[grisbi-bugs] [Grisbi-0.6.0 0000752]: No categories on the list for split transactions

bugtracker at grisbi.org bugtracker at grisbi.org
Sun Nov 29 17:09:45 CET 2009

A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                piper
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Grisbi-0.6.0
Issue ID:                   752
Category:                   Main
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     confirmed
Plateforme:                 Linux 
OS:                         Ubuntu 
Version OS:                 Karmic Koala 
Unstable Impact:            Yes 
Version GTK:                 
Date Submitted:             11-23-2009 07:13 UTC
Last Modified:              11-29-2009 16:09 UTC
Summary:                    No categories on the list for split transactions
I can't choose categories for split transactions, the list is empty, still
the filed can be filled with keyboard input (auto-completion works, yet the
list is gray - no names). 

 guneeyoufix - 11-24-09 21:50  
Could you try to be more specific about what you are trying to do?

Are you trying to define a category for the mother operation, or for the
Is the form displayed, what is written in it ? 

 piper - 11-25-09 05:41  
1. I define the mother - all things show up as I would expect them -
category: Split transaction
2. I define the children:
    When I enter the child transaction after opening the drop-down list
with categories, an entry dialog drops down, but no text is visible:
    - no text shows up
    - the category can be selected with a click, the area responding to he
click is very small like 6-7px font
    - they can be selected with the keyboard
    - the text/category name does not show up under the cursor, only after
    - when typing the category name a list shows up, but is again "blind",
no text is displayed.

The form is displayed, the drop down list is displayed, but there is no
visible text (just a gray box) 

 piper - 11-29-09 16:09  
It seems that in some situations, this problem shows itself even in
main/mother transaction. Sometimes when I fill the amount or note field
before choosing category, the list will have no text (the list have the
correct number of positions, that can be selected, but they're not
populated with text).

on the other hand in split transaction, when entering second or next
children the category list is displayed correctly.

Both *sometimes* happens - can't reproduce exactly. In most cases children
will have no text in category list and main transactions have a correct

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
11-23-09 07:13  piper          New Issue                                    
11-23-09 07:13  piper          Plateforme                => Linux           
11-23-09 07:13  piper          OS                        => Ubuntu          
11-23-09 07:13  piper          Version OS                => Karmic Koala    
11-23-09 07:13  piper          Unstable Impact           => Yes             
11-24-09 21:50  guneeyoufix    Note Added: 0001350                          
11-24-09 21:50  guneeyoufix    Status                   new => feedback     
11-25-09 05:41  piper          Note Added: 0001353                          
11-25-09 17:42  guneeyoufix    Status                   feedback => confirmed
11-29-09 16:09  piper          Note Added: 0001382                          

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