[grisbi-bugs] [Grisbi-0.6.0 0000842]: Import from 0.5.9 fails

bugtracker at grisbi.org bugtracker at grisbi.org
Sun Jan 10 08:05:01 CET 2010

The following issue has been ASSIGNED. 
Reported By:                bbgen
Assigned To:                pbiava
Project:                    Grisbi-0.6.0
Issue ID:                   842
Category:                   Main
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Plateforme:                 Windows 
OS:                         Windows 
Version OS:                 Windows Vista x64 
Unstable Impact:            Yes 
Version GTK:                2.16.6 
Date Submitted:             01-07-2010 15:30 UTC
Last Modified:              01-10-2010 07:05 UTC
Summary:                    Import from 0.5.9 fails

I'm trying to import my 0.5.9 grisbi file to 0.6.0 b3, but it makes a huge
mistake: All transactions are multiplied with a factor 100.

I did the following to reproduce it for you:
*) I anonymized my original 0.5.9 grisbi file with your obfuscate.pl
*) I've opened this file with grisbi 0.6.0
*) next on all dialogs without any checkbox editing
*) I've saved the file. http://bbgen.net/grisbi/anonymous_06.gsb

As you can see all transactions are multiplied with 100.

For example the following transaction in anonymous.gsb:
        <Operation No="954" Id="" D="31/12/2008" Db="0/0/0"
M="356.311293825534" De="1" Rdc="0" Tc="0,0000000" Fc="0,0000000" T="0"
C="0" Sc="0" Ov="0" N="" Ty="3" Ct="" P="0" A="0" R="0" E="0" I="0" Si="0"
Pc="" Ibg="" Ro="0" Rc="0" Va="0"/>
and in anonymous_06.gsb:
	<Transaction Ac="0" Nb="954" Id="" Dt="12/31/2008" Dv="" Cu="1"
Am="35631.0" Exb="0" Exr="0.0000000" Exf="0.0000000" Pa="0" Ca="0" Sca="0"
Br="0" No="(null)" Pn="3" Pc="(null)" Ma="0" Ar="0" Au="0" Re="0" Fi="0"
Bu="0" Sbu="0" Vo="" Ba="(null)" Trt="0" Mo="0" />

And now an interesting thing: If I open anonymous_06.gsb with grisbi 0.6.0
again, all transactions are being multiplied with 10.
	<Transaction Ac="0" Nb="954" Id="" Dt="12/31/2008" Dv="" Cu="1"
Am="356310.0" Exb="0" Exr="0.0" Exf="0.0" Pa="0" Ca="0" Sca="0" Br="0"
No="(null)" Pn="3" Pc="(null)" Ma="0" Ar="0" Au="0" Re="0" Fi="0" Bu="0"
Sbu="0" Vo="" Ba="" Trt="0" Mo="0" />

I really don't know what the cause of this is, but it really prevents me
from using grisbi 0.6.0

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
01-07-10 15:30  bbgen          New Issue                                    
01-07-10 15:30  bbgen          Plateforme                => Windows         
01-07-10 15:30  bbgen          OS                        => Windows         
01-07-10 15:30  bbgen          Version OS                => Windows Vista x64
01-07-10 15:30  bbgen          Unstable Impact           => Yes             
01-07-10 15:30  bbgen          Version GTK               => 2.16.6          
01-10-10 07:05  pbiava         Status                   new => assigned     
01-10-10 07:05  pbiava         Assigned To               => pbiava          

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