congratulation);
-    gtk_widget_show (vbox_failed);
-    return FALSE;
+        gtk_widget_hide (vbox_congratulation);
+        gtk_widget_show (vbox_failed);
+        return FALSE;
     gsb_assistant_change_button_next ( assistant,
@@ -667,27 +663,27 @@
     /* fill the archive */
     if (GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE (initial_date))
-    GDate *init_gdate;
-    GDate *final_gdate;
-    init_gdate = gsb_calendar_entry_get_date (initial_date);
-    final_gdate = gsb_calendar_entry_get_date (final_date);
+        GDate *init_gdate;
+        GDate *final_gdate;
-    gsb_data_archive_set_beginning_date ( archive_number, init_gdate );
-    gsb_data_archive_set_end_date ( archive_number, final_gdate );
-    g_date_free (init_gdate);
-    g_date_free (final_gdate);
-    }
-    if (GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE (financial_year_button))
-    gsb_data_archive_set_fyear ( archive_number,
-                        gsb_fyear_get_fyear_from_combobox (financial_year_button,NULL));
+        init_gdate = gsb_calendar_entry_get_date (initial_date);
+        final_gdate = gsb_calendar_entry_get_date (final_date);
-    if (GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE (report_button))
+        gsb_data_archive_set_beginning_date ( archive_number, init_gdate );
+        gsb_data_archive_set_end_date ( archive_number, final_gdate );
+        g_date_free (init_gdate);
+        g_date_free (final_gdate);
+    }
+    else if (GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE (financial_year_button))
+        gsb_data_archive_set_fyear ( archive_number,
+                        gsb_fyear_get_fyear_from_combobox ( financial_year_button,NULL ) );
+    else if (GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE (report_button) )
-    gint report_number;
+        gint report_number;
-    report_number = gsb_report_get_report_from_combobox (report_button);
+        report_number = gsb_report_get_report_from_combobox (report_button);
-    gsb_data_archive_set_report_title ( archive_number,
+        gsb_data_archive_set_report_title ( archive_number,
                         etats_titre (report_number));
@@ -710,7 +706,7 @@
     gsb_data_archive_store_init_variables ();
     gsb_data_archive_store_create_list ( );
     gsb_transactions_list_fill_archive_store ( );
-printf ("retour de gsb_transactions_list_fill_archive_store\n");
     /* set the message */
     string = g_strdup_printf ( _("Archive '%s' was successfully created and %d transactions "
                                  "out of %d were archived.\n\n"),
@@ -723,16 +719,14 @@
     gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark ( buffer, &iter, 
                         gtk_text_buffer_get_mark ( buffer, "status" ) );
     gtk_text_buffer_insert ( buffer, &iter, string, strlen(string) );
-printf ("avant g_free (string);\n");
     g_free (string);
-printf ("après g_free (string);\n");
     gtk_widget_hide (vbox_failed);
     gtk_widget_show (vbox_congratulation);
     /* free the transactions list to archive */
-printf ("avant g_slist_free (list_transaction_to_archive);\n");
     g_slist_free (list_transaction_to_archive);
-printf ("après g_slist_free (list_transaction_to_archive);\n");
     list_transaction_to_archive = NULL;
     /* erase all the previous entries */
@@ -789,15 +783,14 @@
     GSList *tmp_list;
     GtkWidget * notebook;
     GSList *report_transactions_list;
-printf ("gsb_assistant_archive_update_labels\n");
     notebook = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT(assistant), "notebook" );
     /* erase the last list of transactions to archive */
     if (gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook)) == ARCHIVE_ASSISTANT_MENU
-     list_transaction_to_archive)
+     list_transaction_to_archive )
-        printf ("current_page = ARCHIVE_ASSISTANT_MENU\n");
         g_slist_free (list_transaction_to_archive);
         list_transaction_to_archive = NULL;
         gsb_assistant_sensitive_button_next ( assistant, TRUE );
@@ -861,19 +854,21 @@
                 gint transaction_number;
-                transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);
+                transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (
+                        tmp_list -> data);
                 if ( g_date_compare ( init_gdate,
-                                gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number)) <= 0
+                        gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number)) <= 0
                  g_date_compare ( final_gdate,
-                                gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number)) >= 0 )
-                /* the transaction is into the dates, we append its address to the list to archive
-                 * we could use gsb_assistant_archive_add_transaction_to_list but it's a lost of time
-                 * because all the linked transactions will be taken because we work with dates,
-                 * so don't use that function and add the transaction directly */
-                list_transaction_to_archive = g_slist_append ( list_transaction_to_archive,
+                        gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number)) >= 0 )
+                    /* the transaction is into the dates, we append its address to the list to archive
+                     * we could use gsb_assistant_archive_add_transaction_to_list but it's a lost of time
+                     * because all the linked transactions will be taken because we work with dates,
+                     * so don't use that function and add the transaction directly */
+                    list_transaction_to_archive = g_slist_append ( list_transaction_to_archive,
                                 tmp_list -> data );
                 tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
             printf ("nbre de transactions dans l'archive = %d\n",
@@ -969,7 +964,6 @@
     else if ( gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook)) == 
-        printf ("current_page = ARCHIVE_ASSISTANT_ARCHIVE_NAME\n");
         if ( strlen ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( name_entry ) ) ) )
             gsb_assistant_sensitive_button_next ( assistant, TRUE );

Index: affichage_liste.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/affichage_liste.c,v
retrieving revision 1.116
retrieving revision 1.117
diff -u -d -r1.116 -r1.117
--- affichage_liste.c	24 Nov 2009 05:18:30 -0000	1.116
+++ affichage_liste.c	12 Dec 2009 18:14:39 -0000	1.117
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
 static  gboolean display_mode_button_changed ( GtkWidget *button,
                         gint *line_ptr );
-static gboolean gsb_transactions_list_display_change_max_items ( GtkWidget *entry,
-                        gpointer null );
+//~ static gboolean gsb_transactions_list_display_change_max_items ( GtkWidget *entry,
+                        //~ gpointer null );
 static void gsb_transactions_list_display_show_gives_balance ( void );
 static gboolean gsb_transactions_list_display_sort_by_value_date ( GtkWidget *checkbutton,
                         gpointer null );
@@ -641,14 +641,14 @@
  * \return FALSE
  * */
-gboolean gsb_transactions_list_display_change_max_items ( GtkWidget *entry,
+/*gboolean gsb_transactions_list_display_change_max_items ( GtkWidget *entry,
                         gpointer null )
     etat.combofix_max_item = utils_str_atoi ( gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry)));
     gsb_transactions_list_display_update_combofix ();
     return FALSE;

Index: gsb_transactions_list.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/gsb_transactions_list.c,v
retrieving revision 1.189
retrieving revision 1.190
diff -u -d -r1.189 -r1.190
--- gsb_transactions_list.c	29 Nov 2009 18:53:39 -0000	1.189
+++ gsb_transactions_list.c	12 Dec 2009 18:14:39 -0000	1.190
@@ -568,20 +568,15 @@
     devel_debug (NULL);
     tmp_list = gsb_data_archive_store_get_archives_list ();
-printf ("nbre d'archives = %d\n", g_slist_length ( tmp_list ));
     while (tmp_list)
     gint archive_store_number;
     /* get the store archive struct */
     archive_store_number = gsb_data_archive_store_get_number (tmp_list -> data);
-    printf ("archive_store_number = %d account_nb = %d\n",
-                        archive_store_number ,
-                        gsb_data_archive_store_get_account_number ( archive_store_number ));
     transaction_list_append_archive (archive_store_number);
     tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
-    printf ("sortie de gsb_transactions_list_fill_archive_store\n");
     return FALSE;
@@ -3443,6 +3438,29 @@
+ * find column number for the archive texte
+ *
+ * \param element_number the element we look for
+ *
+ * \return column number or an other element
+ * */
+gint find_element_col_for_archive ( void )
+    gint retour;
+    if ( (retour = find_element_col ( ELEMENT_PARTY )) >= 0 )
+        return retour;
+    if ( (retour = find_element_col ( ELEMENT_CATEGORY )) >= 0 )
+        return retour;
+    if ( (retour = find_element_col ( ELEMENT_BUDGET )) >= 0 )
+        return retour;
+    if ( (retour = find_element_col ( ELEMENT_NOTES )) >= 0 )
+        return retour;
+    return -1;
 /* Local Variables: */
 /* c-basic-offset: 4 */
 /* End: */

Index: gsb_data_archive_store.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/gsb_data_archive_store.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- gsb_data_archive_store.c	22 Aug 2009 15:34:51 -0000	1.16
+++ gsb_data_archive_store.c	12 Dec 2009 18:14:39 -0000	1.17
@@ -176,33 +176,28 @@
     transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);
-    /* we are not interested on children transactions */
-    if (gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number (transaction_number))
-    {
-        tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
-        continue;
-    }
     archive_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_archive_number (transaction_number);
     if (archive_number)
-        struct_store_archive *archive;
+        struct_store_archive *archive_store;
         gint floating_point;
         gint account_number;
         account_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number);
         floating_point = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (
                             gsb_data_account_get_currency (account_number) );
-        archive = gsb_data_archive_store_find_struct ( archive_number, account_number);
-        if (archive)
+        archive_store = gsb_data_archive_store_find_struct ( archive_number, account_number);
+        if (archive_store)
             /* there is already a struct_store_archive for the same archive and the same account,
-             * we increase the balance */
-            archive -> balance = gsb_real_add ( archive -> balance,
-                                    gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (transaction_number,
+             * we increase the balance except for operations */
+            if ( !gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number ( transaction_number ) )
+                archive_store -> balance = gsb_real_add ( archive_store -> balance,
+                                    gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (
+                                    transaction_number,
-            archive -> nb_transactions++;
+            archive_store -> nb_transactions++;
@@ -211,13 +206,14 @@
             gint archive_store_number;
             archive_store_number = gsb_data_archive_store_new ();
-            archive = gsb_data_archive_store_get_structure (archive_store_number);
+            archive_store = gsb_data_archive_store_get_structure (archive_store_number);
-            archive -> archive_number = archive_number;
-            archive -> account_number = account_number;
-            archive -> balance = gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (
+            archive_store -> archive_number = archive_number;
+            archive_store -> account_number = account_number;
+            archive_store -> balance = gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (
                             transaction_number, floating_point);
-            archive -> nb_transactions = 1;
+            if ( ! gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number ( transaction_number ) )
+                archive_store -> nb_transactions = 1;
     tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

Index: transaction_list.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/grisbi/grisbi/src/transaction_list.c,v
retrieving revision 1.52
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -d -r1.52 -r1.53
--- transaction_list.c	29 Nov 2009 18:53:40 -0000	1.52
+++ transaction_list.c	12 Dec 2009 18:14:39 -0000	1.53
@@ -293,7 +293,8 @@
     CustomRecord *newrecord;
     gint amount_col;
     CustomList *custom_list;
-devel_debug_int ( archive_store_number);
+    gint col_archive;
     custom_list = transaction_model_get_model ();
     g_return_if_fail ( custom_list != NULL );
@@ -304,24 +305,11 @@
      * 1 for the archive */
     custom_list->num_rows = custom_list -> num_rows + 1;
     newsize = custom_list->num_rows * sizeof(CustomRecord*);
-    //~ printf ("pos = %d custom_list->num_rows = %d newsize = %ld\n", pos,
-            //~ custom_list->num_rows, newsize );
-    custom_list->rows = g_try_realloc ( custom_list->rows, newsize );
-    if ( custom_list->rows == NULL )
-    {
-        printf ("realloc Non OK\n");
-        return;
-    }
-//~ printf ("realloc custom_list->rows OK\n");
+    custom_list->rows = g_realloc(custom_list->rows, newsize);
     /* increase too the size of visibles rows, either if that row is not visible,
      * it's the only way to be sure to never go throw the end while filtering */
-    custom_list->visibles_rows = g_try_realloc (custom_list->visibles_rows, newsize);
-    if ( custom_list->visibles_rows == NULL )
-    {
-        printf ("realloc Non OK\n");
-        return;
-    }
-//~ printf ("realloc custom_list->visibles_rows OK\n");
+    custom_list->visibles_rows = g_realloc(custom_list->visibles_rows, newsize);
     /* create and fill the record */
     newrecord = g_malloc0 (sizeof (CustomRecord));
@@ -330,16 +318,18 @@
     newrecord -> visible_col[find_element_col (ELEMENT_DATE)] = gsb_format_gdate (
                         gsb_data_archive_get_beginning_date ( archive_number ) );
-    newrecord -> visible_col[find_element_col (ELEMENT_PARTY)] = g_strdup_printf ( 
+    if ( ( col_archive = find_element_col_for_archive ( ) ) >= 0 )
+        newrecord -> visible_col[col_archive] = g_strdup_printf (
                         _("%s (%d transactions)"),
                         gsb_data_archive_get_name (archive_number),
                         gsb_data_archive_store_get_transactions_number (
                         archive_store_number ) );
-    printf ("texte archive = %s\n", newrecord -> visible_col[find_element_col (ELEMENT_PARTY)] );
     if ((gsb_data_archive_store_get_balance (archive_store_number)).mantissa < 0)
-	amount_col = find_element_col (ELEMENT_DEBIT);
+        amount_col = find_element_col (ELEMENT_DEBIT);
-	amount_col = find_element_col (ELEMENT_CREDIT);
+        amount_col = find_element_col (ELEMENT_CREDIT);
     newrecord -> visible_col[amount_col] = gsb_real_get_string_with_currency (
                         gsb_data_archive_store_get_balance (archive_store_number),

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