[grisbi-bugs] [Grisbi-0.6.0 0000780]: Problem with decimal

bugtracker at grisbi.org bugtracker at grisbi.org
Tue Dec 8 21:57:42 CET 2009

The following issue has been ASSIGNED. 
Reported By:                elgered
Assigned To:                guneeyoufix
Project:                    Grisbi-0.6.0
Issue ID:                   780
Category:                   Main
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Plateforme:                 Windows 
OS:                         Windows 
Version OS:                 XP 32 
Unstable Impact:            Yes 
Version GTK:                GTK2..? 
Date Submitted:             12-08-2009 17:35 UTC
Last Modified:              12-08-2009 20:57 UTC
Summary:                    Problem with decimal
When i use grisbi 060B2 everything works perfect.
Then i installed 060B3 and all my numbers are changed
3,18 is changed in 318,00
Is this i changed the GTK in GTK2?

Thanks and thanks for the great program.

 pbiava - 12-08-09 20:57  
This bug appeared with this version. It's fixed in CVS but the Windows
users must wait for the next version. 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
12-08-09 17:35  elgered        New Issue                                    
12-08-09 17:35  elgered        Plateforme                => Windows         
12-08-09 17:35  elgered        OS                        => Windows         
12-08-09 17:35  elgered        Version OS                => XP 32           
12-08-09 17:35  elgered        Unstable Impact           => Yes             
12-08-09 17:35  elgered        Version GTK               => GTK2..?         
12-08-09 20:57  pbiava         Note Added: 0001421                          
12-08-09 20:57  pbiava         Status                   new => assigned     
12-08-09 20:57  pbiava         Assigned To               => guneeyoufix     

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