[grisbi-bugs] [Grisbi-0.6.0 0000751]: Can't see notes field for split transaction

bugtracker at grisbi.org bugtracker at grisbi.org
Mon Nov 23 08:11:48 CET 2009

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                piper
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Grisbi-0.6.0
Issue ID:                   751
Category:                   Main
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   tweak
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Plateforme:                 Linux 
OS:                         Ubuntu 
Version OS:                 Karmic Koala 
Unstable Impact:            Yes 
Version GTK:                 
Date Submitted:             11-23-2009 07:11 UTC
Last Modified:              11-23-2009 07:11 UTC
Summary:                    Can't see notes field for split transaction
I can't see the notes text for sub transaction of a split transaction. Only
Category, debit and credit fields are filled.

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
11-23-09 07:11  piper          New Issue                                    
11-23-09 07:11  piper          Plateforme                => Linux           
11-23-09 07:11  piper          OS                        => Ubuntu          
11-23-09 07:11  piper          Version OS                => Karmic Koala    
11-23-09 07:11  piper          Unstable Impact           => Yes             

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